Secure Coding mailing list archives

Re: Vulnerability Auditing Checklist

From: "Steven M. Christey" <coley () mitre org>
Date: Tue, 04 May 2004 14:22:42 +0100

Maybe Steven have a newer version available?

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do a major overhaul, or to
refine the categories.

Would be nice with some illustrations to each vulnerability listed.

Below is an updated version.  There are some more sub-categories, and
now most categories have some example vulnerabilities.  It still needs
a lot of work, but maybe it will be useful.

I haven't had a chance to read it closely, but McGraw and Hoglund's
new book "Exploiting Software" defines a number of specific attack
patterns.  There's also the OWASP WebApp Pen Test Checklist.  Both of
these are a good move forward in formalizing some aspects of auditing
and, by extension, vulnerability research.

- Steve

Vulnerability Auditing Checklist
Version: 0.0000004
Modified: 2004/05/03 (Change Log at end)
Created: 2002/12/04

Disclaimer: This is a DRAFT document.  The list of categories is
incomplete.  In addition, some categories overlap, and some terms are
wholly invented or ill-defined.  It has not been compared with other
sources.  This document has been publicly posted to facilitate
discussion of code review/testing procedures, and to spur progress in
vulnerability classification.

Many of these categories include CVE identifiers (CVE-yyyy-nnnn or
CAN-yyyy-nnnn) for specific vulnerabilities that demonstrate the given
category.  The identifiers can be accessed from the search form at

Notes on the Checklist

The categories, as presented, sometimes mix the underlying programming
error ("the vulnerability") with the attack vector and/or the
consequence/impact of the issue.  This is a reflection of the current
state of affairs in vulnerability/attack research.  Significant work
is required to clearly delineate the boundaries between these closely
related concepts.

Some bug types are probably "under-studied" by researchers.  That is,
there may be many latent issues that remain undiscovered because
researchers have not been paying close attention to them.  These types
are appropriately noted, based on the author's experience.

General Unexpected or Malformed Input Problems

1. Buffer Overflows

   Terminology Note: many issues that are now called "buffer
   overflows" are substantively different than the "classic" overflow,
   including entirely different bug types that rely on overflow
   exploit techniques, such as integer signedness errors and format
   string bugs.  This imprecise terminology can make it difficult to
   determine which variant is being reported.

   1a. Boundary end violation ("classic overflow")

       Note: from the standpoint of programming errors, stack-based
       and heap-based overflows may not differ significantly (closer
       study is needed).

       Examples: many, such as CVE-2000-1094

   1b. Boundary beginning violation ("buffer underflow" ?)

       Note: term may have been used for multiple issue types; concept
             seems understudied

       Ref:  VULN-DEV:20040110 Buffer UNDERFLOWS: What do you know about it?

           BUGTRAQ:20020911 Buffer over/underflows in ssldump prior to 0.9b3

   1c. Array index modification (also called "index overflow" or
       "out-of-bounds array index" or "index-out-of-range")

       Note: involves accessing memory outside an allocated buffer,
       and exploit uses buffer overflow techniques, but this can be
       exploited without "large inputs"

       Note: can overlap integer signedness errors, parameter/arg

       Examples: CAN-2003-0072, CAN-2004-0093, CAN-2001-1009,
                 CAN-2001-1036, CAN-2002-1066, CAN-1999-0798,
                 CAN-2003-0721, CAN-2004-0093

   1d. Length parameter manipulation ("length tampering")

       Definition: the attacker can manipulate the length parameter
       associated with an input, and provide an input of a different

       Note: probably overlaps other categories

       Examples: CAN-2001-1186, CVE-2001-0191, CAN-2003-0429,
                 CVE-2000-0655, others

   1e. Off-by-one error

       Note: not always a buffer overflow

       Examples: CAN-2001-1391, CVE-2002-0083, CVE-2002-0653,
                 CAN-2002-0844, CAN-2004-0342 (this is an interesting
                 example that might not be an off-by-one)

   1f. Other length calculation error

       Note: this is a broad category.  Some examples include: (1)
       simple math errors, (2) incorrectly updating parallel counters,
       (3) not accounting for size differences when "transforming" one
       input to another format (e.g. URL canonicalization or other
       transformation that can generate a result that's larger than
       the original input, i.e. "expansion")

       Examples: likely many, with variants such as those described
       above.  However, this level of detail is rarely available.

2. Format strings

   Note: format string issues seem to be heavily under-studied for
   languages other than C.  Memory or disk consumption, control flow
   or variable alteration, and data corruption may result from format
   string exploitation in applications written in other languages such
   as Perl, PHP, Python, etc.

