IDS mailing list archives

RE: SSL and IPS (was RE: ssh and ids)

From: <Peter_Schawacker () NAI com>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 13:39:38 -0700


Thanks for the comment.  What we're doing is really pretty simple.  All
an IPS/IDS vendor needs in order to build the same functionality into
their own product is a fast, robust platform (a PC server won't hack
it), development resources (capital) and some vision.  In fact, I expect
that whilst certain IDS/IPS vendors are attacking McAfee's decryption
feature, they are quietly working on their own.  Some of you may recall
the great hew and cry of last year over IPS.  Many people with vested
interests in the failure of the IPS paradigm laid on the FUD at that
time.  Now those same vendors offer inline blocking and the FUD has

I think we've taken this topic as far as we can on this list.  There is
no question that the technology works -- we've had it in beta in real
world networks. The most important question is, "How will the market
value this technology?"  Only real-world implementations and time will
tell.  Let's just let the market decide the value of IPS decryption,
shall we?

Thanks, Mike (ISS), Marty (Sourcefire) and Jason (Sourcefire) for your
questions and comments.  Let's have this chat again six months from now.

Over and out.

Peter Schawacker, CISSP
Technical Evangelist
Office 760 200 4258
Mobile 760 880 4258
ps () nai com

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Shein [mailto:shoten () starpower net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 1:29 PM
To: 'Michael H. Warfield'; Schawacker, Peter
Cc: security () brvenik com; focus-ids () securityfocus com
Subject: RE: SSL and IPS (was RE: ssh and ids)

To determine the symmetric key that results from a DH exchange, all you
need is the private key of one party (provided here by key escrow, as
Peter Schawacker described) and the public key of the other party
(captured off the wire).  You then perform the same calculation as the
party whose private key you hold, and voila; you become a third party
with the symmetric key. This is exactly why private keys are so
sensitive, and there's nothing miraculous about it.  The same goes for
any rekeys, which are also done with DH.  They aren't breaking DH,
they're just taking advantage of the fact that their device is, like the
SSL server, a trusted device which is granted access to private keys.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael H. Warfield [mailto:mhw () wittsend com]
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 8:46 PM
To: Peter_Schawacker () NAI com
Cc: security () brvenik com; focus-ids () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: SSL and IPS (was RE: ssh and ids)

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 05:07:39PM -0700,
Peter_Schawacker () NAI com wrote:

"Simply doing the escrow of the private key allows the
capture of the
symmetric key but...

      Whoa!  TIME OUT!

      This sounds like a TAMO (Then A Miracle Occurs).  That
cloudy fuzzy step from "escrow of the private key" to 
"capture of the symmetric key", that TAMO, definitely needs a 
LOT more detail.

      Are we talking about the private key associated with
the server's certificate?  How in blue blazes does that allow 
the capture of the symmetric key?  The symmetric key is 
negotiated using Diffie-Hellman.  It could take place in the 
clear and you could not capture the symmetric key even 
capturing every bit of data exchanged between the two 
parties.  If you are not actively engaging in a MITM attack, 
you are not going to sniff that and derive the session key 
unless you have some access to the individual D-H exponents 
on one side or the other.  Has absolutely nothing to do with 
the authentication or the certificates.  Basic D-H key exchange.


"When passive what happens if a rekey is missed?"

If a rekey (renegotiation in SSL parlance) is missed, we
won't be able
to follow the flow.  I can't imagine this is a very  common issue
unless we're under intense load.  Also, renegotiation happens very 
rarely in normal HTTPS transactions.  The  client can request 
renegotiation, but the server doesn't have to accept it.

      Wait a minute.  Isn't a rekey handled by Diffie-Hellman
as well? That's the whole principle behind perfect forward 
secrecy (PFS).  Even if someone busts one ephemeral session 
key and listens to the entire key exchange for the next 
session key, they still won't have the next session key.  
That's a fundamental concept in PFS.  This is basic 
cryptography here, folks...  If the SSL designers screwed 
that one up they qualify for a slug-out tie with the 
crypto-tards ("Who forgot to invite the cryptographers to the 
design meetings?") at IEEE who designed WEP for WiFi.


"How does it handle client certs? It cannot possibly know
the private
key for client certs too. IIRC, some servers allow
client/server key
negotiation without requiring authentication."

      Ok...  So, this tends to confirm that you are referring
to the private key associated with the X.509 certs when you 
are referring to the "private key" and not merely using a 
misnomer for the internal secret D-H parameters.  That 
strengthens my arguement that there is no way, even with the 
server's private key, to follow the key exchange and recover 
the session key.  If there were, that, in and of itself, 
would qualify as a security advisory and probably make the 
annuals of cryptography.

IntruShield can detect attacks without any problems when client
authentication is used.  I'm glad you brought this up because  it 
seems to be a common point of confusion.  Client authentication 
doesn't affect the keys that are used to encrypt the  traffic.  The 
client just encrypts some data from the handshake with its 
private key
that the server verifies with the public  key from the
Once again, we assume a trusted server that's going to
authenticate the client.

      Now HERE is a true statement...  "Client authentication
doesn't affect the keys that are used to encrypt the  
traffic."  VERY true. Because the keys that are used to 
encrypt the traffic are negotiated through D-H.  That also 
means (through induction) that "Server authentication doesn't 
affect the keys that are used to encrypt the 
traffic."  There is no asymetery in SSL that would dictate 
that the server authentication would do something to the 
symmetrical keys that the client authentication would not.  
So how does that get you the session keys, which are derived 
on a session by session basis and used for the symmetrical 
cryptography, from the server's PK private key? I would love 
to see the math here...

"I understand that the intent is to detect attacks over known SSL
channels but these are issues I would like to explore  deeper. I do 
not think it is possible to properly handle the SSL case without 
terminating and watching behind the termination  point and 
even then
it does not gracefully handle the client cert issue gracefully when
authentication is involved."

      I agree whole heartedly with the above statement and
the descriptions of how this is "proported" to work have 
reinforced my opinion that this is snake-oil, at least the 
descriptions are.  What ever it really is, the explanations 
above are not cryptographically sound.

I hope I was able to change your mind.  If you have any other
questions regarding how IntruShield handles SSL sans  termination, 
please contact me off-list.

      I don't know about the others on this list but you've
convinced me that you're parotting some marketing line laced 
with some cryptographic jargon that really doesn't make 
sense, cryptographically.  I would love to hear some 
enlightenment as to HOW you are breaking D-H and yet are not 
a featured article in Bruce Schneier's Cryptogram.  You might 
yet be...  He does have a snake-oil section.  I may nominate you.



 Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  mhw () WittsEnd com
  /\/\|=mhw=|\/\/       |  (678) 463-0932   |
  NIC whois:  MHW9      |  An 
optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471    |  possible worlds.  A pessimist is 
sure of it!



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