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Re: Jump back to shellcode Windows overflow

From: Dino Dai Zovi <ddz () theta44 org>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 16:33:58 -0600

Have you tried putting your shellcode after the saved EIP?
Use the fact that ESP points to just after the location of the saved EIP as a blessing and just put your shellcode at the end.

[ 396 bytes padding ] [ RET ] [NOP*] [ SHELLCODE ]

You'll often have more room for your shellcode after the saved return address anyway.

Have fun,


On Monday, April 21, 2003, at 09:50 PM, <chaboyd77 () yahoo com> wrote:

I'm practicing developing Windows Buffer Overflows and
have run into a slight snag.  When I overwrite EIP with
the address of "jmp ESP" I land below my shellcode instead
of where the top of the stack used to be:

<-----------400 bytes-------->
[NOP's........Shellcode...EIP..*<-code jumps here**]

This didn't seem right but I figured that I'd use an
offset from ESP to hop back to my shellcode.

xor         eax,eax     
        xor             ebp,ebp
        mov             ebp,esp
        mov             eax,ebp - 190H
        jump            eax

What I'm trying is loading esp into ebp and then moving
that value into eax followed by a jump eax. Tried straight
from esp to eax but figured out that wasn't allowed. I know
that the .printer exploit(jill.c) does something similar (uses
eax and ebx to make the jump). Any ideas?

         Dino Dai Zovi / ddz () theta44 org /
      "Bein' Crazy is the least of my worries." - Jack Kerouac
         C439 2B06 D8D2 A2D8 1ABB  0A55 A61D 9057 63F5 9B1F

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