   Ref: Format String Vulnerabilities (Tim Newsham)

   Examples: many, including CVE-2000-0573, CAN-2000-0574,
   CAN-2004-0354, CAN-2004-0232, CAN-2004-0159, CAN-2004-0104

3. Syntax/grammar violation

  Note: the general problem of "malformed input" is under-studied from
  the standpoint of underlying programming errors.  Most efforts have
  been in developing attack methods, which rarely suggest the nature
  of the underlying error.  Attack-related research in this type of
  "malformed input" is scattered but ongoing, e.g. see fuzzers,
  suite-based testing (PROTOS style), and fault injection.  The effect
  of these is often a denial of service, although other impacts may be
  under-studied.  However, the specific underlying cause is rarely
  diagnosed by the researcher.  This is especially problematic when
  researchers report that "a number of random inputs were provided,
  which led to a crash."

  3a. "Empty" or blank input

      Note: some of "crash by port scan" bugs are probably due to
      this, but lack of diagnosis makes it difficult.

      Examples: CAN-2002-0422 (overlaps information leak)

  3b. Missing argument

      Examples: CAN-2004-0276, CAN-2002-1488, CAN-2002-1169,
                CVE-2000-0521, CVE-2001-0590, CAN-2002-1236,
                CAN-2003-0239, CAN-2003-0477, CAN-2003-0422

  3c. Extra argument

      Examples: N/A

  3d. Repeated argument

      Examples: N/A

  3e. Missing/repeated/extra separator or delimiter

      Examples: CAN-2002-1362, CVE-2000-0116, CAN-2001-1157

  3f. Wrong data type

      Definition: the application does not properly handle input data
      that is of the wrong type, e.g. it expects a digit (0-9) but is
      provided with a letter (A-Z).

      Examples: CVE-1999-1156

  3g. Incomplete input

      Note: overlaps incomplete resource release

      Examples: CAN-2002-1532, CAN-2003-0195

  3h. Missing/misplaced special characters (delimiters/etc.)

      Examples: N/A

  3i. Unknown/unrecognizable argument/command/whatever

      Examples: CVE-2001-0650

4. Special character mismanagement

  Note: some bug types overlap this category, e.g. SQL injection and
  LDAP injection.

  Note: some of these types of special chars have been observed at one
  point or another, but it's difficult to construct the proper query
  to find suitable examples.  In an attempt to be complete about what
  kinds of "special characters" exist, some types may have been added
  to this list without any publicly reported vulnerability for those

  Note: some buffer overflow vulnerabilities rely on mismanagement of
  special characters

  4a. Shell metacharacters

      Note: same as item 11

      Examples: see item 11

  4b. Delimiter between fields

      Examples: CAN-2003-0307

  4c. Delimiter between values

      Examples: CVE-2000-0076, CAN-2000-0293

  4d. Delimiter between records

      Examples: N/A

  4e. CRLF injection (line delimiter)

       Ref: CRLF Injection (Ulf Harnhammer)

       Note: probably under-studied.

       Examples: CAN-2002-1575, CAN-2003-0336,  CVE-2000-0610, CAN-2001-0902

  4f. Section delimiter

      Note: overlaps CRLF injection (e.g. CRLF between MIME headers
      and content)

  4g. End-of-input delimiter (e.g. "." in mail message data)

      Examples: CVE-2000-0319, CVE-2000-0320, CAN-2001-0996

  4h. Input terminator

      Note: overlaps null character injection

      Examples: N/A

  4i. Quoting character

      Examples: N/A

  4j. Escape/meta/control character

      Examples: CAN-2000-0476, CAN-2003-0083 (overlaps interaction
                error), CAN-2002-0985 (overlaps argument injection),
                CVE-2002-0542, CAN-2003-0021, CAN-2003-0022,
                CAN-2003-0023, CAN-2000-0476, CAN-2001-0523

  4k. General separator char

      Examples: N/A

  4l. Comment char

      Examples: CAN-2002-0001

  4m. Macro symbol or other char for substitution

      Examples: CAN-2002-0770

  4n. Variable name leader/terminator (e.g. "$" for env. variable)

      Examples: N/A

  4o. Wildcard or "completion" character

      Examples: CAN-2002-0433 (overlaps equivalent filename),
                CAN-2002-1010, CVE-2000-0587

  4p. Disallowed character

      Definition: does not properly handle a character that is
      specifically disallowed by specification or other convention.

      Note: overlaps wrong data type, probably others

      Examples: CAN-1999-1265

5. Dependent Field/Value Inconsistency (e.g.: a "length" field for a
   buffer does not reflect the actual length of the buffer; or, two
   fields have values that do not make sense when combined)

   Note: partially overlaps length parameter manipulation (1d)

   Examples: N/A (difficult to search for examples of this type)

6. Null dereference

   Note: typically this is the result of another vuln (e.g. failed
         error handling, malformed inputs); however, most
         vulnerability reports only list the null dereference and not
         the underlying trigger.

   Note: some attacks that use long input values can trigger null
         dereferences, which are then mis-diagnosed by the researcher
         as buffer overflows.

