WebApp Sec mailing list archives

RE: Session Fixation

From: Mark Mcdonald <m.mcdonald () cgl com au>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 09:42:02 +0800

This can be a problem with AOL users, Hannes Schmiderer mentioned in a
posting earlier in the month that IP address changes across consecutive page
hits can be a problem for AOL users (REF:
http://webmaster.info.aol.com/proxyinfo.html ).  Also the converse could
occur where a large number of users behind say a corporate firewall (or
university firewall) are all using the same IP address, it would make a
session hijack relatively simple.  This situation may be highly unlikely,
but with security matters I feel that if (likelihood > 0) { solve(problem);
} else { drink(beer); }

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Gwin [mailto:websec () cafesoft com]
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 4:25 AM
To: webappsec () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: Session Fixation

Thanks for posting, this is an excellent article.

One cavaet is with respect to binding the session ID to the browser's 
network address. There are some proxy servers that swap IP addresses 
between HTTP requests. In this case, binding to the exact IP address can 
cause a valid session to be orphaned.


St. Clair, James wrote:
FYI - for those who have not seen it..


-----Original Message-----
From: TISC Insight [mailto:insight () tisc2003 com]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 4:13 PM
To: jstclair () vredenburg com
Subject: TISC Insight, Volume 5, Issue 3

TISC Insight, Volume 5, Issue 3

Welcome to Volume 5, Issue 3 (http://www.tisc2003.com/insight.html#v53) 
of The Internet Security Conference Newsletter, Insight. Insight provides 
commentaries and educational columns, authored by some of the best minds 
in the security community.

TISC is about sharing clue. Our newsletter, Insight, is our way of 
sharing clue. We promise to provide something useful each issue. If we 
don't, flame me at mailto:dave () corecom com?subject=flame. If you like the 
issue, let us know!

Enjoy, and be safe,


                         From The Editor

Organizations that use Internet firewalls commonly block nearly all 
inbound services. One common exception is Port 80/HTTP, and predictably, 
most attacks now concentrate on web application vulnerabilities. Session 
hijacking is a severe form of web application attack. In today's column, 
Mitja Kolsek describes how a session "fixation" is accomplished, and 
recommends ways to mitigate this class of attack.

Happy reading...


      Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web-based Applications
                   Mitja Kolsek, ACROS Security
                   mailto:mitja.kolsek () acros si 

Web-based applications frequently use sessions to provide a friendly 
environment to their users. HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means 
that it provides no integrated way for a web server to maintain states 
throughout user's subsequent requests. In order to overcome this problem, 
web servers - or sometimes web applications - implement various kinds of 
session management. The basic idea behind web session management is that 
the server generates a session identifier (ID) at some early point in 
user interaction, sends this ID to the user's browser and makes sure that 
this same ID will be sent back by the browser along with each subsequent 
request. Session IDs thereby become identification tokens for users, and 
servers can use them to maintain session data (e.g., variables) for 
creating a session-like experience to the users. There are three widely 
used methods for maintaining sessions in web environment: URL arguments, 
hidden form fields and cookies. While each of them has its benefits and 
shortcomings, cookies have proven to be the most convenient and also the 
least "unsecure" of the three. 

Very often, session IDs are not only identification tokens, but also 
authenticators. Upon login, users are authenticated based on their 
credentials (e.g., usernames/passwords or digital certificates) and 
issued session IDs that serve as temporary, static passwords for 
accessing their sessions. This makes session IDs a very appealing target 
for attackers. In many cases, an attacker who manages to obtain a valid 
ID of a user's session can use it to directly enter that session - often 
without raising the user's suspicion. Interestingly, most cross-site 
scripting proof-of-concept exploits focus on obtaining the session ID 
stored in browser's cookie storage. This class of attacks, where the 
attacker gains access to the user's session by obtaining his session ID, 
is called session hijacking.

Current web session security is focused on preventing three types of 
attacks against session IDs: interception, prediction and brute-force 
attacks. Encrypted communication effectively protects against 
interception. Using cryptographically strong pseudo-random number 
generators and carefully chosen seeds that don't leak from the server 
prevents prediction of session IDs. Finally, session IDs are immune to 
brute-force methods if their effective bit-length is large enough with 
respect to the number of simultaneous sessions .

Session fixation

Web session security currently focuses on preventing the attacker from 
intercepting, predicting or brute-forcing a session ID issued by a web 
server to the user's browser. This approach, however, ignores one very 
important issue: the possibility of the attacker "issuing" a session ID 
to the user's browser, thereby forcing the browser into using a chosen 
session. We'll call this class of attacks "session fixation" attacks, 
because the user's session ID has been fixed in advance instead of having 
been generated randomly at login time.

If you could only remember one sentence, it should be this one: In a 
session fixation attack, the attacker fixes the user's session ID before 
the user even logs into the target server, thereby eliminating the need 
to obtain the user's session ID afterwards.

Now let's take a brief look at the steps in a typical session fixation 
attack. Note that more details are available in our original paper 
(http://www.acros.si/papers/session_fixation.pdf). Generally, session 
fixation attack is a three-step process.

