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Re: Fw: Red Hat Linux end-of-life update and transition planning

From: Vincent <pros-n-cons () bak rr com>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 01:33:45 -0800

On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 15:22:30 -0500
"Jonathan A. Zdziarski" <jonathan () nuclearelephant com> wrote:

I would love to see the open source community pull together and create a
better "user-friendly" Linux distribution to replace RedHat.  So far all
of the alternatives I've looked at, while not bad, are quite frankly not
impressive enough to capture any desktop user market space away from
Microsoft...which is what I feel is the most important contribution
RedHat made to Linux prior to turning into a bunch of selfish
blood-sucking misers.  

Heard of the Fedora project? What you just said is the whole point of Fedora.
Redhat couldn't give a crap about desktop and have been saying it forever. So
they gave us Fedora. It's a 'community' desktop distro with one huge
advantage, Redhat is still putting thier money and developers behind it to help.
If Redhat was your favorite desktop Fedora will be too since its basically
redhat 10 with shorter release cycles. Redhat came out with a new distro
every 6 months, if you upgraded every 6-10 months anyway like most freeloaders
what exactly are you whining about? 

SuSe: the most promising, which is why they'll probably be next to screw
the Linux community.  Not sure if I can handle them discontinuing it for
a SECOND time.

will be next? You call Redhat selfish bloodsuckers but SuSe is the one trying to
close everything they work on. Yast, installer, tons of kernel stuff, FTP 
installs, propriatary software included and only 1386 downloads avail for freeloaders.
Redhat took the linux kernel from 2000 threads to 50,000 in scailibilty and they sent
it upstream to linus. they didn't slap a patent on it and say "buy from us if you want it" like
some other distro's would do. It cracks me up when PPL say protect yourself from Redhat
the M$ of linux by installing SuSe like its better (when its much worse ethically). 

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