Vulnerability Development mailing list archives

Re: riched20.dll exploit

From: andrew () AIROTECH COM (Andrew Mauer)
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:59:12 -0500

I'm rather new at C source, but I believe that this is what Pauli O. was
asking for...

§  Andrew Mauer  §

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
                -- Maslow

Murphy's First Proof:
In the beginning there was nothing... which exploded.

<----------Begin rtfreader.c source---------->
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rtftype.h"
#include "rtfdecl.h"

int cGroup;
bool fSkipDestIfUnk;
long cbBin;
long lParam;

RDS rds;
RIS ris;

CHP chp;
PAP pap;
SEP sep;
DOP dop;

SAVE *psave;
FILE *fpIn;

// %%Function: main
// Main loop. Initialize and parse RTF.
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *fp;
    int ec;

    fp = fpIn = fopen("test.rtf", "r");
    if (!fp)
        printf ("Can't open test file!\n");
        return 1;
    if ((ec = ecRtfParse(fp)) != ecOK)
        printf("error %d parsing rtf\n", ec);
        printf("Parsed RTF file OK\n");
    return 0;

// %%Function: ecRtfParse
// Step 1:
// Isolate RTF keywords and send them to ecParseRtfKeyword;
// Push and pop state at the start and end of RTF groups;
// Send text to ecParseChar for further processing.

ecRtfParse(FILE *fp)
    int ch;
    int ec;
    int cNibble = 2;
    int b = 0;
    while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
        if (cGroup < 0)
            return ecStackUnderflow;
        if (ris == risBin)                      // if we're parsing binary
data, handle it directly
            if ((ec = ecParseChar(ch)) != ecOK)
                return ec;
            switch (ch)
            case '{':
                if ((ec = ecPushRtfState()) != ecOK)
                    return ec;
            case '}':
                if ((ec = ecPopRtfState()) != ecOK)
                    return ec;
            case '\\':
                if ((ec = ecParseRtfKeyword(fp)) != ecOK)
                    return ec;
            case 0x0d:
            case 0x0a:          // cr and lf are noise characters...
                if (ris == risNorm)
                    if ((ec = ecParseChar(ch)) != ecOK)
                        return ec;
                {               // parsing hex data
                    if (ris != risHex)
                        return ecAssertion;
                    b = b << 4;
                    if (isdigit(ch))
                        b += (char) ch - '0';
                        if (islower(ch))
                            if (ch < 'a' || ch > 'f')
                                return ecInvalidHex;
                            b += (char) ch - 'a';
                            if (ch < 'A' || ch > 'F')
                                return ecInvalidHex;
                            b += (char) ch - 'A';
                    if (!cNibble)
                        if ((ec = ecParseChar(b)) != ecOK)
                            return ec;
                        cNibble = 2;
                        b = 0;
ris = risNorm;
                }                   // end else (ris != risNorm)
            }       // switch
        }           // else (ris != risBin)
    }               // while
    if (cGroup < 0)
        return ecStackUnderflow;
    if (cGroup > 0)
        return ecUnmatchedBrace;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecPushRtfState
// Save relevant info on a linked list of SAVE structures.

    SAVE *psaveNew = malloc(sizeof(SAVE));
    if (!psaveNew)
        return ecStackOverflow;

    psaveNew -> pNext = psave;
    psaveNew -> chp = chp;
    psaveNew -> pap = pap;
    psaveNew -> sep = sep;
    psaveNew -> dop = dop;
    psaveNew -> rds = rds;
    psaveNew -> ris = ris;
    ris = risNorm;
    psave = psaveNew;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecPopRtfState
// If we're ending a destination (that is, the destination is changing),
// call ecEndGroupAction.
// Always restore relevant info from the top of the SAVE list.

    SAVE *psaveOld;
    int ec;

    if (!psave)
        return ecStackUnderflow;

    if (rds != psave->rds)
        if ((ec = ecEndGroupAction(rds)) != ecOK)
            return ec;
    chp = psave->chp;
    pap = psave->pap;
    sep = psave->sep;
    dop = psave->dop;
    rds = psave->rds;
    ris = psave->ris;

    psaveOld = psave;
    psave = psave->pNext;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecParseRtfKeyword
// Step 2:
// get a control word (and its associated value) and
// call ecTranslateKeyword to dispatch the control.

ecParseRtfKeyword(FILE *fp)
    int ch;
    char fParam = fFalse;
    char fNeg = fFalse;
    int param = 0;
    char *pch;
    char szKeyword[30];
    char szParameter[20];

    szKeyword[0] = '\0';
    szParameter[0] = '\0';
    if ((ch = getc(fp)) == EOF)
        return ecEndOfFile;
    if (!isalpha(ch))           // a control symbol; no delimiter.
        szKeyword[0] = (char) ch;
        szKeyword[1] = '\0';
        return ecTranslateKeyword(szKeyword, 0, fParam);
    for (pch = szKeyword; isalpha(ch); ch = getc(fp))
        *pch++ = (char) ch;
    *pch = '\0';
    if (ch == '-')
        fNeg  = fTrue;
        if ((ch = getc(fp)) == EOF)
            return ecEndOfFile;
    if (isdigit(ch))
        fParam = fTrue;         // a digit after the control means we have
a parameter
        for (pch = szParameter; isdigit(ch); ch = getc(fp))
            *pch++ = (char) ch;
        *pch = '\0';
        param = atoi(szParameter);
        if (fNeg)
            param = -param;
        lParam = atol(szParameter);
        if (fNeg)
            param = -param;
    if (ch != ' ')
        ungetc(ch, fp);
    return ecTranslateKeyword(szKeyword, param, fParam);

