Snort mailing list archives

Re: File preprocessor fails to capture files

From: Pablo Cantos Polaino <pcantos () redborder org>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 13:10:22 +0200

Sure it helps, Russ. As you said, this malfunctioning is not due to
ordinary network conditions, therefore I've replayed these tests over other
interface networks with successful results (without packet reordering), and
after updating the network interface drivers over the one who reordered the
packets, this is working fine too. So now I'm going to continue my tests on
Snort and I will let you know if this problem disappears.

They're live captures that have been got from a port span (tcpdump -v -i
eth4 -s 0 -w 18kfile.pcap). The only thing I had done is filtering by the
session which the file belonged to and exporting to another PCAP file. In
any case, I've done tests with full PCAP files and its filtered ones with
same results.

I'm also attaching the original live captures you wanted to see.

Best regards and thanks for your help!

Pablo Cantos / pcantos () redborder org

2015-05-18 4:32 GMT+02:00 Russ <rucombs () cisco com>:

On 5/16/15 11:04 AM, Pablo Cantos Polaino wrote:

Hi Russ,

 Thanks for your feedback!

 I'm attaching you separately two PCAP files (but if someone else wants
to check out these PCAP files, please let me know and I will also share
them with them), both of them with just one TCP session inside.

 - 18kfile_not_captured.pcap: it contains TCP ACKed unseen segments and
the file is not captured by Snort.
- 18kfile_captured.pcap: it doesn't contain TCP ACKed unseen segments and
the file is captured by Snort.

 One of the tests I've deployed to check this behavior in IPS mode is the
next (using just one machine with Snort):

 - Bridge the interface eth2 with eth4.
- Send the 18kfile_captured.pcap through the eth2 using the program
- Use Snort in IPS mode listening from eth4.
- Result: There were TCP Gaps.

 I replayed the test but by using tcpdump instead of Snort listening from
eth4. Where I found is that the packets arrived disordered. The PCAP file
has just 36 packets, and some of the first ACKs arrived before its
corresponding Datapackets. This is what I think it was causing the TCP Gaps
in Snort. But, when I executed tcpreplay with the option -o (which sends a
packet every time a push the return key on my keyboard), the packets did
not arrive disordered, and this could be this way since Datapackets can be
processed completely before an ACK is sent and processed (supposing an ACK
requires less time to be processed than a Datapacket).

 Since this seems a common malfunctioning at a lower level, I don't know
if maybe Snort should take this into account and try to, after an ACK
unseen segment arrives, retain the window and check the 5 or 10 next
packets, just in case the corresponding Datapacket is coming later, and if
no corresponding Datapacket is comming later, move on the window as Snort
is doing currently. I don't think this could lead to flawed reassembly and
evasions, but please tell me if I'm wrong.

  I'm not clear on the pcaps you sent; are they cooked or live capture?
I just want to see the live capture.

The malfunctioning you speak of is not due to ordinary network
conditions.  It is due to a broken capture.  This can happen in certain
passive scenarios on an end point and is much less likely to happen if
captured with a network tap.  However, it simply can't happen in a real
network with a conformant TCP implementation because in no case is data
supposed to be ACKed before it is actually received.

Accepting previously ACKed data in general definitely allows more attacks
and performance issues arise as well.  It may be possible instead to add a
--enable-broken-pcap mode for passive operation only that ignores an ACK of
unseen data but there are potential issues.  To avoid stalling, a followup
ACK of the unseen data would need to be accepted because the packet was
probably dropped.  Also, if the ACK comes with data, should that data be
processed?  If it is truly a bad ACK it shouldn't.  And this will mess with
TCP timestamps too.

I don't consider the current operation to be broken so won't be filing a
bug, but we will take a look at a patch if you want to work up something.
However, you might consider a faster machine or higher resolution capture
like pcap-ng to avoid the issue in the first place.

Hope this helps.

