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Error In snort HELP!!!

From: "Cody R. Smith" <csmith () go-cypress com>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 13:06:31 -0500

I am having a problem getting the senor name from the MySQL database, I
have attached a view of the MySQL database.


This is when starting snort l

'snort -d -l d:\ -c C:\Snort\etc\snort.conf'


database: compiled support for ( mysql odbc )

database: configured to use mysql

database:          user = snort

database: password is set

database: database name = snort

database:          host = localhost

database:   sensor name = DATADEV:\

database: mysql_error: Unknown column 'last_cid' in 'field list'

SQL=INSERT INTO sensor (hostname, interface, detail, encoding, last_cid)

('DATADEV:\\','\\','1','0', '0')

database: Problem obtaining SENSOR ID (sid) from snort->sensor


 When this plugin starts, a SELECT query is run to find the sensor id
for the

 currently running sensor. If the sensor id is not found, the plugin
will run

 an INSERT query to insert the proper data and generate a new sensor id.
Then a

 SELECT query is run to get the newly allocated sensor id. If that fails

 this error message is generated.


 Some possible causes for this error are:

  * the user does not have proper INSERT or SELECT privileges

  * the sensor table does not exist


 If you are _absolutely_ certain that you have the proper privileges set

 that your database structure is built properly please let me know if

 continue to get this error. You can contact me at (roman () danyliw com).


Fatal Error, Quitting..





Here is output from the MySql Database



Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 28 to server version: 3.23.40-nt


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql> USE SNORT

Database changed



| Tables_in_SNORT  |


| acid_ag          |

| acid_ag_alert    |

| acid_event       |

| acid_ip_cache    |

| data             |

| detail           |

| encoding         |

| event            |

| icmphdr          |

| iphdr            |

| opt              |

| reference        |

| reference_system |

| schema           |

| sensor           |

| sig_class        |

| sig_reference    |

| signature        |

| tcphdr           |

| udphdr           |


20 rows in set (0.01 sec)



mysql> SELECT * FROM sensor;



| sid | hostname                                                     |

                                           | filter | detail | encoding



|   1 | DATADEV:DevicePacket_{3250B567-F55D-4B8C-AEF4-14298A26FA3B}

 | DevicePacket_{3250B567-F55D-4B8C-AEF4-14298A26FA3B} | NULL   |      1

  0 |



1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> GRANT INSERT,SELECT on sensor to snort;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)




Thank you all



Cody Smith CCNA, MCP

Network Administrator

Cypress Software Systems

Phone: (817)514-6777x111

Csmith () go-cypress com


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