// %%Function: ecParseChar
// Route the character to the appropriate destination stream.

ecParseChar(int ch)
    if (ris == risBin && --cbBin <= 0)
        ris = risNorm;
    switch (rds)
    case rdsSkip:
        // Toss this character.
        return ecOK;
    case rdsNorm:
        // Output a character. Properties are valid at this point.
        return ecPrintChar(ch);
    // handle other destinations....
        return ecOK;
// %%Function: ecPrintChar
// Send a character to the output file.

ecPrintChar(int ch)
    // unfortunately, we don't do a whole lot here as far as layout goes...
    return ecOK;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "rtftype.h"
#include "rtfdecl.h"

// RTF parser tables

// Property descriptions
PROP rgprop [ipropMax] = {
    actnByte,   propChp,    offsetof(CHP, fBold),       // ipropBold
    actnByte,   propChp,    offsetof(CHP, fItalic),     // ipropItalic
    actnByte,   propChp,    offsetof(CHP, fUnderline),  // ipropUnderline
    actnWord,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, xaLeft),      // ipropLeftInd
    actnWord,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, xaRight),     // ipropRightInd
    actnWord,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, xaFirst),     // ipropFirstInd
    actnWord,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, cCols),       // ipropCols
    actnWord,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, xaPgn),       // ipropPgnX
    actnWord,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, yaPgn),       // ipropPgnY
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, xaPage),      // ipropXaPage
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, yaPage),      // ipropYaPage
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, xaLeft),      // ipropXaLeft
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, xaRight),     // ipropXaRight
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, yaTop),       // ipropYaTop
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, yaBottom),    // ipropYaBottom
    actnWord,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, pgnStart),    // ipropPgnStart
    actnByte,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, sbk),         // ipropSbk
    actnByte,   propSep,    offsetof(SEP, pgnFormat),   // ipropPgnFormat
    actnByte,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, fFacingp),    // ipropFacingp
    actnByte,   propDop,    offsetof(DOP, fLandscape),  // ipropLandscape
    actnByte,   propPap,    offsetof(PAP, just),        // ipropJust
    actnSpec,   propPap,    0,                          // ipropPard
    actnSpec,   propChp,    0,                          // ipropPlain
    actnSpec,   propSep,    0,                          // ipropSectd

// Keyword descriptions
SYM rgsymRtf[] = {
//  keyword     dflt    fPassDflt   kwd         idx
    "b",        1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropBold,
    "u",        1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropUnderline,
    "i",        1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropItalic,
    "li",       0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropLeftInd,
    "ri",       0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropRightInd,
    "fi",       0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropFirstInd,
    "cols",     1,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropCols,
    "sbknone",  sbkNon, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkcol",   sbkCol, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkeven",  sbkEvn, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkodd",   sbkOdd, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "sbkpage",  sbkPg,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropSbk,
    "pgnx",     0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropPgnX,
    "pgny",     0,      fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropPgnY,
    "pgndec",   pgDec,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnucrm",  pgURom, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnlcrm",  pgLRom, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnucltr", pgULtr, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "pgnlcltr", pgLLtr, fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnFormat,
    "qc",       justC,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "ql",       justL,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "qr",       justR,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "qj",       justF,  fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropJust,
    "paperw",   12240,  fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropXaPage,
    "paperh",   15480,  fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropYaPage,
    "margl",    1800,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropXaLeft,
    "margr",    1800,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropXaRight,
    "margt",    1440,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropYaTop,
    "margb",    1440,   fFalse,     kwdProp,    ipropYaBottom,
    "pgnstart", 1,      fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropPgnStart,
    "facingp",  1,      fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropFacingp,
    "landscape",1,      fTrue,      kwdProp,    ipropLandscape,
    "par",      0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x0a,
    "\0x0a",    0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x0a,
    "\0x0d",    0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x0a,
    "tab",      0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    0x09,
    "ldblquote",0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '"',
    "rdblquote",0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '"',
    "bin",      0,      fFalse,     kwdSpec,    ipfnBin,
    "*",        0,      fFalse,     kwdSpec,    ipfnSkipDest,
    "'",        0,      fFalse,     kwdSpec,    ipfnHex,
    "author",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "buptim",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "colortbl", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "comment",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "creatim",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "doccomm",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "fonttbl",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footer",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footerf",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footerl",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footerr",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "footnote", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "ftncn",    0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "ftnsep",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "ftnsepc",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "header",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "headerf",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "headerl",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "headerr",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "info",     0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "keywords", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "operator", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "pict",     0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "printim",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "private1", 0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "revtim",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "rxe",      0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "stylesheet",   0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "subject",  0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "tc",       0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "title",    0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "txe",      0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "xe",       0,      fFalse,     kwdDest,    idestSkip,
    "{",        0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '{',
    "}",        0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '}',
    "\\",       0,      fFalse,     kwdChar,    '\\'
int isymMax = sizeof(rgsymRtf) / sizeof(SYM);

