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Re: Rumours about Apache 1.3.22 exploits -> analysis of so-called exploit client

From: Sean Davis <dive () endersgame net>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 00:07:31 -0500

First, I want to thank everybody who has posted information on this - it's
something that (for obvious reasons) we don't want on our machines.

I have a question, however. Does this "virus" only affect Linux hosts?
I personally do not run Linux, and have not for some time (all the security
problems being just one of many reasons, but I don't want this to become an
OS war)

I run NetBSD. NetBSD has, as an option. Linux binary emulation.
Now, while I don't think there is any way for this virus to infect any other
files on your system (that you do not own) unless you are root, how exactly
is this program getting root?

Stop me if I'm wrong - but this thread was originally about apache exploits.
Where is the vulnerability, apache, php, or what?

As the apache I run isn't highly used, I find it prudent to disable it until
this issue is properly addressed by all vendors involved (Linux <whatever
dist>, Apache, perhaps others), but obviously that's not acceptable for
people who run webservers and such.

I think, and I may again be wrong, that this kind of thing could happen to
NetBSD. Thats why my reply is cc'd to tech-security: I want some sort of
advice on just how worried I should be. Should I get rid of the linux

Okay, enough with the rant section. Has anyone developed a program yet to
scan a binary for the virus itself? strings, grep, etc, doesn't seem like
the most elegant manner to scan a whole system's worth of binaries. Might
take a while :-)


On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 10:39:19PM -0500, adamb wrote:
Well, thanks to my post earlier today, a fine person sent me an exploit 
for this 'virus'.  It's a bit of C code that passes a UDP datagram packet 
with a few choice items in it, the most important being the word 'DOM' as 
one part, and a number (1 = reply, 2 = execute command).  If you told the 
program (senrst) to send a command, it tries to add an entry to the 
infected host's inetd.conf file that listens on port 24554 that spawns an 
interactive shell.  It then attempts to hup inetd.  If you tell it to 
'ping' the host, it tries to elicit a reply from the host.  I got my 
infected host to reply only once, and the program (when in 'logging' mode) 
tends to be a bit trigger-happy-- a known non0-infected host is said to be 

So, in my workings, I found that I couldn't get the arbitrary command to 
work.  Even manually putting the inetd line and Hupping inetd myself 
didn't do anything!  I was disappointed.  I was hoping to play more.  

So, instead, I did some more analysis of what it does.  It pretty much 
infects other binaries as you go along.  I'm pretty sure that as you move 
around, it 'follows' you.  For example, I went to /usr/bin and ran strings 
on a file-- and the hard drive thrashed for about 15 seconds before it 
gave me my output (and thef ile was very small).  Once I ran strings the 
first time in that directory, it was fast, and of course, they all that 
the telltale sign of the infection.

Infecting every single binary is an effective way for the virus to make 
sure the port is 'open':  If I would find which pid was causing the port 
to open, and killed it, the port would stay close until I ran an infected 
binary (which is why you find such programs as ls, cd, and ssh as running 
on that port).  If you did this:
netstat -nap |grep 3049 |sed 's~/~ ~' |awk '{print $6 }' |xargs kill -9

It finds the pid, and kills it.  Execute it two times in a row:  and it 
hangs, because it's trying to kill it as it spawns it, or even before it 
exists.  It's fun!

REgardless, the 'virus' is pretty stupid.  I'm leaving it on it's own 
separated network, and using another machine to watchi t's activity (no 
network activity whatsoever, besides 'who-has <hostname>'.  It's not 
trying to spread to anything else, and it's not really taking info.  
Besides that, you have to be root for the virus to really take off, and 
when it does, it's really not useful.  I was attempting to download a 
fixer, but the company wanted a lot of info, and wanted to scan my 
computer for proof before they gave it to me. Well, since I'm not about to 
port foreward to that box through my router, that's not likely.  

Anyway, I'd like to hear if anyone else has an exploit for it, otherwise, 
I'm going to try to adapt what I have to suit this 'virus'.

