Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

The OneCQ Instant Messenger Devel-List

From: Arturo Busleiman <buanzox () usa net>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 20:20:26 -0300

Hello co-listers!

        On mid-June the OneCQ Development Mailing List has been announced
on the SECPROG mailing list, and from that point, SSL support and
data-packet level encryption has been added, and the protocol itself has
been basicly established.
        Now that there's a working server and client source tree, this
invitation is extended to BUGTRAQ and VULNDEV too, for every person who
would like to contribute to the OneCQ development. (via ideas, bug
reports, coding, auditing).
        I know there'are other instant messaging systems floating in the
Internet, but I don't want it to have XML support, for example, (at least
not in the main source tree!) or any other ultra cool super special
magical and macro tecnological capabilities. I wish to develop a secure
instant messenger. Both secure at server and client and communications
level. I don't want anyone to be able to add an user to his contact list
and know his online state without the other party authorizing that. I
don't want easy-flooding tools out there. I may be a bit utopic, but I'm
not the only one (John Lennon style there :)

        If you want to contribute in ANY way, please send a blank email

onecq-subscribe () egroups com

and wait for my approval (you'll have it, of course ;)

        If there's someone out there that doesn't like egroups (now
yahoogroups)  and has a server where he would be glad to setup the list,
I'm open.

        Having nothing else to say, I salute you all.

Arturo Alberto Busleiman ("Buanzo" || "Kermit")

*> MP OnLine? EL BBS? FeedBack? -> System Fork!!! 4799-2510 TLD 24hs
*> El sexo es como el Hacking. Entras, salis y esperas no haber dejado
*> nada por lo que puedan rastrearte.
*> Panic? My kernel doesn't panic! We are doomed! DustDustDust!!!!

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