Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: WMF patch released

From: Theodore Pham <telamon () CMU EDU>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 16:19:35 -0500

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Jeni Li wrote:

A question came up from one of our desktop managers --

Has anyone found or discovered any info related to the consequences of =
applying the official update with Ilfak's unofficial fix still =
installed?  I know sans is recommending uninstalling the unofficial fix =
first, but with the way AD timings and WSUS timings work, the only way =
to really guarantee that it happens in that order is to leave all of =
your machines unprotected from all fixes for a considerable amount of =
time (undeploy Ilfak's msi, wait a day or so, then approve the MS fix =
via WSUS.

Jeni Li
Web/Systems Administrator
Arizona State University, at the Polytechnic campus

Now that the official patch is out, SANS has revised their recommendation.


You can leave the unofficial patch installed while letting the official
one apply.

Then uninstall the unofficial one, re-register shimgvw.dll, then reboot
just for good measure.

Some light testing on my part shows no problems with that procedure.

Ted Pham
Information Security Office
Carnegie Mellon University

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