 Best Regards,

   Pablo Cantos / pcantos () redborder org

2015-05-15 15:17 GMT+02:00 Russ <rucombs () cisco com>:


That's a great detailed analysis.  The reordering of data segments is
part of what TCP does but that applies to each side of a flow separately.
It is not normal that an ACK, which travels in the opposite direction of
the data it is acknowledging, is sent before the data is received, which is
what the capture implies.  Although this reordering is actually just an
artifact of the capture, an ACK advances the window and Snort has to simply
note the gap and move on.  The alternative, in almost all cases, would lead
to flawed reassembly and evasions.

You haven't mentioned selective ACK which could possibly be confusing
Snort.  Can you send a pcap of the misordered capture?  If you capture this
on a different (maybe higher speed) device, is the order correct?


On 5/15/15 5:25 AM, Pablo Cantos Polaino wrote:

Hi Hui,

 I'm sorry for the delay, but I wanted to test some scenarios before
replying you.

 Following your advice, I've disabled some optimizations in order to not
to get jumbo frames, which actually were present in my PCAP file. After
disabling the optimization, I was able to generate other PCAP files without
Jumbo frames.

 This time I got several traffic network captures by using 3 small files
(8.1KB, 18KB and 63KB) and 'wget' and 'tcpdump' programs. I've tried to get
the captures as much simple as possible in order to avoid external
"noises", and to do that I've got 6 PCAP files for every one of these three
files, which gives me 18 PCAP files. I've also "cleaned" all these PCAP
files by removing the rest of the sessions in which the file isn't in.

 After that, what I found on my first tests is that in all cases every
file was not always captured by Snort (IDS mode). When a file was not
captured, there were always 1 or 2 TCP Gaps and no TCP Discards and I could
see with Wireshark that there were at least one packet marked as "TCP ACKed
unseen segment" (see filter tcp.analysis.ack_lost_segment in Wireshark),
which is due to one ACK that arrives before the Datapacket acked does. On
the other hand, when the file was captured, there were neither TCP Gaps nor
TCP Discards and I could check with Wireshark that there were no packet
marked as "TCP ACKed unseen segment". Se examples below:

 Regular PCAP file:

 pkt 1: server | client | seq_100 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 2: server | client | seq_200 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 3: server | client | seq_300 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 4: server | client | seq_400 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 5: client | server | seq_050 | ack_200 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 1
pkt 6: client | server | seq_050 | ack_300 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 2
pkt 7: client | server | seq_050 | ack_400 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 3
pkt 8: client | server | seq_050 | ack_500 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 4

 PCAP file with one TCP ACKed unseen segment:

 pkt 1: server | client | seq_100 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 2: server | client | seq_200 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 3: server | client | seq_300 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 4: client | server | seq_050 | ack_200 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 1
 pkt 5: client | server | seq_050 | ack_300 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 2
pkt 6: client | server | seq_050 | ack_400 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 3
pkt 7: client | server | seq_050 | ack_500 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 8
(TCP ACKed unseen segment)
 pkt 8: server | client | seq_400 | ack_050 | len 100

 I've reordered some packets In PCAP files that cause TCP Gaps in Snort
by putting ACKs after their corresponding Datapacket (in the example above
it would consist in put the pkt 8 before pkt 7). This time, Snort didn't
see TCP Gaps when read these reordered PCAP files and was able to capture
the file inside.

 This packet disruption is causing Snort to not work properly, since
it's finding "false" TCP Gaps, and I say "false" because actually these
Datapackets exists, but their corresponding ACKs are arriving before them
(just one position before is enough to discard the Datapacket).

