Security Basics mailing list archives

Re: Port 8081 mystery

From: Steven Nixon <lists () dancingmonkey org>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:28:26 -0800

In addition to the other utilities listed in the replies using the -b switch with netstat will also help identify what process has the port open.

On Jan 24, 2007, at 2:09 AM, Alcides wrote:


There are several possibilities for why the port is open.

To analyze this situation, you can try a handy utility "Active Ports"

It's an easy to use tool for Windows NT/2000/XP that enables you to monitor all open TCP and UDP ports on the local computer. Active Ports shows corresponding ports to the owning application so you can watch which process has opened which port.

It also displays a local and remote IP address for each connection and allows you to terminate the owning process. It also shows the process IDs. Active Ports can help you to detect trojans and other malicious programs.
Hope this will help you to analyze the situation


WALI wrote:
HI list...
I ran a nmap scan on quite a few machines on my internal subnet and one port that appears on all those scans, especially the machines that are still running adequately patched but older Windows 2000 workstations, is tcp 8081. Though nmap shows this as blackice-icecap port I do not find any such application running in task manager neither is this installed. nestat-a just lists this port as 'Listening' and does not list any application name assigned to it, so why is this port there? Who is using this? I have ran antivirus scan and spybot checker just to rule out any malware possibilities. Nessus Scan (tis weeks plugin feed) does not show this port listed amongst any vulnerability.
Here is the nmap output:
SuSE101:/home/root # nmap -O --osscan-guess
Starting Nmap 4.00 ( ) at 2007-01-23 11:10 GST
Interesting ports on
(The 1667 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
135/tcp  open  msrpc
139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds
2030/tcp open  device2
8081/tcp open  blackice-icecap
Device type: general purpose
Running: Microsoft Windows NT/2K/XP
OS details: Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 or XP SP1
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.107 seconds

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