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Re: [WEB SECURITY] On sandboxes, and why you should care

From: jeff.williams at (Jeff Williams)
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 08:53:47 -0400

Dinis Cruz wrote:
If you do accept that it is possible to build such sandboxes, then we
need to move to the next interesting discussion, which is the 'HOW'

Namely, HOW can an environment be created where the development and
deployment of such Sandboxes makes business sense.

It's the "business sense" part of this that's really difficult.  It wouldn't
be *that* hard to put sandbox enforcement into all libraries.  If you want
to protect against XSS, put a validation and encoding sandbox into
HttpServletRequest.  If you want to stop SQL injection, get rid of
non-PreparedStatement and build in some control for direct references.  As
long as there are no unmanaged calls (and assuming type-safety, etc...) then
all calls can be mediated by a sandbox.

But the complexity of configuring the sandbox is the hard part.  You're
trying to move the security enforcement out of the code and into something
else. So you need a language that allows the developer to specify all those
rules.  And if the sandbox is powerful enough to only allow exactly what the
developer specifically wants to allow (positive security model), the
language will have to be just as complex as the code it's sandboxing. 

The Java sandbox is already too complex for most developers to use. I've
tangled with it several times and come away only partially accomplishing
what I wanted.  (And uncovering a massive flaw in one vendor's custom
sandbox implementation). 

This complexity is a general sandbox problem, not specific to Java or .NET
or anything else.  The most hopeless I've worked with is the Compartmented
Mode Workstation (CMW) label encodings and permissions scheme.  The web
application firewall products also have this problem.  Even .htaccess files
are generally a mess.  It's just a TON of work to move security rules out of
the code and into something else.  And developers don't want to learn some
new language to do it.

So while it might be possible to create sandboxes that are far more
powerful, the complexity goes through the roof.  And we can't even get
developers to use the relatively simple policy file for the Java sandbox.
If anything, I think we should focus on the big easy wins, like Microsoft
did by adding (some) XSS protection for .NET apps.  But the configuration
has to be really easy -- like ON/OFF.


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