 To understand better how far Snort is able to take into account packet
disruptions, I've also tried to reorder a "consistent" PCAP file, with
neither TCP ACKed unseen segments nor TCP Gaps or Discard in Snort and
whose file inside is captured by Snort. Example of "consistent" or regular
PCAP file:

 pkt 1: server | client | seq_100 | ack_050 | len 100
 pkt 2: server | client | seq_200 | ack_050 | len 100
 pkt 3: server | client | seq_300 | ack_050 | len 100
 pkt 4: server | client | seq_400 | ack_050 | len 100
 pkt 5: client | server | seq_050 | ack_200 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 1
pkt 6: client | server | seq_050 | ack_300 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 2
pkt 7: client | server | seq_050 | ack_400 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 3
pkt 8: client | server | seq_050 | ack_500 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 4

 What I've done with this PCAP file is to alter the position of two
Datapacket, but without causing TCP ACKed unseen segments. See example
below in which pkt 2 is moved before pkt 3:

 pkt 1: server | client | seq_100 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 2: server | client | seq_300 | ack_050 | len 100
 pkt 3: server | client | seq_200 | ack_050 | len 100
pkt 4: server | client | seq_400 | ack_050 | len 100
 pkt 5: client | server | seq_050 | ack_200 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 1
pkt 6: client | server | seq_050 | ack_300 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 2
pkt 7: client | server | seq_050 | ack_400 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 3
pkt 8: client | server | seq_050 | ack_500 | len 000 <- ack for pkt 4

 In this case, Snort is able to detect this packet re-ordering and it
does not affect to the final result, since there's neither TCP Gaps nor
Discards and the file inside the TCP session is captured by Snort.

 I've replayed all these tests in IPS mode with the same result, by
using 'tcpreplay' program and sending these PCAP files through a network

 Now, my question is whether there is a way that Snort could manage the
"false" TCP ACKed unseen segments due to packet re-ordering, in the same
way it manages the Datapacket re-ordering. Since the packet re-ordering
seems to be a common issue in networks.

 I've reviewed the Stream5 and Frag3 options looking for a possible
configuration to solve this, but I haven't found anything related to this.

 If any Snort output, PCAP file or whatever were useful to you, please
don't hesitate to ask for it.

 Best Regards and Thank you very much for your help,

   Pablo Cantos / pcantos () redborder org

2015-05-09 2:51 GMT+02:00 Hui Cao (huica) <huica () cisco com>:

 Hi Pablo,

 I am pretty sure that the Jumbo frame is the issue for PCAP. They are
even bigger than 60000, which is not normal.

 For the interface one, there are lots of discards. Not all traffic are
processed by snort, therefore there are lots gaps in the TCP stream. You
can try inline mode, instead of passive. Either there is some configuration
issue for interface, or the speed of passive interface might be too high to
be processed by your CPU.


  From: Pablo Cantos Polaino <pcantos () redborder org>
Date: Friday, May 8, 2015 at 5:59 PM

To: Hui Cao <huica () cisco com>
Cc: "snort-users () lists sourceforge net" <
snort-users () lists sourceforge net>
Subject: Re: [Snort-users] File preprocessor fails to capture files

  Hi Hui,

 I've replaced config paf_max: 16000 by 60000 as you propose.

 File type was not identified because I had disabled type_id option in
preprocessor file_inspect. I've replayed the tests with paf_max = 60000 and
both type_id enabled and disabled. In both cases the capture files are the
same (number and size) when sniffering from an interface and reading from a
PCAP file. So I'm pasting below the exit stats when type_id is enabled and
paf_max = 60000:

 Exit stats when reading the PCAP file and type_id enabled:

 Run time for packet processing was 3.978146 seconds
Snort processed 3326 packets.
Snort ran for 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 3 seconds
   Pkts/sec:         1108

Memory usage summary:
  Total non-mmapped bytes (arena):       10190848
  Bytes in mapped regions (hblkhd):      122081280
  Total allocated space (uordblks):      8072896
  Total free space (fordblks):           2117952
  Topmost releasable block (keepcost):   133008

Packet I/O Totals:
   Received:         3326
   Analyzed:         3326 (100.000%)
    Dropped:            0 (  0.000%)
   Filtered:            0 (  0.000%)
Outstanding:            0 (  0.000%)
   Injected:            0

