RISKS Forum mailing list archives

Risks Digest 32.93

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2021 16:51:44 PST

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Monday 22 November 2021  Volume 32 : Issue 93

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

FBI e-mail system breach (Reuters)
Do-It-Yourself artificial pancreas given approval by team of experts
International Space Station nearly struck by Chinese satellite debris
DoS Sabotage by Telegram (Bertrand Meyer)
Palestinians Were Targeted by Israeli Firm’s Spyware, Experts Say
 (NYTimes via Jan Wolitzky)
Congress mandates new car technology to stop drunken driving
Thermal Grease Degradation is an underappreciated hazard (Bob Gezelter)
Unconsidered automatic filtering creates damaging side-effects
 (Bob Gezelter)
QR codes, URL's, and restaurants (Jerry Leichter)
"Political Ads During 2020 Presidential Election Cycle Collected Personal
 Information, Spread Misleading Information" (UWash)
Algorithmic Tracking 'Damaging Mental Health' of UK Workers (Dan Milmo)
Scammers impersonate guest editors to get sham papers published (Nature)
Ransomware operators have a compliance department (Matt Levine)
Bipartisan bill would force Big Tech to offer algorithm-free feeds, search
 results (Ars Technica via Lauren Weinstein)
Edge and Windows 11 — the return of Microsoft's IE fiasco? (Computerworld)
Google 2021 AI Principles Progress Update (Googleleapis)
You've Got an Enemy at Chase! (Paul Robinson)
UK regulator seeks to improve the privacy of video conferencing
 (Peter Houppermans)
Cryptocurrency, NTFs or other such digital assets faces a quantum computing
 problem (CNET)
Security Vulnerabilities in Computer Memories
These Parents Built a School App. Then the City Called the Cops (WiReD)
Cars Are Going Electric. What Happens to the Used Batteries? (WiReD)
Open Source Doesn't Mean More Software Is Better Software (WiReD)
The Era Of D.C.’s New (771) Area Code Has Begun (DCist)
Hackers Targeted Apple Devices in Hong Kong for Widespread Attack (WiReD)
This Company Tapped AI for Its Website—and Landed in Court (WiReD)
Contract lawyers face a growing invasion of surveillance programs that
 monitor their work (WashPost)
The next normal: Algorithms will take over college, from admissions to
 advising (WashPost)
Google loses appeal against $2.7 billion antitrust fine over its
 comparison-shopping practices in Europe (Fortune)
Caller ID fun (Comcast)
Debris From Test of Russian Antisatellite Weapon Forces Astronauts to
 Shelter (NYTimes)
Apple announces-Self Service Repair (Apple via Gabe Goldberg)
Re: Trojan Source Bug Threatens the Security of All Code (Henry Baker)
Re: SpaceX Under Fire After Autonomous Rocket Hits Pedestrian
 (Mark Brader, Scott Dorsey)
Re: spider bites, or Using Google search to deliver customers or worse
 (John Levine)
Facebook 3rd party single-sign-on failure (Paul Robinson)
After a pandemic, fire season, and now floods, are you ready to get trained
 for emergencies and disasters? (Rob Slade)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2021 10:06:23 -0500
From: Peter G Neumann
Subject: FBI e-mail system breach


  [Thanks to Arik Hesseldahl.  PGN]

13 Nov 2021 (Reuters) -- Hackers compromised a Federal Bureau of
Investigation email system on Saturday and sent tens of thousands of
messages warning of a possible cyberattack, according to the agency and
security specialists.

Fake emails appeared to come from a legitimate FBI email address ending in
@ic.fbi.gov, the FBI said in a statement.

Although the hardware impacted by the incident "was taken offline quickly
upon discovery of the issue," the FBI said, "This is an ongoing situation."

The hackers sent tens of thousands of emails warning of a possible
cyberattack, threat-tracking organization Spamhaus Project said on its
Twitter account.


Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 09:40:13 +0800
From: "Richard Stein" <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Do-It-Yourself artificial pancreas given approval by team of
 experts (MedicalXpress.com)


"Dominic Nutt, 54 from South West London, was diagnosed with diabetes aged
15. He has a personalized algorithm that controls his glucose monitor and
insulin pump automatically. He manages the process through a smartphone,
putting in when he eats carbohydrates or exercises, as this affects his
blood sugar."