   Examples: CAN-2004-0365, CAN-2003-1013, CAN-2003-1000,
             CAN-2004-0389 (overlaps malformed inputs), CAN-2004-0119

File/Directory Processing

7. Directory traversal and filename equivalents

   Terminology note: some people use "directory traversal" only to
   refer to the injection of ".." and equivalent sequences whose
   specific meaning is to traverse directories.  Other variants like
   "absolute pathname" and "drive letter" have the *effect* of
   directory traversal, but some people may not call it such, since it
   doesn't involve ".." or equivalent.

   Note: filename equivalents can be regarded as a type of
   canonicalization error.

   Note: this item should be split into multiple sub-categories, but
   for the sake of consistency with the numbering convention in
   earlier versions of this checklist, they were combined.

   Note: Incomplete diagnosis or reporting of vulnerabilities can make
   it difficult to know which variant is affected.  For example, a
   researcher might say that "..\" is vulnerable, but not test "../"
   which may also be vulnerable.

   Note: any combination of the items below can provide its own
   variant, e.g. "//../" is not listed (CAN-2004-0325).

   Note: most of these issues are probably under-studied.

  7a. ../filename

      Examples: many

  7b. /../filename

      Examples: many

  7c. /absolute/pathname/here

      Examples: CAN-2000-0614, CVE-2001-0265, CVE-2000-0778,
                CAN-2000-0845, CVE-2000-0915, CVE-2000-1196,
                CAN-2001-1269, CVE-2001-0677, CAN-2003-0753

  7d. /directory/../filename

      Examples: CAN-2001-1152, many others

  7e. directory/../../filename

      Examples: many, including CAN-2002-0298

  7f. ..\filename   ("dot dot backslash")

      Examples: many, including CAN-2002-0661, CVE-2002-0946,
                CAN-2002-1042, CAN-2002-1209

  7g. \..\filename

      Examples: N/A

  7h. \absolute\pathname\here  ("absolute path")

      Examples: many, including CVE-1999-1263, CAN-2003-0753,
                CAN-2002-1344, CAN-2002-1525, CAN-2000-0614,

  7i. \directory\..\filename

      Examples: N/A

  7j. directory\..\..\filename

      Examples: CVE-2002-0160

  7k. C:dirname or C:   ("drive letter")

      Examples: CAN-2001-0687, CAN-2001-0933, CAN-2002-0466, CAN-2002-1483

  7l. ... (triple dot)

      Examples: CVE-2001-0963, CVE-2001-0615, CAN-2001-0419,
                CAN-2003-0425, CVE-2001-0467, CAN-2002-0325,
                CAN-2003-0313, CAN-2002-0288, CAN-2002-0261,
                CAN-2001-1335, CVE-2001-1193, CAN-2001-1131,
                CAN-2002-0784, CAN-2002-0708

  7m. .... (or other multiple-dots)

      Examples: CVE-2000-0240, CVE-2001-0615, CAN-1999-1082,

  7n. \\UNC\share\name\

      Examples: CAN-2001-0687

  7o. filename.ext.   (trailing dot)

      Examples: CAN-2001-1386

  7p. filename.ext[SPACE]  (trailing space)

      Examples: N/A

  7q. dirname. (trailing dot)

      Examples: CAN-2004-0061

  7r. dirname[SPACE]  (trailing space)

      Examples: CVE-2001-0054

  7s. dirname/   (trailing slash)

      Examples: CAN-2002-0253 (overlaps infoleak), CAN-2001-0446

  7t. dirname/filename.ext/  (trailing slash)

      Examples: CAN-2001-0893, CAN-2001-0892

  7u. //multiple/leading/slash  ("multiple leading slash")

      Examples: CVE-2000-1050, CAN-2002-1483, CVE-1999-1456

  7v. /multiple//internal/slash  ("multiple internal slash")

      Examples: N/A

  7w. /multiple/trailing/slash//  ("multiple trailing slash")

      Examples: N/A

  7x. \double\\windows\\separator

      Examples: N/A

  7y. /./

      Examples: possibly CAN-1999-1083 (could be a cleansing error)

  7z. dirname/fakechild/../realchild/filename

      Examples: CAN-2001-1152

  7aa. dirname....

      Example: BUGTRAQ:20040205 Apache + Resin Reveals JSP Source Code ...

  7ab. filename...

      Example: BUGTRAQ:20040205 Apache + Resin Reveals JSP Source Code ...

8. Link Following

  Note: symlink following bugs are the combination of multiple
        elements: file or directory permissions, filename
        predictability, etc.

  Note: UNIX hard links and Windows hard/soft links are probably
        vastly under-studied.

  Note: Windows soft links have been exploited remotely.

  Note: these can overlap filename equivalents.

