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OWASP for Charities: Haiti relief effort

From: Dinis Cruz <dinis.cruz () googlemail com>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 01:51:09 +0000

Hi, there are days that I am really proud of being part of the OWASP
community, today is one of those days :)

The Haiti tragedy prompt the OWASP community to kickstart a project
that we have talked about several times in the past but never got
around to do it: the OWASP for Charities project.

You can read all about it in the email included below. This email was
sent to all our mailing-list subscribers (more than 10,000), and it
looks like we are on to something, since we already had some great
responses. One in particular was really good: "...rebuild digital
infrastructure ... there is a need for IT infrastructure to support
the  immediate relief efforts... people to set up local networks and
links between the diff countries (US, France, Spain, etc) who are all
working to aid but are not tied together....  or help keep PCs/net
work devices etc running, basic tech support..."

I just wrote a blog entry with the email's content
(http://bit.ly/OWASP-Haiti) and I would really appreciate if you
linked to it, or just reused its content on your own blog, or
redistributed it to your internal/external mailing lists.

Lets use this opportunity to build a team that is focused on helping
others, since we never know where it will happen next.
Please join us at the OWASP for Charities project, and in the short
term in supporting the Haiti relief effort.

Dinis Cruz
OWASP Board Member
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kate Hartmann <kate.hartmann () owasp org>
Date: 2010/1/19
Subject: OWASP for Charities: Haiti relief effort
To: Owasp-all () lists owasp org

OWASP Members and Supporters,

OWASP was founded, and is supported as a non-profit organization, by a
group of dedicated volunteers who believe that all applications should
be secure and trusted.  As our organization matures we have taken
those beliefs broader, and have started setting up ways for our
members to donate to the global community.  Among these initiatives

  * OWASP has an active Kiva lending team who have donated $9,125.00
to date.  http://www.kiva.org/community/viewTeam?team_id=522

  * OWASP in response to the need in Haiti has set up a secure and
trusted way for those within the OWASP community to donate funds to
help the people of Haiti. This allows our OWASP community to help
another with a single global voice.  100% of the collected donations
will be transferred directly to victims for disaster relief such as
food and medical requirements.  Please visit www.owasp.org and click
the link for G33k-4-HAITI.  In a time of crisis, OWASP can help those
who are in great need. The OWASP community can help organize, support
, and promote efforts outside of application security.

OWASP is well aware there is a movement for phishers to utilize this
tragedy to get unsuspecting people to donate to a “cause” without
having a legitimate business back end and ultimately funneling all the
money directly into their own pockets.  The OWASP community is
uniquely qualified to help protect from this type of attack and
educate about attacks as well.

As the world becomes more dependent on technology and particularly web
applications, there are many who need protection who simply have no
options to protect themselves.  These include small companies,
individuals, charities, and others.  The OWASP community can help by
connecting qualified, trusted resources willing to volunteer their
time to those organizations which qualify. OWASP is setting up an
outreach program, which will be under the name project name of OWASP
for Charities.

We hope you will support OWASPs efforts to make a difference  in any
of the above ways. We are also open to suggestions in regards to where
you feel the OWASP Community can be of service.


Your OWASP Board

Kate Hartmann

OWASP Operations Director
9175 Guilford Road
Suite 300
Columbia, MD  21046
kate.hartmann () owasp org
Skype:  kate.hartmann1

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