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Cost of provably-correct code (Peter Amey)

From: Ed.Reed at (Ed Reed (Aesec))
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 14:55:35 -0400

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 08:32:07 +0100
From: "Peter Amey" <peter.amey at>
Subject: Re: [SC-L] Cost of provably-correct code
To: <sc-l at>
      <4BF0455B353E524FBEA15C3A490F7DFE3236FC at EVS01.praxis.local>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

 [Re-send, I am not sure the first copy made it to the list]

I think we have to /aim/ for zero defects and choose technical
approaches that make that aim credible. If we don't then what defect
rate shall we aim for and how will we know if we have achieved it? 

I agree - in the industrial world defects in workmanship and manufacture 
were taken for granted until product liability laws and ever-more 
intensive competition drove some desperate soles (the Japanese and 
Demming come to mind) to seek to differentiate themselves on the basis 
of low cost through the obsessive analysis and elimination of defects.  
They went from having a reputation for producing "junk electronics" to 
setting the standard for high value, low cost products.

The insight was that reproduce-able processes could be incrementally 

It changed many industries.

Now we have a couple of decades of experience with efforts (Xerox' 
Quality Improvement Process, Malcolm Baldridge Awards, Zero-Defect, 
Six-Sigma programs, etc.) to apply similar monitoring and analysis 
techniques to a whole range of manufacturing, service, administration 
and other industries.

But not software.  Oh, no - not software.  Too hard, too complex, some say.

I like that the Software Engineering Institute folks at Carnegie-Mellon 
are working to identify just WHICH process in software development is 
reproduce-able, so they can develop the analytical tools and processes 
to control them.

So far one they've come up with is the determinedly reproduce-ably way 
software developers repeat the same mistakes they make, over and over 
and over again.

We're not talking buffer over flows, here - we're talking careless use 
of scanf() and strcpy(), and other similar "known bad practices".

I hope they're successful promoting their programs ("Personal Software 
Process" and "Team Software Process"), because I believe they'll improve 
the overall quality of software produced by development organizations 
that use them.


I don't think incremental improvement will get you to defect-free code - 
because incremental improvement is likely to be something of a 
random-walk sort of search algorithm for perfection.

The engineering approach the rest of the world uses, I hope, is a little 
more structured -

Do you know what you want?
Do you know what you DON'T want?
Can you verify that what you design / built will
   give you what you want
   not give you what you don't want?

If you can verify, through formal analysis, logical reasoning, and 
inspectible process discipline (to avoid corruption by subversion), then 
you can talk about something being both correct (does what it should) 
and secure (doesn't do what it shouldn't).

The effects of Six Sigma processes is supposed to control defects to a 
rate of 3.4 per million.  In conventional software terms, that's .0034  
defects per thousand lines of code, if you treat the production of a 
line of code as the reproduce-able process.

Compare that to conventional wisdom of software defect rates for 
commercially developed code.

Indeed, even rates of .1 defect / KLOC (which is very good) are still 
2-3 orders of magnitude greater than the goals set out by other 
industries for their own quality measures 

But that's what I think we, in the software industry, need to begin 
aiming for in order to merit calling our discipline "engineering", in my 
opinion.  Other industries are doing this, and they're doing it in the 
real-world context of customer service departments, documentation 
writing, electronic and industrial manufacturing.

It can be done.  It has been done.   It is hard.

So was programming a GUI application when the Macintosh came out 
(remember QuickDraw?).  We learned to live with it.

Of course, as good engineers, we should never allow ourselves the hubris
of /believing/ we have achieved zero defects but that doesn't invalidate
the aim. (Aircraft manufacturers do a great deal of mathematical
analysis of stresses in wings but still proof load test each new design;
they don't expect to find any problems because of the amount of analysis
they have done but, very occasionally, they do).




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