The DIY diabetic management combination confers life-sustaining convenience
and freedom from the routine finger prick, blood glucose measurement, and
insulin injection protocol.

The artificial pancreas systems likely apply Bluetooth to communicate and
coordinate their operation. See "Guidelines for the use of Continuous
Glucose Monitors (CGM) and Sensors in the School Setting" retrieved from
https://www.diabetes.org/sites/default/files/2019-06/CGM%20guidelines.pdf on
15NOV2021 for typical deployed solution identified for juveniles.

A comp.risks search returns ~100 submissions containing "bluetooth" since

One way to learn about medical device issues traced to their patients is to
visit and type in "insulin" or "glucose monitor" in the textbox.

17 TPLC product code records are returned for insulin (e.g., product code
OZO) and 9 product code records (e.g., product code QLG) materialize. Each
product code links to tabulations for 5 years of manufacturer device and
patient problems submitted to the FDA as medical device reports
(MDRs). Interpreting the MDRs is another matter: significant subject matter
expertise required.

Each MDR documents a product defect escape, with many characterized as "No
Consequences Or Impact To Patient" or "No Clinical Signs, Symptoms or
Conditions" -- meaning that a patient might have been involuntary compelled
to visit their physician to check on the device's behavior and verify their


Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 13:33:19 -0700
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: International Space Station nearly struck by Chinese satellite debris

*Space debris has become a major concern for all satellites orbiting the
Earth, not just the football-field-sized ISS* [...]


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:26:40 +0100
From: Bertrand Meyer <Bertrand.Meyer () inf ethz ch>
Subject: DoS Sabotage by Telegram

Antivax activists are not limited to the US. To promote Covid vaccination,
the Swiss confederation is financing a set of concerts with star performers,
free but requiring registration to control the number of participants, e.g.
to 500 yesterday in Lausanne. It looks like anti-vaccine activists colluded
through a Telegram group to sabotage the events, by reserving many of the
seats with no intent to show up. As a result, fewer than 100 people (50 per
some sources) actually attended. See https://bit.ly/3qr7Neg (French),
https://bit.ly/30a4spf (German).


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 10:23:03 -0500
From: "Jan Wolitzky" <jan.wolitzky () gmail com>
Subject: Palestinians Were Targeted by Israeli Firm’s Spyware, Experts Say

International hacking experts said on Monday that Palestinians belonging to
rights groups recently outlawed by Israel had been targeted by spyware made
by the Israeli technology firm NSO Group. The accusations put the
relationship between the Israeli government and the company, recently
blacklisted by the United States, under renewed scrutiny.


Also: Palestinians: Israeli NSO spyware found on officials’ phones

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Palestinian Foreign Ministry on Thursday said it has
detected spyware developed by the Israeli hacker-for-hire company NSO Group
on the phones of three senior officials and accused Israel of using the
military-grade Pegasus software to eavesdrop on them.

The Palestinian accusations against NSO came as the embattled Israeli firm
acknowledged that it had called off the appointment of its incoming chief
executive in the wake of U.S. accusations that its spyware has been used by
repressive governments around the world.

Thursday’s announcement by the Foreign Ministry marked the first time
Palestinian officials have claimed NSO software was used to spy on them.



Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 08:56:45 +0800
From: "Richard Stein" <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Congress mandates new car technology to stop drunken driving


"Congress has created a new requirement for automakers: Find a high-tech
way to keep drunken people from driving cars."

"Each year, around 10,000 people are killed due to alcohol-related
crashes in the U.S., making up nearly 30% of all traffic fatalities,
according to NHTSA."

But not intoxicated or abusing other substances like methamphetamine,
opiates or marijuana?

"Drugged Driving DrugFacts" from
(retrieved on 11NOV2021) states, "According to the 2018 National Survey
on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in 2018, 20.5 million people aged 16 or
older drove under the influence of alcohol in the past year and 12.6
million drove under the influence of illicit drugs."

Drugged-driving represents a significant risk.

[Hypothetical: If Theranos had not cratered, would a blood-test gizmo
appear in your Tesla dashboard?]

