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RE: Sample JAVA application

From: "Michael Silk" <michaels () phg com au>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 08:51:44 +1100

Hi Tal,

        Of course, most of these issues are only appropriate when the
malicious code will be running on the same JVM as the "safe" code. I
think what the OP was asking for is specific problems with java *WEB*
applications; in the web scenario (an attacker external to the site)
then none of these issues apply ... (except maybe "storing secrets"
which isn't, obviously, java specific).

        Also most of your comments rely on a proper security manager
being in place around the evil code ... i.e. consider "make everything
final" ... You can undo and set final fields via reflection in java if
the security manager lets you. And all the other things (seriaizable,
etc) are totally context dependant ... 

-- Michael 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tal Mozes [mailto:TalM () comsec co il] 
Sent: Sunday, 7 November 2004 12:30 AM
To: Chris Vanden Berghe; webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: RE: Sample JAVA application

Hi Chris,


From my experience there are a lot of Java specific security issues to
check when doing a code review. I haven't seen a good paper on the
subject, but I'll try to give the start...


Issues to check:


*         Object Initialization

*         Reducing scope

*         Make Everything final

*         Don't Use Inner classes

*         Don't Depend on Package Protection

*         Avoid Code signing

*         Sign Only JAR Files

*         Make Classes Unclonable

*         Make Classes Unserializeable

*         Make Classes Undeserializeable

*         Don't Compare Classes by Name

*         Storing Secrets in Code 


Note that it is not a complete list, but a start.  I hope you'll get the
general idea by now...

Hope it helped,



Tal Mozes

Application Security Consultant



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