Breakdown by protocol (includes rebuilt packets):
        Eth:         3333 (100.000%)
       VLAN:            0 (  0.000%)
        IP4:         3333 (100.000%)
       Frag:            0 (  0.000%)
       ICMP:            0 (  0.000%)
        UDP:           40 (  1.200%)
        TCP:         3293 ( 98.800%)
        IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6 Ext:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP6 Opts:            0 (  0.000%)
      Frag6:            0 (  0.000%)
      ICMP6:            0 (  0.000%)
       UDP6:            0 (  0.000%)
       TCP6:            0 (  0.000%)
     Teredo:            0 (  0.000%)
    ICMP-IP:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP4/IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP4/IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6/IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6/IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
        GRE:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE Eth:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE VLAN:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
GRE IP6 Ext:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE PPTP:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE ARP:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IPX:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE Loop:            0 (  0.000%)
       MPLS:            0 (  0.000%)
        ARP:            0 (  0.000%)
        IPX:            0 (  0.000%)
   Eth Loop:            0 (  0.000%)
   Eth Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP4 Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP6 Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   TCP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   UDP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
  ICMP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
All Discard:            0 (  0.000%)
      Other:            0 (  0.000%)
Bad Chk Sum:            0 (  0.000%)
    Bad TTL:            0 (  0.000%)
     S5 G 1:            3 (  0.090%)
     S5 G 2:            4 (  0.120%)
      Total:         3333

Action Stats:
     Alerts:            0 (  0.000%)
     Logged:            0 (  0.000%)
     Passed:            0 (  0.000%)
      Match:            0
      Queue:            0
        Log:            0
      Event:            0
      Alert:            0
      Allow:         3326 (100.000%)
      Block:            0 (  0.000%)
    Replace:            0 (  0.000%)
  Whitelist:            0 (  0.000%)
  Blacklist:            0 (  0.000%)
     Ignore:            0 (  0.000%)

Frag3 statistics:
        Total Fragments: 0
      Frags Reassembled: 0
               Discards: 0
          Memory Faults: 0
               Timeouts: 0
               Overlaps: 0
              Anomalies: 0
                 Alerts: 0
                  Drops: 0
     FragTrackers Added: 0
    FragTrackers Dumped: 0
FragTrackers Auto Freed: 0
    Frag Nodes Inserted: 0
     Frag Nodes Deleted: 0


Stream statistics:
            Total sessions: 24
              TCP sessions: 14
              UDP sessions: 10
             ICMP sessions: 0
               IP sessions: 0
                TCP Prunes: 0
                UDP Prunes: 0
               ICMP Prunes: 0
                 IP Prunes: 0
TCP StreamTrackers Created: 14
TCP StreamTrackers Deleted: 14
              TCP Timeouts: 0
              TCP Overlaps: 0
       TCP Segments Queued: 2394
     TCP Segments Released: 2394
       TCP Rebuilt Packets: 793
         TCP Segments Used: 2393
              TCP Discards: 0
                  TCP Gaps: 0
      UDP Sessions Created: 10
      UDP Sessions Deleted: 10
              UDP Timeouts: 0
              UDP Discards: 0
                    Events: 1
           Internal Events: 0
           TCP Port Filter
                  Filtered: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 3286
           UDP Port Filter
                  Filtered: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 10

HTTP Inspect - encodings (Note: stream-reassembled packets included):
    POST methods:                         0
    GET methods:                          10
    HTTP Request Headers extracted:       10
    HTTP Request Cookies extracted:       0
    Post parameters extracted:            0
    HTTP response Headers extracted:      10
    HTTP Response Cookies extracted:      0
    Unicode:                              0
    Double unicode:                       0
    Non-ASCII representable:              0
    Directory traversals:                 0
    Extra slashes ("//"):                 0
    Self-referencing paths ("./"):        0
    HTTP Response Gzip packets extracted: 0
    Gzip Compressed Data Processed:       n/a
    Gzip Decompressed Data Processed:     n/a
    Total packets processed:              2433

