Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: What's wrong with application whitelisting?

From: Eric Case <ecase () EMAIL ARIZONA EDU>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:22:24 -0700

Hi Lewis,

My responses are in line below . . .

Eric Case, CISSP

eric (at) ericcase (dot) com

From: The EDUCAUSE Security Constituent Group Listserv
[mailto:SECURITY () LISTSERV EDUCAUSE EDU] On Behalf Of Watkins, Lewis
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 11:23 AM
Subject: [SECURITY] What's wrong with application whitelisting?

Colleagues,  Please help me understand something, that I have been trying to
make sense of for awhile and just don't get.   What's wrong with
"application whitelisting"?   As best I can tell, application whitelisting
has very low penetration in higher education, and I simply do not understand
this.   There must be issues and dynamics of which I am unaware to explain
this.   My confusion is based on the following:

-  Security professionals seem to agree that anti-virus software is no
longer working.   No single product does the job, and it is not feasible to
run multiple products on each device.

-  Any executable that anti-virus software will stop should also be stopped
by a whitelist, since the application would not be on the approved list.

[Eric Case]  The whitelist will be long; it will have to cover every exe,
dll, ocx, etc. for all versions in use, were in use and might become in use.
Could you put a whitelist on the CS workstations were students are building
apps?  What about research computers also building custom apps?  Maintaining
the list will take a lot of time, money and effort.

-  Zero-day attacks are a major threat.   Anti-virus is particularly bad at
stopping zero-day attacks.   Application whitelists are particularly good at
stopping zero-day attacks.

[Eric Case]  I don't think so.  You whitelisted the app with the 0-day
vulnerability.  If the exploit does not upload a new binary your whitelist
only gave you a false sense of security.  When the patch for the 0-day comes
out, you will have to add it to the whitelist before you push the patch.

-  Universities use whitelisting on firewalls (i.e. we don't shut down just
the ports that prove themselves to be bad - we open only those that are
needed. )

-  Universities use whitelisting for people (i.e. we don't let everyone in
the world have an account until they prove to be bad.  We maintain a list of
approved users.)

-  However, universities use blacklisting for applications.   We tend to
allow any application that can find its way onto our desktop computers to
run.   When a program proves to be bad, we spend lots of labor and effort
re-imaging the computer - then we do it again later.    To the extent that
application whitelisting would help prevent this, costs would be reduced and
IT could concentrate more on value added efforts.

[Eric Case]  We know that security is about tradeoffs, but what are they
with whitelisting?  (just a few off the top of my head)

.         In institutions where users have admin access:

o   Would the users also be able to whitelist anything they wanted?  If not,
does whitelisting remove some of their admin access?

o   Does allowing users to whitelist anything negate the whole point to

.         In institutions that have locked down admin access:

o   What and how much is gained from whitelisting?

o   What and how much is lost in maintaining the list?

In "The Psychology of Security <> " by
Bruce Schneier, talks about the Prospect Theory.  (I think this theory is a
game changer for how we should present (frame) risk.)  Schneier says:

What does prospect theory mean for security trade-offs?  . . .  First, it
means that people are going to trade off more for security that lets them
keep something they've become accustomed to--a lifestyle, a level of
security, some functionality in a product or service--than they were willing
to risk to get it in the first place.  Second, when considering security
gains, people are more likely to accept an incremental gain than a chance at
a larger gain; but when considering security losses, they're more likely to
risk a larger loss than accept the certainty of a small one.

Applied to whitelisting, I read that as, People will accept a smaller gain
(AV software) than a chance at a larger gain (and expense (whitelisting)).

I think, as other have pointed out, whitelisting has it use in labs (that
are locked down) and in business areas that are more static.  I do not see
it being used anywhere users have admin access or where IT cannot respond to
installs in a timely manner.

Does this help?


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