  8a. UNIX symbolic link (symlink) following

      Examples: many, including CVE-1999-1386, CVE-2000-0972,
                CVE-2000-1178, CAN-2004-0217

  8b. UNIX hard link

      Examples: CAN-2002-0793, CAN-2003-0578, CVE-1999-0783

  8c. Windows .LNK

      Examples: CVE-2000-0342, CAN-2001-1042, CVE-2001-1043

  8d. Windows hard link

      Examples: CAN-2002-0725, CAN-2003-0844

9. Windows 8.3 filenames

   Note: these are probably under-studied

   Examples: CAN-2001-0795, but there are others

10. "Virtual" files

   10a. Windows MS-DOS device names

        Examples: CAN-2002-0106, CAN-2002-0200, CAN-2002-1052,
                  CVE-2001-0493, CVE-2001-0558, CVE-2000-0168, CAN-2001-0492

   10b. Windows ::DATA alternate data stream

        Examples: CVE-1999-0278, CVE-2000-0927 (note: there may be
                  others with different attack vectors and impacts)

   10c. Apple ".DS_Store"


         BUGTRAQ:20010910 More security problems in Apache on Mac OS X

Process/Command Execution

11. Shell metacharacters

    Examples: many, including CVE-1999-0066, CVE-2001-1246,
              CVE-2002-0061, CAN-2003-0041

12. Malicious search path execution (search path can be modified by
    untrusted user to point to malicious program, e.g. UNIX PATH
    environment variable)

    Note: this doesn't just apply to Unix.

    Examples: CAN-2002-1576, CAN-2000-1128, CAN-1999-1461,

13. Program/command argument modification or argument injection

    Examples: CAN-2004-0121, CAN-2003-0907, CVE-1999-0113

Canonicalization Errors

14. Encodings

  Note: partially overlaps directory traversal/filename equivalents

  Note: many other types of encodings should be listed here

  14a. URL encoding (hex encoding)

    - %2e (encoded dot "." - overlap directory traversal)
      - Examples: CAN-2004-0072
    - %5c (encoded backslash "\" - overlap directory traversal)
      - Examples: CAN-2004-0072
    - %0a (overlap CRLF)
      - Examples: CAN-2002-1575
    - %20 (encoded space " " - overlap filename equivalent)
      - Examples: CAN-2004-0280, CAN-2003-0424, CAN-2001-0693
    - %00 (encoded null - overlap filename equivalent, factor in
           directory traversal)
      - Examples: CVE-2000-0671, CAN-2004-0189, CAN-2002-1291,
                  CVE-2002-1031, CAN-2001-1140
    - + (may be converted to a space when decoding the query string)
      - Examples: CAN-2002-1451

  14b. Unicode

    Examples: CVE-2000-0884, CAN-2001-0709, CAN-2001-0669 (overlaps
              interaction error)

15. Multiple separators or other characters

    Note: overlaps the current items in the directory traversal /
    filename equivalents section.

    Examples: N/A

16. Case sensitivity

    Note: these are probably under-studied in Windows environments,
    e.g. case sensitivity in filenames (see filename equivalents).

    Examples: CVE-2000-0497, CVE-2000-0498, CAN-2001-0766,
              CAN-2001-0795, CAN-2001-1238, CAN-2003-0411

17. Validate-Before-Canonicalize

    Definition: a program "validates" data before it is canonicalized.
    This can allow attackers to "insert" invalid data by causing it to
    be produced by canonicalization.

    Note: this is probably a general category, and we may see more of
    it as programmers begin to take defensive steps, but take those
    steps in the wrong order.

    Examples: CAN-2002-0433, CAN-2003-0332, CVE-2002-0802

18. Validate-Before-Cleanse

    Definition: a program "validates" data before it has been
    cleansed.  This can allow attackers to make data look "clean" at
    first, but the cleansing step produces "dirty" output.

    Note: this is probably a general category, and we may see more of
    it as programmers begin to take defensive steps, but take those
    steps in the wrong order.

    Note: currently seen mostly in directory traversal

    Note: this category is probably under-studied.

    Examples: CAN-2002-0934, CAN-2003-0282, possibly CAN-2003-0417


19. Information Leak

  Note: there seem to be many different types of problems that lead to
  information leaks, whose severity can range widely depending on the
  type of information that is leaked.  In addition, information leaks
  are often the result of other bugs.

  19a. Sensitive information not cleared after use

       Examples: CAN-2001-0984

  19b. Sensitive memory not cleared due to compiler removal


        BUGTRAQ:20021105 When scrubbing secrets in memory doesn't work

  19c. Command-line arguments visible to other processes

       Examples: N/A

  19d. Environment variables visible to other processes

       Examples: N/A

  19e. State information leak due to inconsistent responses (e.g. user
       name enumeration: valid username/wrong pass generates
       "incorrect password," but invalid username generates "incorrect

       Note: can overlap errors related to escalated privileges

       Examples: CAN-2004-0294, CAN-2004-0243, CAN-2002-0514,
                 CAN-2002-0515, CAN-2001-1387

  19f. State information leak due to timing discrepancies (e.g. a
       "successful" operation takes more time than an unsuccessful

       Examples: CAN-2003-0078, CAN-2000-1117, CAN-2003-0637

  19g. Incomplete removal of temporary resources (e.g. files)

       Examples: CVE-2001-0465

  19h. Application-controlled diagnostic or error messages

       Examples: N/A

  19i. Uncontrolled, external diagnostic or error messages (e.g. the
       programming language leaks information on an error that happens
       in the application)

       Note: PHP applications are often targeted for having this issue
       when the PHP interpreter generates the error outside of the
       application's control.

