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Re: RE: [privacy] Frank Rich: Will the Real Traitors Please Stand Up?

From: "Brian Loe" <knobdy () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 12:55:03 -0500

On 5/15/06, StyleWar <stylewar () cox net> wrote:
OBTW - if you're all about empowering citizens to one day rise up agin the
gubment, then you would be better served to argue that Cletus should be able
to build a nuke in his back yard if he wants to....there's a specific
constitutional protection for citizens to keep and bear arms isn't there?

That's sorta the story, but not all of it. But, Cletus AND Bubba
should be able to build a nuclear weapon - if they have the knowledge
and the money.

The government limits that to non-assault weapons...but keeps assault
weapons for itself doesn't it?

An "assault weapon", I believe, is a German invention. The US
government at one time saw fit to over-react to a small group of
loudmouths and banned certain types of guns. What you are referring to
was the assault weapons ban (which Bush I signed into law, if I'm not
mistaken) which banned guns based on how they looked (literally - no
joke). It had a sunset, however,  and is no more. The older ban isn't
so much a ban as a restriction. To purchase certain types of guns and
gun accessories (full autos, silencers, sawed-off shotguns) you must
apply and pay for a tax stamp ($200 - couple years for processing).

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