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Re: More on Shatter

From: Dragos Ruiu <dr () kyx net>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 15:33:12 +0000

Filtering and lookups in tables can be computationally 
intensive tasks. And parsing every message to weed
out some is not only potentially slow, but could be 
a cure worse than the disease... because it might
break potentially sloppy code in some critical app...

The added latency might be a serious issue in a time
critical place like a *timer* service (or message) routine. 

Windows already has a bad rep as far as latency and
predictability, and this kind of band-aid might exacerbate 
the already existing issue for some applications that 
try to do real-time things (as I wager most applications 
using timers do).

Yep, this is a hard problem. The real solution is not to
pass the call back in this way, but such is the curse of the 
pre-defined API you have to maintain backwards compatibility 
with. Maybe another few hundered MB of code might fix 
it? :-) Probably not.  If it's any consolation there are some
similar locked into stone API architectural issues in 
things like POSIX too that ought to be fixed but 
cannot while retaining backwards compatibility - though 
perhaps not of this magnitude of impact.

As much as it seems easy to bash MS for this one, it isn't
their fault some applications are lame :-). Though it seems 
to me they *should* fix the default handler for WM_TIMER
in DefWindowProc() to avoid the arbitrary callback use but
I don't know enough to say whether this too would break a
lot of stuff since someone at MS who probably knows more 
about this seems to think this is a bad idea.

So putting in good WM_TIMER message handlers in applications 
has to be added to the long list of things that a good Win32
app developer *has* to do. And checking the handler has
to stay on the Q/A and pen-test engineer's checklist because 
we know some applications programmers won't know enough 
or be dilligent enough to do this.


On August 23, 2002 07:15 pm, Daniel Newby wrote:
At 11:52 AM 8/23/2002 +0100, Chris Paget wrote:

I've written a followup paper on Shatter which contains a few
corrections, some new techniques, and an FAQ.  It's available at

I don't understand why filtering cannot fix the problem with WM_TIMER.  By
definition, the offending lParam parameter of the WM_TIMER message is
"Pointer to an application-defined callback function that was passed to the
SetTimer function when the timer was installed."[1]  I am not a Win32
programmer, but it would seem trivial for the system to check lParam for
arriving messages against the callbacks previously registered using
SetTimer.  If it didn't match, the message could be discarded (and logged
as an attempted access control violation).  If it did match, the
application would receive an unexpected call to a function under its
control.  That is not perfect, but it's a vast improvement over being able
to call arbitrary memory locations.

Furthermore, why does any process ever need to receive a WM_TIMER message
from a non-system, non-self process?  Would any important applications
break if all WM_TIMER messages from uncontrolled sources were
blocked?  Similar arguments hold for other message types.

[1]  Documentation on MSDN:
(URL needs pasting back together.)

dr () kyx net   pgp:
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