       Examples: N/A

  19j. Design-intended or configuration-intended leak (information is
       intended for publication, but sensitive)

       Examples: CAN-2003-1038, CAN-2004-0033 (and many other PHP apps
       that support phpinfo)

  19k. Sensitive information not cleared before reuse or

       Examples: CAN-2003-0001, CAN-2003-0291, CAN-2004-0177,
       CVE-2001-1074, CAN-2002-0339

  19l. Sensitive information leaked via "stale" pointer

       Examples: CAN-2004-0080

20. Resource leaks

   20a. UNIX file descriptor leak

       Examples: CVE-1999-0083, CAN-2003-0740, others

Multiple Operation/Action Errors

21. Duplicate operation

    21a. Double-free

         Examples: CVE-2002-0004, CVE-2000-0550, CAN-2002-0847,

    21b. Double-encoding / double-decoding

         Note: overlaps canonicalization.  Probably under-studied.

         Examples: CVE-2001-0333

22. Improper handler deployment (dispatch error)

    Note: may be the same as item 28.

23. Inability to handle out-of-order actions (state machine

    Examples: possibly CAN-2000-0647 and/or CAN-2000-0648 (diagnosis
              incomplete; could be null dereferences or similar

24. Race Condition (non-file link)

    24a. Signal handler race condition

         Note: probably under-studied.

         Examples: CVE-2001-1349

    24b. Other TOCTOU (time-of-change time-of-use)

         Examples: N/A

25. Deadlock

    Note: this is under-studied relative to vulnerability research.
    This item is more of an effect that is triggere by an underlying

    Examples: CAN-2001-1400

Configuration Errors

Note: configuration errors are vastly under-studied, especially in
terms of classification.  They can be more complex than
vulnerabilities (which are often discrete and easily separable).  In
addition, configuration overlaps with the general area of "policy"
which can have elements that are not always considered to be relevant
to security.

26. Permissions, ACLs, and ownership

   26a. Bad default or inherited permissions (read, write, execute)

         Examples: many

   26b. Bad program-assigned permissions (read, write, execute)

         Examples: many, such as CVE-2002-0265, CAN-2003-0876

   26c. Ownership of critical resource not verified

         Examples: many

   26d. Does not properly manage failures due to insufficient

        Note: probably under-studied.

        Examples: CAN-2004-0148

27. Default configuration enables insecure feature

    27a. Default password

         Note: default passwords should probably be distinguished from
         hard-coded passwords.

         Examples: many

    27b. Default, non-essential service or component

         Examples: many

    27c. Network-based admin capability accessible to arbitrary hosts
         by default

         Examples: many

Error Condition Identification/Management Errors

28. Handler dispatch error

    Note: may be the same as item 22.

    Note: may be the result of another vulnerability

    28a. Improper handler deployment (the wrong "handler" is assigned
         to process an input, e.g. calling a servlet to reveal source
         code of a .JSP file, or automatically "determines" type even
         if contradictory to an explicitly specified type)

         Examples: CVE-2002-0025, CVE-2000-0682, CVE-2000-0778,
                   CAN-2000-1052, CVE-2001-0004, CVE-2001-0126

    28b. Missing handler (handler not available or implemented)

         Examples: CAN-2002-0614, CVE-2001-0330

    28c. Dangerous handler not cleared/disabled during sensitive

29. Insufficient logging of security-critical events

    Note: should be distinguished from cases when logging does not
    coccur as the result of other vulnerabilities (e.g. those that
    cause a crash)

    Examples: CAN-2000-0118, CVE-2000-0542, CVE-2000-0937,
              CVE-2001-0056, CAN-2001-0471, CAN-2001-0978

30. Incomplete error detection (product does not properly detect or
    check for security-critical error conditions)

GUI Errors

31. Insufficient user warning of "unsafe" actions

    Examples: CVE-2001-0072, CAN-2001-0919, CAN-2000-1138 (overlap
              error handling?)

