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IP: 2001: a year shaped by one day BY DAN GILLMOR

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2001 06:47:46 -0500

2001: a year shaped by one day


Mercury News Technology Columnist

We will always view 2001 through the lens of Sept. 11. The distortions, minor and major, have warped the way we see ourselves and the world. Silicon Valley and the technology arena felt the attacks as much as any place or industry.

So as I write the first of my two annual year-end columns, noting the highlights and lowlights of the previous 12 months, I'm inevitably observing the valley and the industry in a different context. Matters that didn't seem vital four months ago have surged to the foreground, and some things that held my rapt attention now feel almost trivial.

Normally, I list the lowlights and come back with the highlights in a subsequent column. In keeping with the past year's shock to our systems, it makes more sense to try a different approach. We'll focus this week on the reverberations, positive and negative, of Sept. 11.

Technology's triumph

After the United States fought Iraq a decade ago, we learned hard lessons about the limitations of high-tech weapons. The bombs weren't as smart, and the anti-missile systems weren't as accurate, as the Pentagon had claimed.

But a decade of research and development has brought us -- for better and worse -- much closer to the long-predicted new age of warfare. Weapons augmented by vastly more machine intelligence gave a visible boost to the anti-Taliban side in Afghanistan. Unmanned surveillance planes and enormously powerful spy satellites provided vital information.

No bombing campaign can be entirely ``surgical,'' as spinmeisters like to say. But the United States this year took advantage of increasingly intelligent targeting systems to hit military targets and, more than any combatant in any recent war, to avoid civilian casualties.

People were part of the military equation, as always, but technology served them well. Soldiers on the ground used advanced communications gear to help bomber and missile crews be more precise in their targeting.

Leveraging harm

Modern ways also triumphed for the murderers of Sept. 11. The day's horrors in New York and Washington brought home a grim strategic fact.

The think-tankers call it ``asymmetrical warfare'' -- applying leverage to technology and globalism in ways that give individuals or small groups disproportionate power to destroy -- and it's a prevailing reality for our times.

The Boeing airplanes used as missiles are marvels of modernity. The terrorists used our open society and infrastructure, so replete with sophisticated communications and financial technologies, to operate efficiently yet almost unnoticed as they plotted their brutality. It's still unclear whether people connected to the attackers traded electronically on futures markets to generate massive profits, knowing that their deeds would cause certain companies' stock prices to tank in the aftermath. But they could have done so.

The Internet didn't collapse Sept. 11, but that may only be because no one attacked it with any serious force. The widespread gaps in network and software security are an invitation to hackers, some of whom are going to be dramatically more malevolent than in the past.

Asymmetrical conflict with even worse weapons seems inevitable. The murderer(s) who fueled our fears with anthrax used up-to-date chemical and biological methods, but such potential exists widely. Alarmingly, the ability of smart people to launch biological and chemical menaces is growing quickly, and we have few defenses.


We can develop defenses, or at least fast-reaction capabilities. Again, technology will be essential.

Sniffing out explosives when screening airline baggage is just one essential step. The threat of nuclear weapons in cities almost requires some way of detecting such devices. Just as worrisome in the long run will be biological weapons. Here again, we'll need an ability to rapidly sense and then respond to the threat.

Our centralized society, in which we concentrate people and resources in ways that invite the attention of madmen, suggests another countermeasure. We can use sophisticated communications and collaboration technologies -- first by building fast, ubiquitous networks -- to decentralize. Better network security will be a vital part of the mix.

Surveillance state

The Sept. 11 murderers have surely accomplished one of their goals. They have made America significantly less free.

The new mavens of security have convinced a majority of the people that major intrusions on liberty matter less than modest gains in safety. Technology is one of their chief tools. Silicon Valley companies are lining up to provide the tools for the surveillance society that John Ashcroft is demanding. Their eagerness to sacrifice liberty by padding their pockets is predictable, but sad.

I wonder if they have fully contemplated the consequences. Silicon Valley's economic greatness, and America's, stems in part from our open society's tolerance -- no, our appreciation -- for non-conformist individualism and risk. If we lose those qualities, and we may, we will regret it.
Next week: The rest of the year in technology.

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