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HNS - Biggest X Window security hole since 2000

From: mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA (der Mouse)
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 01:04:00 -0400 (EDT)

The author claims, "This flaw, caused by something as seemingly
harmless as a missing closing parenthesis, allowed local users to
execute code with root
Certainly that part is OS-specific.  On my VMS machine, X-windows
processes do not run as root.

OS- and installation-specific.  Neither the above nor the article says
just which piece of X is responsible, but I don't think any X code runs
as root on my (NetBSD) machines unless I specifically do so, such as
starting a terminal emulator from a root shell.

So, it sounds like a single byte change in the entire X src tree
could fix a bug that could give an attacker complete control of a
system.  Lovely...

And, of course, nobody ever bothers to say just what the problem was.
Grrr.  (Fortunately, I don't care, since I am running pre-X11R6.9.0
code, or I'd be trying to chase down the diff.)

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