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order directive at httpd.conf and proftpd.conf

From: "SB CH" <chulmin2 () hotmail com>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 06:41:11 +0000

Hello all.

I'm so confused about the order directive of the httpd.conf(apache) and proftpd.conf(proftpd).

As I know the proftpd.conf is similars to httpd.conf.

When I tested the order directive of the httpd.conf and proftpd.conf the result is not alike. for example,I would like to allow just from and deny all. (a) httpd.conf <Directory />
 Order deny,allow
 Allow from
 Deny from all

(b) proftpd.conf <Limit LOGIN>
 Order deny,allow
 Allow from
 Deny from all

But (b) is not work, (b) should be  modigied like this to works well.

<Limit LOGIN>
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from
 Deny from all

So, I'm so confused about the directive of the order.

any idea?

Thanks in advance.

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