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Re: PHP and "Register_Globals"

From: "Ulrich P." <spam () wir-sind org>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 09:24:52 +0200

hello group,

thanks for all your extensive feedback! there are some quite 'nice' solutions to work around this problem.

I am aware of the security issuses, but my problems are:

- the application started being developed *before* the register_globals discussion was started
- the application is *huge*
- no one will pay me for re-writing tons of code :o(

fortunately I did the login-things in the end of the project, so that I used all the new features for the login-procedure and also for the 'good_login'-problem.

without logging in you can't do anything in this app. that's the good thing. and the logged in ones are 'only' staff members of the company I wrote this for. so *possibly* no real cracker, but a secretary *g*.

do you still think that I should re-write?

the issue is not that I am 'lazy' but that no one will understand the problem and pay for a fix up. and I have to feed my dog ;-) BUT: of course I don't have a very good feeling about all this if it's kept as it is.

thanks again for your ideas and
best regards,


Jim McGarvey schrieb:
my question is now: my app is 'safe', but what do I do if my future
webhost has register_globals to 'off'?

If you have to have a quick fix, the suggestion of having your provider make
a change to your VirtualHost setting in Apache will work, though some
providers will not or cannot do that.  If that's the case you can try
creating a .htaccess file in the directory where the application is and
putting that line, "php_value register_globals on" in the .htaccess file.
This will only work if your Apache VirtualHost entry already has a
"AllowOverride All" or "AllowOverride Options" in it, which is pretty

There are other solutions at the following URL, though I haven't tested any
of them:

But since this list is about security, I would be remiss if I did not
mention the drawbacks of such a quick fix.  You did not provide any us with
any evidence that your app is really 'safe' other than your assurance that
it is.  Just remember that we all make mistakes, and it's possible that you
have missed something, or that you will make a quick change in the future
that misses something, or more likely that someone else in the future will
need to maintain your application and they will introduce a vulnerability.

I strongly suggest you do something like Adrian suggested for each variable
in each php script that needs any form or cookie variables:
if(isset($_REQUEST['varname'])) $varname=$_REQUEST['varname'];
else $varname='defalut_value';

or maybe create a helper function that does the same thing but is a little
more readable, since you probably don't have default values:
$varname = getRequestVar('varname');

It's a simple matter of declaring which inputs you are expecting at the top
of every php script that uses cookies or gets form variables passed to it.
I think it also helps with code readability and maintainability, because
when you look at the script, you know right away what data is coming from
the user.  That also makes validation easier, because you know exactly what
variables in your script you need to validate, so its easy to see whether or
not you have actually done all the validation that is necessary.

I soon realized the security issues, and wrote my own
validation-functions, ... to handle all the XSS and SQL-injection

I'm sure you already know this, but just to be clear, the register_globals
security issue isn't usually a SQL-injection problem, and validating
variables that you are expecting from user input isn't the problem.  The
problem is when a user passes a form variable that you are not expecting,
and the name of the form variable they pass corresponds to the name of
one of your internal variables. Here is an example of vulnerable code:

// validate html variables to ensure not SQL-injection attack
$username = removeNonAlphaNumeric($username);
$password = removeNonAlphaNumeric($password);

// check if a valid username and password were supplied
if (checkPassword($username,$password) {
    $good_login = 1;

// is supposed to only allow users with valid username and password
if ($good_login == 1) { // can be forged by a user in get/post/cookies,
    fpassthru ("/highly/sensitive/data/index.html");

someone can bypass this by accessing the script like this:

So not only is it necessary to validate the html/form variables to be safe
when register_globals is on, it's also necessary to initialize or validate
every internal variable in every script, every class, and every function,
such as the $good_login variable above.

I just think it's easier and safer to spend the time going through your code
and declaring the cookies and form variables you are expecting as input
rather than making sure every internal variable gets initialized.  But
that's just my opinion and how I like to do it.  And not having to
convince your provider to make customizations for your site is a plus.


----- Original Message -----
From: "shimi" <shimi () shimi net>
To: "Ulrich P." <spam () wir-sind org>
Cc: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: PHP and "Register_Globals"

just ask your provider to add the following in your VirtualHost:

php_value register_globals on

and this will be enable for your site, and your site only...

alternatively, you can use a function that does just that (imports
everything automatically). see:

good luck.

On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Ulrich P. wrote:


newer php-versions have set "register_globals" to "off" by default. i
programmed a huge php-project during the last year and didn't start
using the global POST and GET-arrays, so if a form contains <input
type=text name=age> if use $age in my scripts.

I soon realized the security issues, and wrote my own
validation-functions, ... to handle all the XSS and SQL-injection


my question is now: my app is 'safe', but what do I do if my future
webhost has register_globals to 'off'?

would it be possible to write a script that registers the whole
POST-array as single variables? simply as it used to be in 'older'

any ideas welcome :)




 Best regards,


  "Outlook is a massive flaming horrid blatant security violation, which
   also happens to be a mail reader."

  "Sure UNIX is user friendly; it's just picky about who its friends



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