STEP 1: Session Setup

The attacker has two options. He may set up what we call a "trap session" 
on the target server to obtain that session's ID. Alternatively, he may 
select the (usually arbitrary) session ID to be used in the attack. In 
some cases, the established trap session must be maintained (kept alive) 
by repeatedly sending requests referencing it to avoid idle session 

STEP 2: Session fixation

In this step the attacker tries to transfer the trap session ID to the 
user's browser. Methods for accomplishing this transfer differ depending 
on the session ID transport mechanism. Let's examine each method.

Session ID in an URL argument

The attacker must trick the user into logging in to the target web server 
through the hyperlink she provides, e.g., http://online.worldbank.dom/ 
login.jsp?session=1234. This method, while feasible, is relatively 
impractical and comes with quite a risk of detection.

Session ID in a hidden form field

The attacker must trick the user into logging in to the target web server 
through a familiar but bogus login form; in reality, the form is 
presented from another web server. This method is at least as impractical 
and detection-prone as the first. It is included here for the sake of 
completeness. In the best case, the attacker could exploit a cross-site 
scripting vulnerability on the target web server in order to construct a 
login form (coming from the target server) containing a chosen session 
ID. However, any attack that might manage to trick the user into logging 
in through a malicious login form could just as well directed the user's 
credentials to her own web server, which is generally a greater threat 
than that of fixing the session.

Session ID in a cookie

Cookies are a predominant session ID transport mechanism, partly due to 
their perceived security in comparison to URL arguments and hidden form 
fields. Ironically, cookies provide the most convenient, covert, 
effective and durable means of exploiting session fixation 
vulnerabilities. What the attacker must do is install the trap session ID 
cookie on the user's browser. She can choose one of three methods:

A. use a client-side script that sets a cookie on the browser;
B. use the HTML <META> tag with Set-Cookie attribute;
C. use the Set-Cookie HTTP response header. 

STEP 3: Session entrance

After the user has logged in to the trap session but before he has logged 
out, the attacker can enter the trap session and assume the user's 
identity. In many systems, the attacker will be able to use the session 
without the user raising suspicion. If the user doesn't log out of the 
web server, the attacker has an opportunity to keep the session alive - 
and thereby continue to assume the user's identity - for a long period of 


First, we must make it clear that preventing session fixation attacks is 
mainly the responsibility of the web application, and not the underlying 
web server. The web server - which usually provides the session 
management API to applications - should make sure that session IDs can't 
be intercepted, predicted or brute-forced. But only the web application 
can implement effective session fixation protection.

Preventing logins to a chosen session

There is one common denominator to all session fixation attacks and 
scenarios: the user logs in to a session with an attacker-chosen ID, 
instead of having been issued a newly generated session ID by the server. 
Since there seems to be no compelling reason for web applications to 
explicitly allow this to happen - and it indeed seems more like a side 
effect of current implementations -, we propose forceful prevention of 
logging into a chosen session. Web applications must ignore any session 
ID provided by the user's browser at login and must always generate a new 
session to which the user will log in if successfully authenticated.

Preventing the attacker from obtaining a valid session ID

A web application that is run on a "strict" system (one that only accepts 
session IDs that it generates itself, and not arbitrary session IDs) 
should only issue session IDs of newly generated sessions to users after 
they have successfully authenticated - as opposed to issuing them along 
with the login form. This means that an attacker who isn't a legitimate 
user of the system will not be able to get a valid session ID and will 
therefore be unable to perform a session fixation attack. 

Restricting the session ID usage

Most methods for mitigating the threat of stolen session IDs are also 
applicable to session fixation. Some of them are listed below.

* Bind the session ID to the browser's network address (as seen by the 
* Bind the session ID to the user's SSL client certificate (this is a 
very important and often overlooked issue in highly critical 
applications: each server-side script must first check whether the 
proposed session was actually established using the supplied 

* Make certain that session destruction, either from a logout or timeout, 
must take place on the server (deleting the session). Deleting the 
session cookie on the browser is not sufficient.  

* Users must have an option to log out, thereby destroying not just their 
current sessions, but also any of their previous sessions that may still 
exist (in order to prevent the attacker from using an old session a user 
forgot to log out from).  

* Consider implementing absolute session timeouts to prevent attackers 
from maintaining a trap session as well as maintaining an already entered 
user's session for a long period of time. 


Session fixation is a fairly obscure but often quite severe 
vulnerability, and therefore very likely to appear in web applications 
written by developers not familiar with this exploit. Protecting against 
session fixation is a non-trivial task, especially on "permissive" web 
servers (those accepting arbitrary session IDs). In response to 
significant interest in the developer community, we are currently 
preparing detailed instructions on defending against session fixation on 
different web server platforms.

About the Author

Mitja Kolsek has been active in information security for over 6 years, 
reviewing a wide array of business-critical security products, computer 
systems and protocols, successfully searching for security flaws and 
effective ways for fixing them. As co-founder and CTO of ACROS Security 
(www.acros.si), Mitja is passing his dedication to concise, in-depth and 
exhaustive approach to information security onto other team members as 
well as the customers they work for. 

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The Internet Security Conference 
The World has Security Problems. We have answers.


Gary Gwin

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*   The Cafesoft Access Management System, Cams, is security    *
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