Adam Bultman

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Richard Hamnett wrote:

This is all very strange, i have a version of the exploit and i have run it
numberous times. It does not seem to affect any binaries nor does it open a
UDP backdoor port. I think the most likely explanation is what has been
mentioned previously, that it has been infected by someones machine
somewhere down the line

please DO NOT waste your time and email me for the exploit, you know the

ill just give u as little info i can about the file i have

-rwxr-xr-x    1 rick     users       33189 Feb 27 17:26 73501867

73501867: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, dynamically
linked (uses shared libs), not stripped

However i have set up a test rig with 'supposed' vulnerable versions of
apache and php
and i must add that the exploit did not work at all
but it didnt crash my apache like others have reported

Richard Hamnett

----- Original Message -----
From: "adamb" <adamb () twiki iconideas com>
To: < () zipmail com br>
Cc: <vuln-dev () securityfocus com>; <venom () phreaker net>; <vugo () hotmail com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: Rumours about Apache 1.3.22 exploits

I have a copy of the virus; and I set up a test system last night.  I made
a clean install of slack 8.0 ( I have a nother slack 8 box for

I ran the infected file, and sure enough, the same thing happened: Added
about 8 k to the files in /bin/, if you killed the process running the
port 3049 listen, it would crop up.  going to /proc/<pidnumber>., (getting
the pid from netstat -nap |grep 3049)  and
doing a cat cmdline would show the program that was spawning the port

However, the port wasn't really being listened on.  Sending packets,
trying to connect via telnet did nothing.  Evidently, according to the web
pages I've been sent to says it's supposed to grab web pages, but my
trojaned box didn't send any outgoing data (well, except for who-has
statements for it's own hostname).  Another page said it waits for special
packets with 'DOM' at a specific offset before firing.

Anyway, mine's sitting around, and I'm wondering what it's going to do.  I
don't consider the virus all that problematic, since it's not reaching out
onto my network, and it's not spreading itself beyond it's own hard disk.
I'm considering finding out what triggers this 'trojan' and writing
something to trigger it.

I've got a few logfiles -- typescripts of my activity, filesize changes,
etc, that shows that it does stuff-- and I'll make more showing it's not
listening to what I have for it...


On Tue, 5 Mar 2002 () zipmail com br wrote:

I had the same problem with a test box that I have on my network.

I think the exploit called 73501867 is a trojan. It seems to infect ELF

When turn on the system (slackware 8.0 with kernel 2.4.5) I executed
-an' and nothing was showed up. But, about 3 minutes later when I
'netstat -an' it shows up:
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address

udp        0      0  *

Do checksum in your files.

Nilton Gomes

-- Mensagem original --

Actally I was pasted on a so called exploit this afternoon which claims
exploit via post but was only pasted on a binary,
how ever please watch out for this I beleave its a working exploit but
also seems to open up a udp port on 3049 and some how seems to cloning
last proc , when stracing the 3049 all it seems to do is sit there and
recv(...) and does nothing when you type anything.

binary is called 73501867 - x86/linux mod_php v4.0.2rc1-v4.0.5 by

Has any one seen this about before?? Is this a trojan , if not then why
it open udp 3049 even after a reboot.
i trace the proc opening that port kill it and it seems to clone some
last proc and then 2mins l8r opens the port again.

Any ideas?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Olaf Kirch" <okir () caldera de>
To: "H D Moore" <hdm () digitaloffense net>
Cc: <fractalg () highspeedweb net>; <vuln-dev () securityfocus com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: Rumours about Apache 1.3.22 exploits

There is a bug in the php_split_mime function in PHP 3.x and 4.x.
is a
working exploit floating around which provides a remote bindshell
versions 4.0.1 to 4.0.6 with a handful of default offsets for

Blechch. This code is really icky. There's really an sprintf down
in the code that looks bad (apart from a few other things that look
But if I don't misread the patch, the sprintf is still there in

Since the PHP developers commited another change to the affected
source file (rfc1687.c) about two days ago, speculation is that
another remote exploit.

Not in the public CVS (has been removed?)

Olaf Kirch         |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we
okir () monad swb de  |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah
okir () caldera de    +-------------------- Why
Not?! -----------------------
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