SMTP Preprocessor Statistics
  Total sessions                                    : 0
  Max concurrent sessions                           : 0

dcerpc2 Preprocessor Statistics
  Total sessions: 0


SIP Preprocessor Statistics
  Total sessions: 0

File Preprocessor Statistics
  Total file type callbacks:            7
  Total file signature callbacks:       7
  Total files would saved to disk:      7
  Total files saved to disk:            7
  Total file data saved to disk:        47466737  bytes
  Total files duplicated:               0
  Total files reserving failed:         0
  Total file capture min:               0
  Total file capture max:               0
  Total file capture memcap:            0
  Total files reading failed:           0
  Total file agent memcap failures:     0
  Total files sent:                     0
  Total file data sent:                 0
  Total file transfer failures:         0

File type stats:
         Type              Download   (Bytes)      Upload     (Bytes)
          GZ( 33)          2          6848054      0          0
         MP3( 64)          2          37257592     0          0
        JPEG( 70)          2          3360645      0          0
          BMP(148)          1          446          0          0

            Total          7          47466737     0          0

 File signature stats:
         Type              Download   Upload
          GZ( 33)          2          0
         MP3( 64)          2          0
         PNG( 69)          1          0
        JPEG( 70)          2          0
            Total          7          0

 File type verdicts:
        UNKNOWN:           7
            LOG:           0
           STOP:           0
          BLOCK:           0
         REJECT:           0
        PENDING:           0
   STOP CAPTURE:           0
          Total:           7

 File signature verdicts:
        UNKNOWN:           7
            LOG:           0
           STOP:           0
          BLOCK:           0
         REJECT:           0
        PENDING:           0
   STOP CAPTURE:           0
          Total:           7

 Total files processed:             10
Total files data processed:        47473897  bytes
Total files buffered:              7
Total files released:              7
Total files freed:                 0
Total files captured:              7
Total files within one packet:     1
Total buffers allocated:           1452
Total buffers freed:               0
Total buffers released:            1452
Maximum file buffers used:         759
Total buffers free errors:         0
Total buffers release errors:      0
Total memcap failures:             0
Total memcap failures at reserve:  0
Total reserve failures:            0
Total file capture size min:       0
Total file capture size max:       0
Total capture max before reserve:  0
Total file signature max:          0
Maximum buffers can allocate:      3196
Number of buffers in use:          0
Number of buffers in free list:    1744
Number of buffers in release list: 1452

Snort exiting

 This time the captured files have changed:

 # ls -lS
 -rw------- 1 root root 24211979 May  8 21:20
-rw------- 1 root root 13045613 May  8 21:20
-rw------- 1 root root  6352738 May  8 21:20
-rw------- 1 root root  2936119 May  8 21:20
-rw------- 1 root root   495316 May  8 21:20
-rw------- 1 root root   424526 May  8 21:20
-rw------- 1 root root      446 May  8 21:20

 But they are still different from the original ones:

 # ls -lS
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1044381696 Feb 18 20:12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  375187792 May  8 21:07 VMware-viclient.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  101688487 Jul 10  2014 oversize_pdf_test_0.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   14955972 May  8 21:07
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    6094376 May  8 21:07 video1.avi
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    2187725 May  8 21:07 Fighter.mpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root        446 Mar 22  2013 tux-sw.bmp



 Exit stats when listening from interface and type_id enabled:

Run time for packet processing was 108.388974 seconds
Snort processed 256250 packets.
Snort ran for 0 days 0 hours 1 minutes 48 seconds
   Pkts/min:       256250
   Pkts/sec:         2372

Memory usage summary:
  Total non-mmapped bytes (arena):       10100736
  Bytes in mapped regions (hblkhd):      122081280
  Total allocated space (uordblks):      8073952
  Total free space (fordblks):           2026784
  Topmost releasable block (keepcost):   108544

Packet I/O Totals:
   Received:       256250
   Analyzed:       256250 (100.000%)
    Dropped:            0 (  0.000%)
   Filtered:            0 (  0.000%)
Outstanding:            0 (  0.000%)
   Injected:            0

