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Re: su core dumped with signal 3. BSD/OS 3.0, 3.1

From: Peter Pentchev <roam () ringlet net>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 09:19:00 +0200

On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 05:30:03PM -0000, Ivan Aleksandrov wrote:

rayd@mtelecom:~$ id
uid=127(rayd) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)
rayd@mtelecom:~$ su           <------------- (I send "control symbol")
Password:Quit (core dumped)   

rayd@mtelecom:~$ uname -srm
BSD/OS 3.1 i386
rayd@mtelecom:~$ ls -la `whereis su`
-r-sr-xr-x  1 root  bin  2868 Jan 21  1997 /usr/bin/su*
rayd@mtelecom:~$ ls -la su.core
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  184320 Mar 11 22:17 su.core

root@mtelecom:/usr/home/rayd# gdb --core=su.core
GDB 4.16 (i386-unknown-bsdi3.0), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, 
Core was generated by `su'.
Program terminated with signal 3, Quit.
#0  0xa004cbde in ?? ()

It is a serious bug?
Possible to write exploit? or with signal 3 it's impossible?


If the 'control symbol' was Ctrl-\, then this is expected behavior: this
key combination is *supposed* to send a QUIT signal to the application,
and the default action on SIGQUIT in all OS's is to terminate the
process and create a core file.  However, the core file is created as
the user the application is currently running as: if you cannot read
root-owned files, you cannot access the information within the corefile,
thus there is no information leak here (and if you *can* read root-owned
files, then you already have access to much sensitive information that
will help you go the rest of the way).

As to exploiting, no, I don't think you can exploit this: the core here
is a result of the kernel processing a signal sent to the process, not
of some overflow or invalid memory access or similar.

It might be argued that su(1) and similar programs should catch a couple
of signals and not leave core files lying around, but this is a
different topic IMHO.  In short, no, you can neither exploit this nor
gain information from it.


Peter Pentchev  roam () ringlet net    roam () sbnd net    roam () FreeBSD org
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