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Re: AMD Sledgehammer and ascii-only shellcode

From: Sebastian <scut () NB IN-BERLIN DE>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 19:24:59 +0200


On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 04:33:40AM +0200, Holger van Koll wrote:

AFAIK it´s still considered impossible to code shellcode using only
ascii-data as commands like jmp, call are not within this range.

Well, it is possible to write ASCII only shellcode (I have seen an
experimental 'a-Z' shellcode decoder), the problem is not the shellcode,
but the data which cannot replaced in most cases: the return address.
On most architectures/operating systems the return address has bytes
that aren't within the 'a-Z' range, and hence couldn't be modified with
a simple overwrite smash if the data is ASCII-filtered.


- scut () nb in-berlin de - --- you don't need a --
-- lot of people to be great, you need a few great to be the best ------------
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