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Shellcoding ... again.

From: "deepcode ." <pondermate () hotmail com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 12:57:27 -0300

Here I am again with shellcoding questions ... bear with me, its hard to find info on this subject other than txts with 2 pages of assembly codes that constitutes a remote, http-trojan downloading, all portable, optimized shellcodes that I can't even begin to assimilate.

I'm just trying a simple ExitProcess shellcode, hardcoded address.
(By the way, this is on win32.)


imagebase=          0x77E80000
ExitProcess RVA = 0x0000F32D

Got these from DUMPPE, added them together to get 0x77E8F32D for ExitProcess address. Pretty
sure thats the right way to get address.

To test it out, I wrote a program that used inline assembly with that address.
#include <windows.h>

int main()

h = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");

xor %edi, %edi
push %edi
call 0x77E8F32D


The program runs fine. No errors, no problems at all, so i'm assuming it worked just fine.

When disassembled in Gdb(win32 port), I followed from xor edi, edi with x/bx to get the

0x31, 0xFF, 0x57 for the xor and push; which doesn't seem right.
0xE8 for call, and and then 0xF9, 0xE0, 0xA8 and 0x77. I assume it loaded into memory
at diferent addresses and got addresses changed, no biggy.

I put the codes into a char array shellcode, and put my original address in after the 0xE8
backwards (I think thats how to do it.) and it errors out.

I've tried rearranging the address all possible combinations, so I don't think thats the

#include <windows.h>

char shellcode[] =
"\x31\xFF\x57\xE8"   // opcodes gotten from gdb
"\x2D\xF3\xE8\x77";  // address backwards.

int main(void)

    h = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");

   ((void (*)(void)) &shellcode)();


I'm getting lost now ... this was so much easier on unix.

if anyone would like to help me out, i'd appreciate it.


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