Secure Coding mailing list archives

seeking sponsors for SXSW Security BSides

From: list-spam at (Benjamin Tomhave)
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 15:12:50 -0500

Hi folks!

For those not familiar, a handful of security people kicked off an
unconference styled event during Black Hat this past July in Las Vegas
termed "Security BSides." The objective was to create a less formal
setting where top-notch security speakers/experts could have direct
conversations with people about topics of interest. The event was a huge
success. Please see for more details.

Building on this success, a few more BSides events have started to
emerge. One such place where we hope to try this out as at SXSW
Interactive this coming March. Right now we are looking at hosting the
event on Saturday, March 13th. In keeping with the BSides tradition, the
idea is to find a venue that has adequate space for 100-200 people, as
well as lounge space to allow folks to hang out, chill out, socialize,
etc. In targeting SXSW, we're hoping to pull in attendees from the
conference (especially non-security developers, managers, etc.).

In order to make this happen, we need some help! We're looking for
sponsors (named or unnamed - up to you) to help underwrite the event.
BSides events do not charge attendees a fee in order to keep the format
and discussions open. Contributions of any size would be welcomed.
Support for past and future events includes monetary contributions,
materials, personnel, and transportation.

If you think you or your organization can help, please send email
directly to me (tomhave at and we can get you more
information, discuss further, etc.

Thank you!


Benjamin Tomhave, MS, CISSP
tomhave at

[ Random Quote: ]
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."
Vince Lombardi

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