Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

Re: Important Comments re: INtrusion Detection

From: "Paul M. Cardon" <pmarc () cmg fcnbd com>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 98 21:12:07 -0600

Aleph One thus spake unto me:
Does this mean that ID needs to be done at the host level or in other
words at every connection end-point? What other possibilities do we have?
I think we've seen similar questions before. The problems with that
approach are one of the reasons why we have firewalls in the first place.

This situation creates a whole new line of products for the IDS industry.
In particular an IDS built on top of a LAN switch that normalizes traffic.
Very similar in concept to and IDS built on top of a firewall that
normalizes traffic. The issue is that we have to move away from broadcast

I knew I was missing something.

Such systems could be designed do distribute the load of intrusion
detection. If a session flows through two or more devices that can perform
IDS processing (firewall, switch, etc) then they can cordinate such that
only one needs to do the work.

At first glance I like the idea.  On practical matters I can quickly think  
of the following issues to be addressed:

* Performance impact (even with distributed coordination).  Switches tend to  
be lean and mean to achieve performance goals.  How much useful ID  
functionality could be built into the switch itself without turning it into a  
dog?  Hanging the IDS off a promiscuous port on the switch still has most of  
the same problems as a passive IDS on a broadcast network.

* Coordination algorithms, especially for a large number of devices.  This  
would be a clear place to look for implementation flaws that could be  
exploited.  My favorite would be to find a way to convince all of the devices  
in the path that somebody else was doing the work.  Just like all the  
solutions being discussed here this would be a complex system with lots of  
potential for bugs.

* Yet another point of incompatibility between network vendors' products ;)

I can see Cisco buying some small IDS company and incorporating such
feature on their high end Catalys switches.
Who said there are no new business opportunities in the security market?

If we keep throwing out ideas like these maybe Marcus will finally find one  
he can get rich on. :*0

Paul M. Cardon
First Chicago NBD Corporation

On the whole, we are hostile to puns.    - Wolcott Gibbs

Sisyphus and loving it.

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