Breakdown by protocol (includes rebuilt packets):
        Eth:       256255 (100.000%)
       VLAN:            0 (  0.000%)
        IP4:       256130 ( 99.951%)
       Frag:            0 (  0.000%)
       ICMP:            0 (  0.000%)
        UDP:           24 (  0.009%)
        TCP:       132229 ( 51.601%)
        IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6 Ext:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP6 Opts:            0 (  0.000%)
      Frag6:            0 (  0.000%)
      ICMP6:            0 (  0.000%)
       UDP6:            0 (  0.000%)
       TCP6:            0 (  0.000%)
     Teredo:            0 (  0.000%)
    ICMP-IP:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP4/IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP4/IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6/IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6/IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
        GRE:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE Eth:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE VLAN:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
GRE IP6 Ext:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE PPTP:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE ARP:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IPX:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE Loop:            0 (  0.000%)
       MPLS:            0 (  0.000%)
        ARP:          125 (  0.049%)
        IPX:            0 (  0.000%)
   Eth Loop:            0 (  0.000%)
   Eth Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP4 Disc:       123866 ( 48.337%)
   IP6 Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   TCP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   UDP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
  ICMP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
All Discard:       123866 ( 48.337%)
      Other:           11 (  0.004%)
Bad Chk Sum:          362 (  0.141%)
    Bad TTL:            0 (  0.000%)
     S5 G 1:            2 (  0.001%)
     S5 G 2:            3 (  0.001%)
      Total:       256255

Action Stats:
     Alerts:            0 (  0.000%)
     Logged:            0 (  0.000%)
     Passed:            0 (  0.000%)
      Match:            0
      Queue:            0
        Log:            0
      Event:            0
      Alert:            0
      Allow:       228770 ( 89.276%)
      Block:            0 (  0.000%)
    Replace:            0 (  0.000%)
  Whitelist:        27480 ( 10.724%)
  Blacklist:            0 (  0.000%)
     Ignore:            0 (  0.000%)

Frag3 statistics:
        Total Fragments: 0
      Frags Reassembled: 0
               Discards: 0
          Memory Faults: 0
               Timeouts: 0
               Overlaps: 0
              Anomalies: 0
                 Alerts: 0
                  Drops: 0
     FragTrackers Added: 0
    FragTrackers Dumped: 0
FragTrackers Auto Freed: 0
    Frag Nodes Inserted: 0
     Frag Nodes Deleted: 0


Stream statistics:
            Total sessions: 20
              TCP sessions: 14
              UDP sessions: 6
             ICMP sessions: 0
               IP sessions: 0
                TCP Prunes: 0
                UDP Prunes: 0
               ICMP Prunes: 0
                 IP Prunes: 0
TCP StreamTrackers Created: 14
TCP StreamTrackers Deleted: 14
              TCP Timeouts: 0
              TCP Overlaps: 0
       TCP Segments Queued: 6930
     TCP Segments Released: 6930
       TCP Rebuilt Packets: 6331
         TCP Segments Used: 6903
              TCP Discards: 7
                  TCP Gaps: 6570
      UDP Sessions Created: 6
      UDP Sessions Deleted: 6
              UDP Timeouts: 0
              UDP Discards: 0
                    Events: 16
           Internal Events: 0
           TCP Port Filter
                  Filtered: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 131874
           UDP Port Filter
                  Filtered: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 6

HTTP Inspect - encodings (Note: stream-reassembled packets included):
    POST methods:                         0
    GET methods:                          0
    HTTP Request Headers extracted:       0
    HTTP Request Cookies extracted:       0
    Post parameters extracted:            0
    HTTP response Headers extracted:      2
    HTTP Response Cookies extracted:      0
    Unicode:                              0
    Double unicode:                       0
    Non-ASCII representable:              0
    Directory traversals:                 0
    Extra slashes ("//"):                 0
    Self-referencing paths ("./"):        0
    HTTP Response Gzip packets extracted: 0
    Gzip Compressed Data Processed:       n/a
    Gzip Decompressed Data Processed:     n/a
    Total packets processed:              13165

