tcpdump mailing list archives

Re: Welcome to tcpdump-workers

From: "Terry Bogard" <terrybogard4 () hotmail com>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 09:50:20 +0000

I'm using winpcap/libpcap in an MFC multi-threaded project to sniff packets on my LAN - so that all the devices on my LAN are detected & profiled - it's basically a LAN Device management utility. I'm using pcap_open_dev() pcap_open_live() (with tm_ms=0 - so unlimited , promisc = 1) , pcap_lookupnet and then finally pcap_next() in a loop to sniff packets. the callback function is defined to be pcap_oneshot, which is processing each packet . I'm posting because my application is working really slow & the lan devices are taking a long time to be detected. I've even tried using pcap_dispatch so that i can test with a variable value for the cnt parameter - but that hasn't helped. I'm looking for a way to improve this packet sniffing - by adjustment of parameters somewhere - or by writing my own low-level code. But I need your help with this. what parameters can i adjust in any of the winpcap functions, or the packet driver - that would help speed up this packet sniffing? Or how would I go about doing this? My LAN consists of 8 devices running Windows O/S. Oh I'm using the Windows version of libpcap. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



From: Majordomo () sandelman ottawa on ca
Reply-To: Majordomo () sandelman ottawa on ca
To: terrybogard4 () hotmail com
Subject: Welcome to tcpdump-workers
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:42:56 -0500 (EST)


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    unsubscribe tcpdump-workers

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    unsubscribe tcpdump-workers terrybogard4 () hotmail com

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 Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to,
 in case you don't already have it:

   tcpdump logo

   CVS Files Files Mail Help Projects

   This  page  was  started  to  collect  various  patches that have been
   floating  around  for  LBL's  tcpdump  and  libpcap  programs,  and to
   continue the work needed on both projects.


   There  are  some  mirrors of this page that might be closer to you, or
   just generally faster.


   Full  documentation  is  provided with the source packages in man page
   format.  People  with  Windows  distributions  are  best  to check the
   Windows  PCAP page for references to WinDUMP. What follows are the man
   pages formatted to HTML using man2html.
     * tcpdump.1
     * pcap.3
     * PCAP tutorial by timcarst at yahoo dot com.
     * NAU's  Computer  Systems  Engineering  has  a  tutorial  on  using


   TCPDUMP  version 3.7.1 has been released. This is the first release of
   tcpdump 3.7.

   There are many changes to tcpdump in past year. See the change log for
   brief  summary  (55 lines of them). If you want more in depth details,
   please see the CVS log summary for 2001..

   No current binaries are available.
     * tcpdump-3.7.1.tar.gz (changelog)
     * libpcap-0.7.1.tar.gz (changelog)


   TCPDUMP  version 3.6.1 was released on January 10, 2001, and 3.6.2 was
   released  on February 5, 2001. 3.6.2 fixes problems compiling on older
   Linux distributions. The current version is 3.6.2 (0.6.2 for libpcap).

   Binaries for some platforms are available. If you can offer binary/RPM
   distributions, please contact tcpdump-workers () tcpdump org.
     * tcpdump-3.6.2.tar.gz (changelog)
     * libpcap-0.6.2.tar.gz (changelog)

Common problems

   A FAQ is being developed.

Anonymous CVS

   There  is  an  anonymous  CVS server from which the latest versions of
   libpcap and tcpdump can be retrieved. To checkout a copy, do:

cvs -d :pserver:tcpdump () cvs tcpdump org:/tcpdump/master login

   Use the password "anoncvs"

cvs -d :pserver:tcpdump () cvs tcpdump org:/tcpdump/master checkout libpcap

   One  can  then  configure  and  compile  the source via the normal GNU
   autoconf method.


   You can browse the current repository using cvsweb.

Current Tar files

   One  can download the day's files here. They are produced from the CVS
   repository  at  4am  EST every night. They include the appropriate CVS
   control  files,  so  that  one  can  download  these files and then do
     * tcpdump-current.tar.gz
     * libpcap-current.tar.gz

   The  dailies  are kept for 14 days. If you wish to reference something
   more permanent (no promises!!!) then you might want the weeklies.

Mailing lists

   There are two mailing lists that have been set up:

   tcpdump-announce () tcpdump org
          This list is for announcements only.
          It is archived here.

   tcpdump-workers () tcpdump org
          This  list  is  for  discussion  of  code. It will also receive
          announcements,  so  one  need only subscribe to one list or the
          It is archived here.
          There is also a digested version of this list.
          Posts  to  this  list  must  originate  from  the  subscriber's

   tcpdump-nomail () tcpdump org
          This  list  receives  no mail. It exists as a list of alternate
          email   addresses   from   which   people   may   post  to  the
          tcpdump-workers list.

   To subscribe to these lists, please email to
   tcpdump-workers-request () tcpdump org, or
   tcpdump-announce-request () tcpdump org.   In  the  body,  put  the  word

   We  are now using for bug tracking. Please submit bugs
   libpcap: bugs | patches
   tcpdump: bugs | patches

What can I do?

   We need people to:
     * download and test versions of tcpdump on their platform
     * write release notes
     * contribute code
     * maintain web pages (less important now)

    Last updated: $Date: 2002/12/16 21:43:16 $ by JWS


This is the TCPDUMP workers list. It is archived at
To unsubscribe use mailto:tcpdump-workers-request () tcpdump org?body=unsubscribe

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