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Re: OpenSSh 3.4p1 PrivilegeSerparation experiment

From: Brian Hatch <vuln-dev () ifokr org>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 16:58:18 -0700

Notice that:
    o   sshd is written to re-parse sshd_config and launch and new process
        on receiving SIGHUP.  


    o   you expect disconnection from an ssh'd tty when root sends sshd the
        signal to hangup.

Ummm, no I don't.  That's never been the way ssh has worked.


          sshd    344 root 3u 479     TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
          sshd   1158 root 4u 13436   TCP localhost:ssh->remote:52589 (EST)
          sshd   1160 user 4u 13436   TCP localhost:ssh->remote:52589 (EST)

   o   We have the real daemon listening, and the spinoffs handling my
       connection via a highport and interface:ssh.

       This behavior is so far what I expect.

       You send SIGHUP to the original process; your connection remains.

   o   The spunoff processes (not listening) continue like nothing
       happened, a la:  
           $ `ps aux |grep sshd`
           root 1158  0.0  0.6  5628 1716 ? S 17:56 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
           user 1160  0.0  0.6  5648 1772 ? S 17:56 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
           root 1184  0.0  0.5  2720 1384 ? S 18:20 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd

The server ssh process, #344, when it got the HUP forked off and
reread the sshd_config, resulting in process 1184 above.  Your
existng two processes, 1158 and 1160 stayed alive.  Which is what
should happen, and always has happened.  Killing the main ssh
process (the one that does the initial accept on the network socket)
has never killed off active user sessions.  Else how could you upgrade
ssh remotely?

This would seem to be expected behaviour.

Brian Hatch                  "Is there a Lawyer
   Systems and                  in the House?"
   Security Engineer          **BLAM!**     "Any more?"

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