32. Interface inconsistency

    Definition: an API, GUI, or other interface behaves inconsistently
    with what operations are actually performed on the system,
    e.g. checking a security option does nothing, or user tells
    interface "restrict ALL" and it says "restrict SOME")

    Note: can be the result of another issue

    Examples: CVE-2000-0127, CAN-2001-1387, CVE-2000-0225,
              CVE-2000-1169, CVE-2001-0003, CVE-2001-0081,
              CAN-2001-0617, CVE-2001-0863, CVE-2001-0864,
              CVE-2001-0865, CVE-2001-0866, CVE-2001-0867,
              CVE-2001-0969, CAN-2001-1387

Product Management Errors

Note: many of these categories cover specific phases of the software
life cycle, which is often independent of the category of bug that is
involved.  However, some types of bugs seem to be inherent to certain
phases of the life cycle, so at this early stage, these categories may
be useful as a "catch-all" for certain issues.

33. Design limitations

   Note: this seems under-studied, especialy with respect to
   classification of design flaws.

   33a. Incomplete specification

   33b. Vague specification

   33c. Support (or lack of support) for security-relevant options

34. Distribution Error

    34a. Debugging code not omitted from production version

         Note: exposes vuln's in the debugging code itself; perhaps
         this is not a category

         Examples: CVE-1999-0095, CVE-2001-0528

    34b. Product is shipped with insecure configuration that was used
         to facilitate internal testing.

         Examples: CAN-2003-0983

35. Patch Error

    35a. Regression error - an old vulnerability is introduced into
         new code

    35b. Incomplete vulnerability fix

36. Documentation Error

   36a. Omission of security-critical information

   36b. Error/typo causes user to introduce a vulnerability or risk

37. Developer-introduced back door / Trojan Horse

    Examples: CVE-1999-0145

38. Port Error

    Definition: A product is ported to a different environment
    (e.g. OS) and does not consider differences with the original
    environment - sometimes introducing vulnerabilities specific to
    the new environment.

    Examples: CAN-2002-0661 (overlaps directory traversal)

39. Interaction Error

    Two independent products work correctly and according to
    specification, but interact in ways that cause problems.

    Note: this category needs refinement.

    39a.  Interpretation conflict ("Conflicting Interpretation
          Error"): A interprets inputs differently than B.

      Note: this is generally found in proxies, firewalls, anti-virus
      software, and other "mid-stream" devices that allow or deny
      traffic based on how the client or server is expected to behave.

      Examples: classic Ptacek/Newsham IDS design flaws, CAN-2002-1121
      (anti-virus), poison NULL byte between Perl and C

    39b. Incomplete awareness: A is not aware of all types of input
         that B can take.

Technology-Specific Problems

This is probably missing a number of issues in web technologies.

40. Cross-site scripting (XSS)

    Terminology Note: some people distinguish between XSS and "HTML
    injection."  Terminology is imprecise for this category, which has
    a number of variants.

    Note: overlaps special char management

    Note: this category needs work

    Examples: many, such as CVE-2002-0074, CVE-2002-0938,
              CVE-2002-1053, CAN-2002-0530, CAN-2002-0840

41. Form field / parameter tampering

    Note: overlaps other categories; not just present in web apps.

    Examples: many, including CVE-2000-0758, CAN-2000-0554 (overlap
              informtion leak), CVE-2000-0926, CAN-2002-1352,
              CVE-2000-0253, CVE-2000-0254, CAN-2000-0101, CAN-2000-0102

42. SQL injection

    Note: overlaps special character mismanagement.

    Examples: many, including CAN-2004-0366, CAN-2004-0343,
              CAN-2003-0779, CAN-2003-0500, CAN-2003-0377

43. PHP-specific issues

    Note: these may overlap other categories, especially design

    Ref: A Study in Scarlet (Clowes)

    43a. PHP remote code injection

         Examples: many, including CVE-2002-0953, CAN-2004-0285,
                   CAN-2004-0030, CAN-2004-0068, CAN-2004-0127,

    43b. PHP untrusted external initialization of critical variables

         Note: can overlap PHP remote code injection, other types

         Examples: CVE-2000-0860, CAN-2002-0764, CAN-2001-0854,
                   CAN-2001-1025, CAN-2003-0754 (overlaps

44. Perl null character injection (technically an interaction
    vulnerability, but important to mention specifically)

    Note: overlaps directory traversal / filename equivalents

Other Errors

45. Initialization Error

    45a. Insecure default initialization (e.g. variables or

         Note: overlaps other categories

    45b. Untrusted/externally controlled initialization of trusted
         variables or values

         Note: overlaps other categories

         Examples: CVE-2000-0959, CVE-2001-0033, CAN-2001-0084,

    45c. Non-exit on failed initialization affecting security-critical
         resource (e.g. configuration file format error)

46. Resource exhaustion (memory, application-specific objects, general

    Note: exhaustion is often the result of another bug.

    46a. Memory leak

         Definition: software does not sufficiently track and release
         allocated memory when it is finished, which slowly consumes
         remaining memory.  This is often triggered by improper
         handling of malformed data or unexpectedly interrupted

         Note: memory leaks are probably more often the result of an
         underlying bug, than an inherent bug themselves.

