Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

Re: iso 17799

From: "Marcus J. Ranum" <mjr () ranum com>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 23:49:40 -0400

Dana Nowell wrote: (in response to Paul Robertson)
Great, how do the rest of us learn to negate 90% of the risk?  Got a paper
somewhere?  Written up an FAQ?  Guideline?  "Best Practice"? :-)  Know of a
good repository of that type of thing?  Or is every newbie supposed to post
the question to the list to extract your knowledge, say every other month?
('cause you KNOW they don't search the archives)

Well, there are 2 ways to negate 90% of your risk:
        a) do a few simple, obvious things that are not very fun
        b) spend a ton of money on products and process

Let me try to explain it a different way:
        Computer security, as it's done today by most practitioners, is
fundamentally a con. It's a con the same way that most diet foods
and "lose weight fast" schemes are a con: they cost a lot and they
only work if you do something sensible that would have worked
REGARDLESS of whether you were following the rules of the
diet. Because, basically, successful diets involve taking in less
than you burn. All of them. It's the 2nd law of thermodynamics,
basically. If you burn more fuel than you take on, you'll get smaller.
Well, security's the same way: if you only do smart safe stuff,
you won't get hacked. If you buy a $100,000 security doo-dad
that makes sure you only do smart safe stuff, you won't get hacked.
But the actual presence of the $100,000 doo-dad has relatively
little to do with it other than making the vendor happy and giving
the stupid suits you work for something to point at that has
neat-o blinky lights. It's a con.

        Simple, obvious things:
        1) Make your network originate-only except for a very very
                very very (is that enough "very"s?) small handful
                of services
                a) lock down those services
                b) log usage of those services
                c) put error detection into service-specific places on
                        those services (hey, you can even call it
                        "intrusion detection" if you want to make
                        Gartner happy)
        2) Know what's going on in your network
                a) know who normally talks to whom
                b) log usage of your network and look at those logs
                c) know your security policy as well as normal usage
                d) look in your logs for indications that your policy is
                        being violated (burglar alarms)
        3) Your policy should be "deny all"
                a) only permit it if it needs to be permitted
        4) Internally compartment your network
                a) mission critical machines should be behind
                        screening routers, on separate networks,
                        with a bare minimum (zero is a good start..)
                        of services back and forth
                b) audit all traffic between mission critical systems and
                        non-critical systems
                c) if someone can walk into your facility and plug
                        into a network port, get an IP address
                        assigned to them, and ping your
                        mission critical machines, your network
                        is a disaster waiting to happen
                d) if someone can walk into your facility and plug
                        into a network port without you knowing
                        about it, your network is a disaster area
                        already; you're just blissfully ignorant
        5) Delete incoming attachments at the gateway to your
                network except for a short-list of acceptable mime
        6) Don't outsource security; outsourcing is an admission
                that you are ignorant and that your management
                are clueless - or that your clueless management
                think you're ignorant
        7) Know what goes out through your firewall
                a) if you don't know how much spyware is installed
                        on your desktops, your network is 0wned
                b) if you don't know how much IRC traffic is leaving
                        your firewall you're 0wned
                c) why the heck would you let IRC out through your
                        firewall, anyhow? what are you, a born
        8) If you don't understand the difference between layer 7
                security and "stateful inspection" - learn
        9) Don't waste your time patching
                a) if you're running code on an internet-facing
                        system that has a history of needing
                        patches every week, you're running
                        the wrong code
                b) your internet-facing machines should have
                        exterior lock-downs that mitigate the
                        damage of individual service/server
                        failure, or they shouldn't be internet
                c) if they aren't internet facing don't make them
                        internet facing just so you can get patches
                d) production systems 101:
                        10 SET IT UP
                        20 MAKE IT WORK
                        30 IF WORKING THEN
                        40      DON'T F- WITH IT
                        50 ENDIF
                        60 IF NOT WORKING
                        70      FIX IT
                        80      GOTO 20
                        90 ENDIF
                        it's that BASIC (ok, that was a bad one...)
        10) Why on earth would you have roaming users connecting
                straight into your corporate WAN after they have been
                at home surfing pornsites and downloading Warez?
                a) mobile users go on a separate network
        11) Antivirus software is good
                a) updating it 4X / day is not necessary
                b) updating it 1X / week works fine but especially
                        when combined with stripping attachments
                        (see above)
        12) No, your users do NOT need that stupid new chat/file sharing/
                net-meeting/remote-control/powerpoint sales tool/virtual FAX
                garbage - it IS dangerous

See? That's a list of great, simple, powerful ideas. If you do these things
you will virtually never get hacked. Of course, in the immortal words
of Ray Wylie Hubbard,
"It's not so hard to do what's right; it's just not as much fun."
(Conversations with the Devil, from Crusades of the Restless Knights)

IMO, the 'push for standards' is because the field is exploding AND
maturing and many, many, newbies are being thrown in to the fire everyday.

The push for standards has nothing to do with the unfortunate newbies.
Standardization is a long-running conversation (or battle) between
vendors and customers over who has control over the market.
Standards only happen (are allowed to happen) once the innovation
has gone out of a market - or in the rare case where a standard
happens in spite of vendors splitting the market - standards cause
innovation to go out of the market. The vendors will innovate (read:
make stuff that doesn't work together) someplace else.

If you look at the effectiveness of standards bodies since the
early 1990's (the beginning of the Internet era) you'll notice
that they have been reduced to a bunch of squabbling vendor
shills (with a few academics and idealists thrown in) that are
only able to effectively ratify the installed base after throwing
a few little tweaks on to show that NIH syndrome is alive and well.

The frustration is that people on this list 'generally' solve the same
problems, use lots of the same references, sites, and resources.

Well, part of it is because some of us (heya Paul! Fred! Steve!
Michael!) have been singing basically the same song for ever.
I published a few verses of it above. We've been singing the
song through rain and snow and we've been right all along.
And when people ask for a solution, what they're really saying
is "We don't LIKE the rules of the jungle! Surely if I just buy
this new $100,000 doo-dad then I can rewrite them so they
no longer apply to me!"   Nu-huh.

 This list
is dedicated to answering specific questions about firewall
implementations, a good thing.  However no centralized list or repository
exists to share the 'other' information required in the real world
(training materials, reference materials, example risk
assessments/documents, staff/food chain management issues, software, etc.).
The list is good, it does its job well, too well, people want the other
problems solved as well and currently they can't have it.

Conferences like SANS try to do this, as do most security-oriented
conferences. Personally I think you can learn it all yourself if you
are motivated enough. This list is not the right place for that. Not
because nobody here knows what to do; it's just our throats
are tired from singing the same song and then having people
say, "that sounds like sense but there's no WAY my pointy-haired
boss is gonna let me do that."

In one man's opinion, that's one of the main reasons why we see the push
for 'standards'.  It's not really standards people want, so much as
direction/help with the 'other' parts of their job.

If you "standardize" enough then you've derived a "one size fits
all" - which you can only do after something has commoditized
to the point where it is no longer interesting. I'm not saying that's
a bad thing - not by a long shot - but the implication of my
view, if I am right, is that there will never be useful or meaningful
standards regarding whatever the most interesting problem is that
you have on your plate at any given moment.

mjr.                "A standard of one, since 1962" 

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