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Re: Studying buffer overflows [maybe OT]

From: Guillaume Morin <guillaume () morinfr org>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 12:37:34 +0200

Dans un message du 08 avr à 23:21, darko écrivait :
I've started to study buffer overflows. I wrote the following code:

void f() {
        char a[4];
        int *b;
        b =  a + 0x8;
        (*b) += 0x8;

main() {
        int x;
        x = 0;
        x = 1;
        printf("%d\n", x);

I want, after the call to f(), the program jump to printf() so the
value of x should remain 0, not 1. I always get segmentation faults,
bus errors, etc.  and never that fuc*ing "x = 0" !!  Tested on a
Celeron 433, red hat 7.2, gcc 2.96.

It depends on your compiler.

If I compile this program on an x86 box with gcc 2.95.2, I get
(using objdump -d on the binary)

 80483fa:       c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
 8048401:       e8 ce ff ff ff          call   80483d4 <f>
 8048406:       c7 45 fc 01 00 00 00    movl   $0x1,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
 804840d:       83 c4 f8                add    $0xfffffff8,%esp

you want to skip 8049406, so you have to add 7 to the return value.

If I modify (*b) += 0x8; to (*b) += 7;, I get :

guillaum@cedar ~$ ./foo
guillaum@cedar ~$


Guillaume Morin <guillaume () morinfr org>

        Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is done. (Metallica)

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