// %%Function: ecApplyPropChange
// Set the property identified by _iprop_ to the value _val_.

ecApplyPropChange(IPROP iprop, int val)
    char *pb;

    if (rds == rdsSkip)                 // If we're skipping text,
        return ecOK;                    // don't do anything.

    switch (rgprop[iprop].prop)
    case propDop:
        pb = (char *)&dop;
    case propSep:
        pb = (char *)&sep;
    case propPap:
        pb = (char *)&pap;
    case propChp:
        pb = (char *)&chp;
        if (rgprop[iprop].actn != actnSpec)
            return ecBadTable;
    switch (rgprop[iprop].actn)
    case actnByte:
        pb[rgprop[iprop].offset] = (unsigned char) val;
    case actnWord:
        (*(int *) (pb+rgprop[iprop].offset)) = val;
    case actnSpec:
        return ecParseSpecialProperty(iprop, val);
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecParseSpecialProperty
// Set a property that requires code to evaluate.

ecParseSpecialProperty(IPROP iprop, int val)
    switch (iprop)
    case ipropPard:
        memset(&pap, 0, sizeof(pap));
        return ecOK;
    case ipropPlain:
        memset(&chp, 0, sizeof(chp));
        return ecOK;
    case ipropSectd:
        memset(&sep, 0, sizeof(sep));
        return ecOK;
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecBadTable;

// %%Function: ecTranslateKeyword.
// Step 3.
// Search rgsymRtf for szKeyword and evaluate it appropriately.
// Inputs:
// szKeyword:   The RTF control to evaluate.
// param:       The parameter of the RTF control.
// fParam:      fTrue if the control had a parameter; (that is, if param is
//              fFalse if it did not.

ecTranslateKeyword(char *szKeyword, int param, bool fParam)
    int isym;

    // search for szKeyword in rgsymRtf

    for (isym = 0; isym < isymMax; isym++)
        if (strcmp(szKeyword, rgsymRtf[isym].szKeyword) == 0)
    if (isym == isymMax)            // control word not found
        if (fSkipDestIfUnk)         // if this is a new destination
            rds = rdsSkip;          // skip the destination
                                    // else just discard it
        fSkipDestIfUnk = fFalse;
        return ecOK;

    // found it!  use kwd and idx to determine what to do with it.

    fSkipDestIfUnk = fFalse;
    switch (rgsymRtf[isym].kwd)
    case kwdProp:
        if (rgsymRtf[isym].fPassDflt || !fParam)
            param = rgsymRtf[isym].dflt;
        return ecApplyPropChange(rgsymRtf[isym].idx, param);
    case kwdChar:
        return ecParseChar(rgsymRtf[isym].idx);
    case kwdDest:
        return ecChangeDest(rgsymRtf[isym].idx);
    case kwdSpec:
        return ecParseSpecialKeyword(rgsymRtf[isym].idx);
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecBadTable;

// %%Function: ecChangeDest
// Change to the destination specified by idest.
// There's usually more to do here than this...

ecChangeDest(IDEST idest)
    if (rds == rdsSkip)             // if we're skipping text,
        return ecOK;                // don't do anything

    switch (idest)
        rds = rdsSkip;              // when in doubt, skip it...
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecEndGroupAction
// The destination specified by rds is coming to a close.
// If there's any cleanup that needs to be done, do it now.

ecEndGroupAction(RDS rds)
    return ecOK;

// %%Function: ecParseSpecialKeyword
// Evaluate an RTF control that needs special processing.

ecParseSpecialKeyword(IPFN ipfn)
    if (rds == rdsSkip && ipfn != ipfnBin)  // if we're skipping, and it's
        return ecOK;                        // the \bin keyword, ignore it.
    switch (ipfn)
    case ipfnBin:
        ris = risBin;
        cbBin = lParam;
    case ipfnSkipDest:
        fSkipDestIfUnk = fTrue;
    case ipfnHex:
 ris = risHex;
        return ecBadTable;
    return ecOK;

<----------End rtfreader.c source---------->

~> -----Original Message-----
~> From: VULN-DEV List [mailto:VULN-DEV () SECURITYFOCUS COM]On Behalf Of
~> Pauli Ojanpera
~> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 8:44 AM
~> Subject: riched20.dll exploit
~> Could someone who has MSDN Library on a CD please send the
~> .c source file containing the old example of a rtf parser as
~> it got removed from the Online Library?
~> I suspect riched20.dll has exactly the same code in it.
~> I don't know if it even exists on CD..
~> ______________________________________________________
~> Get Your Private, Free Email at

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