Firewall Wizards mailing list archives

Re: SSL proxy info

From: "Paul D. Robertson" <proberts () clark net>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 18:16:25 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 20 Sep 1997, Adam Shostack wrote:

      In that case, can you use a proxy that will do SSL to the
outside, and throw up a notice to your user that its cleartext on the

I'm looking at that issue right now.  I'd rather just have the proxy MITM 
the SSL, it's much cleaner overall, and easier to support.

      As a general design issue, I think firewalls are becoming less
useful as most things users do run over HTTP; they are still useful in
that they protect all those other problems, but the desktop security
problem looms large.

      Also, do you proxy DNS?  The latest phrack has a tool to

Pretty much, the proxy server handles DNS requests, one of the advantages 
of non-transparent proxies is that the client need never resolve external 
addresses.  Since I control the proxy, no clients get external name 
resolution answers directly or indirectly.

tunnel a connection over DNS packets.  I expect that you've thought 
about the issue, but I'll point out in a general way that going to
these lengths on your net connection may be not worthwhile if your
users can carry data out in their attache cases or on a DAT tape.

In a secure data environment, that's an issue.  In an environment where 
one simply wants to do as much as possible to stop someone from tunneling 
in to attack hosts and services, the issue of everything over HTTP is 
something which is _slightly_ more managable, not pretty, not easily, but 
doable to a level where I can sleep at night, even if fitfully.

      The issue is that tunnel support is something that I might
play with in a cryptographic level.  Its not obvious to me that having
the hook per se in the protocol is free of problems.

Nor is it to me, which is why I posed the questions and follow-ups here.
I _think_ it's solvable, but I'd like to know that.  I don't have a 
problem with calling Winn and trying to slide into things, I'd just like 
to feel it's worth attempting.

      For example, if we can chain proxies, perhaps I have an attack
where the proxy chain is long enough that the user only sees the right
parts of it.  A real URL that the Ed Felton had set up was like:

That's why the pseudo-code had tunnel counters, not just flags, 
I thought about that pseudo-code for 4 or 5 minutes before I wrote it.  

      Your pseudo-code example is clean, these things tend to pop
out in subtle ways when code is being written.  There are also issues
when adding back compatibility to a protocol (see Wagner & Schneier on
SSL3, on; avoiding rollback attacks is *really*

Implementation is always the hard part, that's why I do strategy ;)

      Its unfortunate that we can't pull out a standard protocol
that has clean support for this sort of thing, because I agree with
you that it would be damn useful.

Just once, I'd like to see true proxy support in a cryptographic protocol, where at 
the administrator's option, and with notification of each end, it would be possible to 
enforce a security policy.  If there's something that we, as a collective group, can 
do to further that, then I think it's a good thing.  But then again, if I'm the only 
one who has these concerns, it's not worth the battle.  

Watching all these folks allow IP protocol 47 in at will for PPTP, along 
with 24x7 cable modem access to the Net makes me think that we'll see a great deal 
more tunneling activity in attacks.  If we don't speak now, we'll be the ones doing 
clean-up from attacks at our sites, not the protocol developers.

If I can get some sort of feeling (privately, the list doesn't 
need cluttered) of who's interested in such a thing, as well as some public 
disucussion on these issues (VPNs are coming, we as an industry need to 
be aware of the issues - unless Marcus objects to this list being used to 
discuss such things, I'd rather we hashed it all out now)

[This space left blank for moderator's note]

If there's sufficient interest, I can set up a side list for the discussion if we 
stray too much, or the volume gets too bad.  Opinions on such should also be directed 
to my address.  I'd rather we, as firewallers, could reach a pseudo-consensus and move
it forward now, even if it's slated for a future version, than have us come in on the 
back end and only get lip service a la the CONNECT headers. 

Paul D. Robertson      "My statements in this message are personal opinions
proberts () clark net      which may have no basis whatsoever in fact."

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