         Terminology Note: "memory leak" has sometimes been used to
         describe other kinds of issues, e.g. for information leaks in
         which the contents of memory are inadvertently leaked
         (CAN-2003-0400 is one such example of this terminology

         Examples: CAN-2004-0221 (overlaps other bug types),
                   CAN-2004-0222, CVE-2001-0136, CAN-2001-0337,
                   CVE-2002-0574, CAN-2004-0427

    46b. Other incomplete resource release

         Definition: resource is not "released" for re-use or
         deletion, often as a result of an unusual error

         Note: overlaps memory leaks, asymmetric resource consumption,
         malformed input errors

         Examples: CVE-1999-1127, CVE-2001-0830, CVE-2002-0741,
                   CAN-1999-1569, CAN-2002-1372

    46c. Asymmetric resource consumption (aka "amplification")

         Definition: an "untrusted" entity can make a "trusted" entity
         consume more resources than necessary.  Sometimes a factor in
         "flood" attacks, but other types of amplification exist.

         Note: There are probably several sub-types.

         Ref: Algorithmic Complexity Attacks (Crosby, Wallach)


           network amplification: CAN-2001-1244, CVE-2000-0041,
                                  CVE-1999-1379, CVE-1999-0513

           algorithmic complexity: CAN-2003-0364, CAN-2003-0244,
                                   CAN-2002-1203, CAN-1999-1537,
                                   CVE-2000-1184; similar issues exist
                                   in cryptography

           CAN-2004-0002 identifies both subtypes.

    46d. Insufficient resource pool

         Definition: the software's resource pool is not large enough
         to handle peak demand, which allows an attacker to prevent
         others from accessing the resource by using a (relatively)
         large number of requests for resources.  Frequently the
         resource is a "flood" of connection or sessions.

         Note: "large" is relative to the size of the resource pool.
         See examples.

         Note: floods often cause a crash or other problem besides
         denial of the resource itself; these are likely examples of
         *other* vulnerabilities, not an insufficient resource pool.

         Note: overlaps other categories.

         Examples: CAN-2002-1063, CAN-2002-0782, CVE-2002-0406, CAN-2002-0234

47. Numeric conversion errors

    47a. Integer Signedness Error (aka "signed integer" error)

         Note: overlaps array out-of-bounds

         Examples: CVE-2001-1279, CAN-2003-0619, CAN-2003-0972,
         CAN-2002-1420, CAN-2003-0166, CAN-2003-0721, CAN-2004-0094

    47b. Integer overflow / underflow (value "resets" to maximum or
         minimum, often through incrementing values)

         Note: exploit sometimes uses buffer overflow attack

         Note: terminology may be inconsistent.

         Examples: overflows: CVE-2002-0391, CVE-2002-0639,
                   CVE-2001-0144; possible underflows: CAN-2003-0761,
                   CAN-2004-0219, CAN-2004-0184

    47c. Network byte ordering mismanagement

         Examples: N/A

    47d. Truncation error (happens when bits are truncated, e.g. due
         to casting or conversion between numeric types)

         Examples: N/A (but Halvar Flake mentioned some of these in
                   his talk at CanSecWest 2004)

48. Authentication Error

    Note: this is a broad category, as there can be multiple errors
    that lead to authentication problems.  More study is needed.

    Note: often, an authentication error is the result of a

    48a. Authentication bypass by alternate path

         Definition: multiple "execution paths" exist for accessing
         resources that require authentication, but the authentication
         step is not placed in front of all paths.  Seen in web
         applications that assume access to a particular CGI program
         can only be obtained through a "front" screen.  But this
         problem is not just in web apps.

         Examples: CVE-2000-1179, CAN-1999-1454, CVE-2000-0944, many
                   web applications

    48b. Authentication bypass by alternate name

         Note: overlaps equivalent encodings, canonicalization

         Examples: CAN-2003-0317

    48c. Dependency on user-controlled key data: user controls key
         data elements that are used for authentication, e.g. if a web
         application relies on a cookie "Authenticated=1"

         Examples: CVE-2002-0367 (DebPloit)

    48d. Logic error

         Note: overlaps other categories; in these cases, an
         authentication bug is the *result* of a logic error.

         Examples: CAN-2003-0750 (conditional should have been an 'or'
         not an 'and')

    48e. Partial password comparison

         Definition: the application uses the length of an input
         password to compare against the target password, which can
         allow an attacker to easily conduct brute force guessing.

         Examples: CAN-2002-1374, CVE-2000-0979, CAN-2001-0088

49. Unnecesarily large privilege window (app runs at higher privileges
    longer than it "has to")

    Note: difficult to distinguish this from failures to drop

    Examples: N/A

50. Capability operating at higher privilege than necessary without

    Note: probably overlaps authentication

    Examples: N/A

51. Infinite loop

    Note: this is more the result of a programming error.  Multiple
    sub-categories likely.  More study is needed.

