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RE: Anyone have some basic security tips for PHP-programmers?

From: <arek () chelmnet pl>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 17:23:43 +0100

1. This is esentially what magic-quotes does
If your server doesn't have this enabled, you can enable it with
.htaccess for your webarea only.
OK, i knew it, right
2. Using ereg_replace for simple string substitution is rather
inefficient. Use str_replace()
OK, right
3. eval is also inefficient, all the time you can use $_GET[$k] = $v;
YES, in this case
4. At least with mySQL it's not possible to pass multiple chained
queries in one mysql_query() call. It is however possible to use f.ex --
to comment out the rest of the query, or in more sophisticated RDBMS,
use subqueries. $v=ereg_replace(';','',$v); is therefor inadequate, and
probably doesn't do anything to enhance security.

Why?? if i cut all the possible SQL_INJECTION characters of my variables
from Postet/Get/Other possible sources (files, other),
so in this case, where the SQL_INJECTION therefore could came from ???
in my opinion, it is better not to enable user to type his messages in my
services with using any of that: "hello i'm Jorge" ( i mean \' )
So after including the uppper typed instruction can i be 100% sure about
SQL_INJECTION (of direct typing viariables) is not possible ?

General filtering like that, is often inadequate, and you probably need
to do more work. F.ex if it's a numeric value you are inserting into the
database, check that it is_numeric();
Yes, but this takes more time of programming, so in devellopping i think,
that better is firstly to leave the performance to next stage of
proggramming (marking these places in source : "//TO_DO")
Escape string values with mysql_escape_string() (or equivilant for other
RDBMS, f.ex pg_escape_string())
Yes' but there is always the possibility to evaluate the exploit code putted
before to MYSQL db which was passed by any of escape function, I beware of
that, so i disable all possibilites of any evaluate strings ( ' ` ; $ \ )
not to be anywhere in the system.

From the other topic,,,
the James Mitchell [reductor () askmiky com] has informed me about the
possibility of exploiting FUNCTION_INIT() code, he wa right,,,
( the previous code)
    } else if($FUNCTION_INIT) {

i can't change the way of my program works, but,,, i thought about simple
way to prevent of any possible exploiting,,,
here is my project:

the index.php after succesful login has a several URL aviable - one with
the HREF is created with function inside - CREATE_HREF, which does that:
echo "$HREF" ;

and the modified FUNCTION_INIT function now has the following code included:
if($DIE_OR_NOT=="DIE") die ('Unsupported typed function') ;

    } else if($FUNCTION_INIT) {

Something like that,,,

what are vunleabrites of that code ? :) ?


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