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Re: Losing BPF's

From: Jon Steel <jon.steel () esentire com>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 16:12:49 -0500

I did some more digging and I think Ive narrowed the problem down a bit
more. It does appear to be a kernel issue. pcaps off the hook for today.

For those interested, the problem occurs for the following reasons: When
you call open() on OpenBSD it does not lock the file unless you tell it
to. This means multiple pcap connections can get a file descriptor for
the same /dev/bpfN file. The problem then occurs when on the following
line in which comes soon after opening the file:

ioctl(fd, BIOCSETIF, (caddr_t)&ifr);

Now the kernel gets confused somewhere because it has multiple
connections pointing to the same /dev/bpfN file and so it cannot be
closed properly.

The ioctl call will end up calling the below function in the kernel
(where the problem should lie). Ill move this over to a post Ive put up
on the OpenBSD message board.

Thanks for your help

958 /*
959  * Detach a file from its current interface (if attached at all) and
960  * to the interface indicated by the name stored in ifr.
961  * Return an errno or 0.
962  */
963 int
964 bpf_setif(struct bpf_d *d, struct ifreq *ifr)
965 {
966         struct bpf_if *bp, *candidate = NULL;
967         int s, error;
969         /*
970          * Look through attached interfaces for the named one.
971          */
972         for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp != 0; bp = bp->bif_next) {
973                 struct ifnet *ifp = bp->bif_ifp;
975                 if (ifp == 0 ||
976                     strcmp(ifp->if_xname, ifr->ifr_name) != 0)
977                         continue;
979                 /*
980                  * We found the requested interface.
981                  */
982                 if (candidate == NULL || candidate->bif_dlt >
983                         candidate = bp;
984         }
986         if (candidate != NULL) {
987                 /*
988                  * Allocate the packet buffers if we need to.
989                  * If we're already attached to requested interface,
990                  * just flush the buffer.
991                  */
992                 if (d->bd_sbuf == 0) {
993                         error = bpf_allocbufs(d);
994                         if (error != 0)
995                                 return (error);
996                 }
997                 s = splnet();
998                 if (candidate != d->bd_bif) {
999                         if (d->bd_bif)
1000                                 /*
1001                                  * Detach if attached to something
1002                                  */
1003                                 bpf_detachd(d);
1005                         bpf_attachd(d, candidate);
1006                 }
1007                 bpf_reset_d(d);
1008                 splx(s);
1009                 return (0);
1010         }
1011         /* Not found. */
1012         return (ENXIO);
1013 }

Guy Harris wrote:
Jon Steel wrote:

I have found a potential bug in libpcap on OpenBSD and likely FreeBSD as
well. If you simultaneously open several programs that open pcap
connections, you can cause the system to lose track of some of its
BPF's. When you close all the pcap connections some of the BPF's may
report that they are still busy.

You can reproduce this problem by doing the following:

1. Get a copy of bpfmaker.c and that have been attched.
2. run `gcc bpfmaker.c -o bpfmaker -lpcap`
3. run `perl <name of your ethernet card>

This will simultaneously open several copies of bpfmaker and close them
in a loop and lets you compare the number of bpf's being used on your
system at the start and end of the program.

I think the problem is that two programs simultaneously opening a live
pcap connection may cause two bpf device files to point to the same BPF
in the OS,

If so, that's an OS bug.  /dev/bpfN is supposed to open the Nth BPF
device; a quick look at the OpenBSD bpfopen() appears to indicate that
it does do that:

bpfopen(dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p)
        struct bpf_d *d;

        /* create on demand */
        if ((d = bpfilter_create(minor(dev))) == NULL)
                return (ENXIO);
         * Each minor can be opened by only one process.  If the
         * minor is in use, return EBUSY.
        if (!D_ISFREE(d))
                return (EBUSY);

        /* Mark "free" and do most initialization. */
        d->bd_bufsize = bpf_bufsize;
        d->bd_sig = SIGIO;


        return (0);


struct bpf_d *
bpfilter_lookup(int unit)
        struct bpf_d *bd;

        LIST_FOREACH(bd, &bpf_d_list, bd_list)
                if (bd->bd_unit == unit)
                        return (bd);
        return (NULL);

struct bpf_d *
bpfilter_create(int unit)
        struct bpf_d *bd;

        if ((bd = bpfilter_lookup(unit)) != NULL)
                return (bd);
        if ((bd = malloc(sizeof(*bd), M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT)) != NULL) {
                bzero(bd, sizeof(*bd));
                bd->bd_unit = unit;
                LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&bpf_d_list, bd, bd_list);
        return (bd);

or two BPF's in the OS to point to the same device file.

If by "device file" you mean /dev/bpfN file, if that happened, that
would also be a bug.  I don't see how that could happen, given the
OpenBSD BPF code.

I can't reproduce this on OS X 10.4 - I get

    $ sudo ./ en1
    BPF's at startup:        0
    BPF's upon ending:        0

so it's not inherent to BPF (10.4's libpcap doesn't do any file
locking on BPF devices - it relies on the opens being exclusive use,
just as the libpcap on {Free,Net,Open,DragonFly}BSD do).

Are you certain that the loop in your script isn't missing any BPF
processes, so that some are left running?
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