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Re: fail2ban

From: Dale Stirling <dale () puredistortion com>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 18:20:26 +1100


Here are a few ideas:

Apache Allow,Deny something like.

Order Deny Allow
Deny <the ip making requests>
Allow all

IP tables:

iptables -A INPUT --source <ip making requests> -j REJECT

That will block the IP from making any connections to your server.

Also fail2ban has several ready made apache rules in it it would not
be hard to copy and adapt one of these the pre made rules are in
/etc/fail2ban/fal2ban.d and /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Kai Witzke <security () gaark de> wrote:
Hey everybody!

I have some serious problems with flooding attacks to my apache2. No
problems with logins oder syn floods, just a huge amount of simple
requests to my server from the same ip. Anyone got a nice howto on that
or maybe a nice regex prepared for counting such requests and blocking
the greedy ones?

thanks in advance

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