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Re: New/Hidden/Unimplemented IE Protocols (Re: Crash IE with shell://:)

From: "Joe User" <phorlakh () atralakh dyndns org>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 08:05:57 -0600

Hey all,
Some of these are fairly common, but not really used much any more.
Others I'm not too certain, but here's the breakdown I've been around
[corrections not only welcome but requested]
snews:        secure NNTP
rlogin:       UNIX rlogin protocol [handled by the telnet handler off
wais:         Wide Area Information Service [predecessor to the search
engine and friends, really popular during the gopher heyday]
url:          same as http, I believe
ldaps://      secure LDAP
ms-its & its: (old, possibly related to mk:, but still weird --
Officially [at least according to the w3c], the uri is supposed to be
definable, and some systems still use outdated uris for their
sites...some I'd imagine are for backwards compatibility


-Usman Akeju://

P.S. - The hello:// --> shell:// crash only worked on me once, and after a 
couldn't be replicated.  The gopher://: crash works, though.  Running Win98SE
4.10.2222A using IE 5.50.4522.1800 SP1 +Q297328,q283908,Q286045,q290108,Q286043.

Chris Tobkin wrote:

Speaking of things they are building into the OS via IE, try
outlook:\\Mailbox%20-%20Your%20Name\  I find it somewhat interesting
that you can go directly into your inbox from a link like
outlook:\\Mailbox%20-%20Your%20Name\Inbox or your calendar
(outlook:\\Mailbox%20-%20Your%20Name\Calendar) for that matter..

// Chris
tobkin () intersec com

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