    Note: can overlap amplification or flooding

    Examples: CVE-2000-0620, CAN-2000-1203, CVE-2000-0738,
              CAN-2002-1355 (overlaps integer signedness)

52. Incomplete/missing security check for standardized

    Note: this is an implementation error, in which the
    algorithm/technique requires certain security-related behaviors
    that are not implemented, thus causing a vulnerability

    Note: overlaps cryptographic errors

    Examples: "Basic Constraints" browser cert issues (CAN-2002-0862,
              CAN-2002-0970, CAN-2002-1407), other issues (CVE-2000-0974

53. Cryptographic error

    Note: this category is incomplete and needs refinement, as there
    is some good documentation of cryptographic flaws.

    53a. Stores sensitive data in plaintext (passwords, credit cards,

         Note: often overlaps bad permissions problems

         Examples: CVE-1999-0982, CVE-2000-0402, CAN-1999-1256,
                   CAN-2002-0344, many others

    53b. Does not use peer-reviewed cryptographic algorithms

         Note: this is a "best practice" more than a vulnerability

         Examples: N/A

    53c. Does not perform all required cryptographic steps

         Note: overlaps incomplete/missing security check

         Examples: N/A

54. Insufficient Randomness

    54a. Predictable from system or network state (time, process ID, etc.)

         Note: overlaps symlink attacks, cryptographic errors,
         information leaks

         Examples: CVE-2002-0389, CVE-2001-1141

    54b. Insufficiently large space of random values (susceptible to
         brute force)

         Examples: CAN-2002-0583, CAN-2002-0903, CAN-2002-1107,
                   CAN-2004-0230 (overlaps design limitation)

    54c. Use of "known weak" randomness algorithms

         Note: probably a number of sub-types here

         Examples: CAN-2000-0916

    54d. Does not initialize PRNG

         Note: overlaps predictable system state

         Examples: CVE-2002-0872

    54e. Predictable from previous "random" values

         Examples: CAN-2002-1463

55. Miscellaneous remote code injection (inputs are fed directly into
    an interpreted language which is dynamically evaluated; other
    "classes" such as SQL injection are covered elsewhere)

    Examples: CVE-2000-0353, CAN-2002-0317, CAN-2001-1192

56. LDAP injection

    Note: overlaps SQL injection, special character mismanagement

    Note: probably under-studied

    Ref: Web Applications and LDAP Injection (SPI Dynamics)

    Examples: no public examples known yet, but probably frequently
              found by pen testing companies in custom apps

Gaps in the Checklist

These items are known "gaps" relative to the above checklist, but they
have not been studied well enough to place them into categories.  This
list is not complete relative to the known issues, but time
constraints prevented a more complete list being provided.

- Shatter style attacks

  Note: it is suspected that a number of publicized vulnerabilities
  that involve local privilege escalation on Windows systems may be
  related to Shatter attacks, but are not labeled as such.

  BUGTRAQ:20020806 White paper: Exploiting the Win32 API

  Examples: CAN-2002-0971, CAN-2002-1230, CAN-2003-0350, CAN-2003-0908

- web browser vulnerabilities, especially cross-domain and similar
  categories related to "sandboxing"

  Note: some browser bugs have a high complexity that makes them
  difficult to classify.  These might be regarded as
  "technology-specific" except that they typically involve crossing
  security boundaries, and thus may have equivalents in other
  technologies that involve security models for multiple "domains."
  These bugs may stem from more basic programming errors, and thus may
  be an *effect* of those errors.

  Examples: many, such as CAN-2004-0380, CAN-2003-1026, CAN-2002-0284

- Windows named pipes

  Note: probably under-studied.

  Note: these sometimes play an important factor as an "alternate
  path" into a system, or an "equivalent filename."

  Examples: CVE-2002-0066, CAN-2003-0230, CAN-2003-0496

- physical access

  Note: problems that require physical access to exploit are probably
  under-studied, and may have certain categories that are unique to
  physical access.

- Application-specific logic errors

  Note: this covers logic errors that are specific to a particular
  application, which can only be viewed as vulnerabilities within the
  context of that application's implicit or explicit security model.
  "Price tampering" in CGI applications has some overlap here, though
  that is not a solid example (see "form field" item 41)

- "partial password comparison" is an example of a much larger
  category which involves the comparison or management of "smaller"
  items as if they were "bigger" items, or vice versa.  Examples:
  CAN-2002-0499, CAN-2003-1025, CAN-2003-0412

- authorization errors

- privilege errors

- susceptibility to certain attacks (brute force, spoofing)

- dotless IP addresses

  Examples: CVE-2001-0664, CAN-2001-0724

Change Log

0.0000001 - initial version, posted to secprog on 2002/12/05

0.0000002 - lost in the mists of time

0.0000003 - some dir. trans variants added, posted to Vuln-Dev on 2003/06/13

0.0000004 - extended some categories
          - added CVE examples
          - added notes for individual categories
          - added "Notes on the Checklist"
          - added "Gaps in the Checklist"

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