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TCP Daytona and Fragroute?!?

From: "Jeremy Junginger" <jjunginger () usbestcrm com>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:28:59 -0700

Hey guys,

In playing with fragroute, I got curious about this "TCP Daytona" and
began researching the ability to take advantage of the operation of
TCP's congestion control, slow start, fast retransmit, and fast recovery
to "hog bandwidth" for tcp sessions. I've read the following links:

In summary, it appears that there are basically three ways to take
advantage of the TCP stack to accomplish this, ACK division, DupACK
spoofing, and Optimistic ACKing.  They are described briefly below:

ACK Division:

Slow Start: TCP can only increase the congestion window by SMSS (Sender
Maximum Segment Size) bytes for each ACK received that acknowledges new
Congestion Avoidance:  TCP increases the congestion window by 1 full
sized segment per RTT (round-trip time).

By configuring a receiver to send x number of fragmented ACKs back to
the host, the congestion window can be incremented a factor of x.

DupACK spoofing:

TCP uses fast retransmit and fast recovery to mitigate the risk of
packet loss.
Receipt of duplicate ACKs suggest that segments are leaving the network.
For each additional duplicate ACK received, increment the congestion
window by SMSS, artificially inflating the conestion window.

By configuring the receiver to send a long stream of acknowledgements
for the last sequence number received (SYN segment), it is possible to
increase the congestion window by 3 x SMSS.

I'm not certain I understand the Optimistic ACKing, though.  It appears
to be very similar to DupACK spoofing, but it appears to have more to do
with acking for future sequence numbers rather than sending duplicate

Have any of you played with the TCP stack on a Linux machine in order to
demonstrate this capability?  The authors mention modifying the TCP
subsystem on a 2.2.10 kernel, using:

ACK division:           24 lines of code
DupACK spoofing:                11 lines of code
Optimistic ACKing:      45 lines of code

I seem to remember the folks at working on a similar
project....but I may just be crazy.  Anyhow, I'd be curious to hear your
thoughts on the subject.


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