Security Incidents mailing list archives

Interesting packets

From: "Jeremy Junginger" <jjunginger () usbestcrm com>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 08:30:48 -0700

I've been tracing these packets for a while now, and am having a bit of
trouble deciphering what's happening.  It appears that this host is
attempting to contact an external host over udp port 8197 where the
firewall blocks it.  Interesting points are:

It looks like host x.x.x.4 is initiating a udp session with
over port 8197.  
We block this port with egress filtering at the firewall, as it is not a
dataflow we utilize in our production systems.  
Anybody deciphered similar alerts?

Generated by ACID v0.9.6b21 on Mon September 16, 2002 08:02:58

#(1 - 8399) [2002-09-16 06:50:18]  ICMP Destination Unreachable
(Communication Administratively Prohibited)
IPv4: -> x.x.x.4
      hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=56 ID=2147 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=241 chksum=31000
ICMP: type=Destination Unreachable code=Packet Filtered
      checksum=42554 id= seq=
Payload:  length = 32

000 : 00 00 00 00 45 00 00 3D 78 26 00 00 70 11 8B 34   ....E..=x&..p..4
010 : AC 10 37 04 44 3C 20 05 0F 72 00 35 00 29 46 E8   ..7.D< ..r.5.)F.

Original IP information:  UDP x.x.x.4 17468 8197 


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