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Re: JDBC PreparedStatements, Java Data Objects/O-R mapping, and SQL Injection

From: "Kevin Spett" <kspett () spidynamics com>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 11:01:20 -0500

As far as I can tell, the JDBC spec requires that a PreparedStatement be
precompiled.  This has the effect of seperating the client-supplied values
from the SQL statement, which prevents SQL injection.  Ever database
server/JDBC API I have seen does this.  Does anyone know of any exceptions?

Now of course, you can still shoot yourself in the foot programming with
PreparedStatements if you build them by concatenating client-supplied data
into them as opposed to using the '?' substitutions.  But not only is that
insecure, it also completely defeats the purpose of using

Kevin Spett
SPI Labs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Williams @ Aspect" <jeff.williams () aspectsecurity com>
To: "Kevin Spett" <kspett () spidynamics com>; "Dave Aitel"
<dave () immunitysec com>; <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: JDBC PreparedStatements, Java Data Objects/O-R mapping, and SQL

I think there's a very important point here about specifications and
security guarantees.

Not to rehash the whole discussion from the old PreparedStatement
thread, but nothing in the JDBC spec precludes SQL injection from
working with a PreparedStatement.  That means that it depends on how the
JDBC driver is implemented and what support is provided in the database
for pre-compiling queries. I've checked the source for a few open-source
JDBC drivers, and there is definitely room for security improvements.
Who knows what's going on under the covers in a proprietary JDBC driver.

Excellent question about OR mapping technologies and what I'll call "OQL
injection." For those who don't know, OQL is a subset of SQL used to
query objects from an object store that is generally backed by a
relational database. I checked the Castor JDO implementation, and it
uses a PreparedStatement under the hood, so it appears to be resistant
to these attacks (depending on your JDBC driver and database). The
translation from OQL to SQL is done with a *very* simple parser based on
StringTokenizer. The JDO spec is silent on use of PreparedStatements and
SQL injection, so there are no guarantees that your JDO implementation
is resistant to OQL injection.

In both of your questions, the specs don't detail the security
guarantees -- meaning that if you want security you have to build it
yourself.  Even if you are currently not susceptible because your code
is running with a strong driver/database, you have a latent flaw waiting
to bite you.

Bottom line -- if the spec doesn't guarantee it, you should protect your
app against it. Using PreparedStatement *may* help, but that protection
may disappear when you change platforms a few years out.  In my opinion,
the right approach here is to very carefully validate parameters
yourself before they are used in any kind of JDBC query.


Jeff Williams
Aspect Security, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin Spett
To: Dave Aitel ; webappsec () securityfocus com
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: JDBC PreparedStatements, Java Data Objects/O-R mapping, and
SQL Injection

Stored procedures by themselves do not provide protection, sorry if I
that poorly.  Prepared statements, *combined* with prepared statements
which is how I meant that statement to be interpereted.  Of course,
"impossible" should be taken with a grain of salt.

Kevin Spett
SPI Labs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Aitel" <dave () immunitysec com>
To: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: JDBC PreparedStatements, Java Data Objects/O-R mapping, and

I dunno about that. Impossible is such a big word, and I've seen SQL
Injection successfully done at least few times against a stored

You should put your sample apps on a web site somewhere so people can
knock it around a bit.

Dave Aitel
Immunity, Inc.
http://www.immunitysec.com/CANVAS/ (Remote SQL Server exploits make
Injection even more fun than usual!)

On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:32:13 -0500
"Kevin Spett" <kspett () spidynamics com> wrote:

The use of prepared statements and stored procedures makes SQL
injection impossible.  A prepared statement is compiled before the
user input is added to the SQL statement, effectively making it
impossible to execute the client-supplied data because it is never
compiled.  There was a thread about this a couple of months back on
this list, here's the first post:


Have a fun and securely programmed new year, everyone.

Kevin Spett
SPI Labs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Todd" <chris () christophertodd com>
To: <webappsec () securityfocus com>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 3:29 PM
Subject: JDBC PreparedStatements, Java Data Objects/O-R mapping, and
SQL Injection

I am working on the Java language section of the OWASP Guide to
Applications, and I have a question for the list.  Have any of you
Injectors ever been able to hack an application that was using
PreparedStatements?  Are any of you aware of a theoretical reason
this should be impossible?  I have tried, and been unsuccessful,
perform SQL injection on an example app I coded up, but then
I am not the
most talented SQL Injector.

On another note, have any of you ever successfully used SQL
Injection against a web app that was using Castor JDO, or other
similar Object-Relational mapping tools?  Again, I have tried to
attack an example app I coded up and failed.  Same question - is
theoretically impossible to execute SQL injection against apps
using these techniques and tools?

I ask these questions because I think these two techniques can be
used effectively to thwart (or at least make more difficult) SQL
injection attacks against Java-based web apps, but I want to
validate that belief to the best extent I can prior to putting
statements into the Guide. Thanks in advance for any help you can
provide, as it will improve the quality and usefullness of the


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