SMTP Preprocessor Statistics
  Total sessions                                    : 0
  Max concurrent sessions                           : 0

dcerpc2 Preprocessor Statistics
  Total sessions: 0

SSL Preprocessor:
   SSL packets decoded: 68
          Client Hello: 0
          Server Hello: 2
           Certificate: 2
           Server Done: 3
   Client Key Exchange: 0
   Server Key Exchange: 0
         Change Cipher: 2
              Finished: 0
    Client Application: 0
    Server Application: 1
                 Alert: 0
  Unrecognized records: 64
  Completed handshakes: 0
        Bad handshakes: 0
      Sessions ignored: 1
    Detection disabled: 1

SIP Preprocessor Statistics
  Total sessions: 0

File Preprocessor Statistics
  Total file type callbacks:            2
  Total file signature callbacks:       1
  Total files would saved to disk:      1
  Total files saved to disk:            1
  Total file data saved to disk:        446       bytes
  Total files duplicated:               0
  Total files reserving failed:         0
  Total file capture min:               0
  Total file capture max:               0
  Total file capture memcap:            0
  Total files reading failed:           0
  Total file agent memcap failures:     0
  Total files sent:                     0
  Total file data sent:                 0
  Total file transfer failures:         0

File type stats:
         Type              Download   (Bytes)      Upload     (Bytes)
         BMP(148)          1          446          0          0
         PDF(288)          1          3057259      0          0
            Total          2          3057705      0          0

 File signature stats:
         Type              Download   Upload
         BMP(148)          1          0
            Total          1          0

 File type verdicts:
        UNKNOWN:           2
            LOG:           0
           STOP:           0
          BLOCK:           0
         REJECT:           0
        PENDING:           0
   STOP CAPTURE:           0
          Total:           2

 File signature verdicts:
        UNKNOWN:           1
            LOG:           0
           STOP:           0
          BLOCK:           0
         REJECT:           0
        PENDING:           0
   STOP CAPTURE:           0
          Total:           1

 Total files processed:             2
Total files data processed:        3057705   bytes
Total files buffered:              2
Total files released:              1
Total files freed:                 1
Total files captured:              1
Total files within one packet:     1
Total buffers allocated:           95
Total buffers freed:               94
Total buffers released:            1
Maximum file buffers used:         94
Total buffers free errors:         0
Total buffers release errors:      0
Total memcap failures:             0
Total memcap failures at reserve:  0
Total reserve failures:            0
Total file capture size min:       0
Total file capture size max:       0
Total capture max before reserve:  0
Total file signature max:          0
Maximum buffers can allocate:      3196
Number of buffers in use:          0
Number of buffers in free list:    3195
Number of buffers in release list: 1

Snort exiting

 This time the captured files haven't changed:

 # ls -lS
-rw------- 1 root root 446 May  8 21:33

 Best Regards,

   Pablo Cantos / pcantos () redborder org

2015-05-08 21:49 GMT+02:00 Hui Cao (huica) <huica () cisco com>:

 Hi Pablo,

 When listening from interfaces, you have lots of discards. Because
file processing relies on data that are reassembled correctly, it won’t be
called for those sessions that miss file data.

 In the case of PCAP, no sure why file type is not identified. It is
interesting to see 47M file data for only 3326 packets. That is 24K per
packet. I guess in this case, it will always hit PAF_MAX for each packet
which might set each packet as single PDU(file). Can you try this setting?

 config paf_max: 60000


  From: Pablo Cantos Polaino <pcantos () redborder org>
Date: Friday, May 8, 2015 at 3:29 PM
To: Hui Cao <huica () cisco com>
Cc: "snort-users () lists sourceforge net" <
snort-users () lists sourceforge net>
Subject: Re: [Snort-users] File preprocessor fails to capture files

    IP4 Disc:       122145 ( 49.331%)
   IP6 Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   TCP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   UDP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
  ICMP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
All Discard:       122145 ( 49.331%)

           TCP Segments Used: 6919
              TCP Discards: 48
                  TCP Gaps: 6459

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