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Re: Base Barnyard and Unified Logs

From: Wes Young <wcyoung () buffalo edu>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 09:21:36 -0500

These hacks all are great in theory...i'd rather just rip out the CID in the signature table.
I really like populating the sig table pre-emptively, that I might do reguardless, but software
ppl need to revolve their "viewing" software around the sid. I think the PK that originally was in place (cid or whatever) was before
SID's were even involved and everything was just PK'd on the msg... (hense making the CID important in the DB schema, but not in
real life. If you re-vamp the output plugin along with the schema to reflect everything being key'd on the sid, the system would scale
much higher when you start incorporating more databases with teh product (i have about 4 diff db's that rely on the one snort_log
alone, not to mention the snort_alerts, all work well untill I have to clear one of them, i clear one, 2 of them have to be flushed and
re-init'd as well because of the stupid CID auto-increment stuff, and no, aanval (atleast the older version) isn't totally exempt
from this problem either). If they were all SID based, the joins would be fine reguardless of what i flush.

Actually the db plugin doesn't really have to be re-written come to think of it, just rip out the CID and base your software on the SID.
IMO that key shouldn't even be there.

I think the original problem I was having was because i re-init'd one of my databases and it threw off the rest, i didnt check to make sure base was ok until i had a 1G database of logs, by then it was too late and it labeled every sig as it's SID within base...

On Mar 26, 2005, at 5:47 AM, Dirk Geschke wrote:

Hi Jerry,

Just saw the discussion about barnyard and DB's. Here is some info
I gained in having to deal with consolidating data from two snort
DB's in to a single application.

Now that generators have been assigned to various parts of snort,
they need to be employed in the DB schema (generator:sid:rev) as
a key to a signature. The generator-id is needed since the
pre-processors usually start the SIDS=1! The problem becomes more
complicated in that the signature, sensor, reference, and
classification tables are built on the fly by the DB-plugins. The
plugins first try to grab the signature from the DB using msg
(sig_name), Rev (sig_rev) and SID (sig_sid). If found then use
the assigned (via MySql auto-increment) sig_id. If not, create the
record. Note that the generator-id is never mentioned in the DB.

The signature, sensor, reference and classification tables are
"normalized" tables created on-the-fly by the database plugin. Their
ordinal (created by the order of insertion) is used in the
other tables (eg. event) to save time and space.
If you are only using a single DB, there isn't any problem, except as
Joel wrote below, if you have to clean the DB, your mapping between
SID ->(sig_name,sig_sid,sig_rev) is lost. If you are combining the
two DB's, for example an inside and an outside, into a single
application/DB like we are, you run in to data collisions and race

To solve these issues, I ended up writing scripts to insert (read
preload) the following tables:
.signature, from all of the rules
.sensor (including the 'read from file' entries)
.reference (reference.config), and
.classification (classification.config)
The input to the scripts will never shrink. Thus I will maintain
the mapping.

a similar script exists as part of FLoP: It inserts all
rules of the signature files to the database. This would also speed
up insertiion of alerts since the signature is already part of the

To solve the generator-id problem we use a hack, if the alert is
not created by a "normal" rule, e.g created by a pre-processor
then we insert the generator id in the field sig_rev since the
revision is neither defined for preprocessors nor would there
be any change within it. The big problem is that the generator
id was never thought of as the database design was made. And
more complicated, ACID/BASE won't use it...

To learn more about FLoP take a look at

Maybe you can use some of the tools which are part of the project
or you can use it at all...

Best regards



I wish I could come up with some witty sigs

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