  [Risks: Trying to solve social problems with technology, a major theme in
  running through many past RISKS issues.  PGN]


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 12:04:48 -0500
From: Bob Gezelter <gezelter () rlgsc com>
Subject: Thermal Grease Degradation is an underappreciated hazard

It has often been said that one can as easily die due to some minor
component as an exotic event. Thermal grease on CPUs and other processors
may be a mundane issue, but when it degrades, it can cause failures in
systems large and small.

Thermal compound ensures heat transfer from CPUs to heat sinks.  Eminently
useful, thermal grease has a finite life, measured in significantly less
than a decade. Grease degradation results in overheating and damage to
processors and other components.

Thermal grease failure can masquerade as many different problems, with the
common root cause being processor overheating. One could easily think that
the problem is elsewhere, perhaps a failed CPU, clogged fan, or failed fan;
all of which are far more costly than the US$10 for a small syringe of
thermal grease.

An Intel article on replacing thermal grease can be found at:


Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 07:38:27 -0500
From: Bob Gezelter <gezelter () rlgsc com>
Subject: Unconsidered automatic filtering creates damaging side-effects

A real example of the old adage, "Assume makes an ass out of you and me". In
this particular case it creates an "ume".

Those implementing "bad word" filters on www sites should carefully consider
the implications of their decisions and how their filters can have

I recently saw a case of a social site which has apparently implemented a
filter to remove the word "ass", presumably among other "dirty" or offensive
words. However, the implementation matched the sequence "ass", not the word
" ass " (no requirement for the presence of the separating spaces).

Therefore, the words "passion", "association", "assume", and many others
have the sequence "ass" removed, yielding "pion", "ociation", and "ume",
among others.

An example of how simple it is to transform proper English into something
that sounds illiterate.


Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2021 13:03:57 -0500
From: "Jerry Leichter" <leichter () lrw com>
Subject: QR codes, URL's, and restaurants

For years, we've been telling people not to click on links in email.
Companies require their employees to go through annual training, wasting
time they could be doing useful work being told "don't click on URL's in
email, they might be malicious."  (Of course then the same companies turn
around and send out their own emails, complete with embedded links, to those
same employees.)

Many restaurants these days have "gone modern."  Rather than providing
traditional menus, they put a card on the table with a QR code on it.  Scan
it on your phone and the menu pops up in your browser.  But ... why exactly
should you trust the URL encoded in that QR code?  You actually have less
context to verify it than you do in typical email URL's!  Oh, sure, it's at
a restaurant you know and trust ... but the last patron could have easily
replaced the piece of paper the restaurant owner put there.  Sure, you *can*
- if you have the right software -- look at the URL before viewing it.  But
the typical URL won't be managed by the restaurant itself -- it'll be
provided by some third party you never heard of.

There are "touchless" systems that go beyond this.  Not only do you see your
menu on your phone -- you place your order and pay for it on the Web site the
QR code brings up.  If a URL in an email asked for your credit card
information, you might be suspicious -- but if the restaurant's entire
order/pay experience is through the QR code, that's just expected.  Oh, and
to make it even better, these things often show up on your next credit bill
as from some third party you never heard of, not the restaurant itself.
Someone could probably skim a good fraction of payments from a restaurant
for quite a while without either the restaurant or any customer noticing
that something was amiss: The customer would see and pay an expected charge
(to the wrong party, but he has no way to check); the restaurant would
eventually notice that its receipts didn't match expectations, but tracking
down why might take a while.

These touchless, automated systems were probably in the planning stages well
before COVID, but the pandemic has greatly speeded their adoption.  I
haven't heard of any frauds ... but I'll be astonished if it stays that way.


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 12:17:15 -0500 (EST)
From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor () acm org>
Subject: "Political Ads During 2020 Presidential Election Cycle Collected
 Personal Information, Spread Misleading Information" (UWash)

University of Washington News (11/08/21) Sarah McQuate ; Rebecca Gourley

University of Washington (UW) researchers say online political ads during
the 2020 U.S. presidential election often employed manipulative techniques,
including spreading misinformation. The researchers scrolled through
nearly750 news sites with a Web crawler, and studied over 1 million ads
between September 2020 and January 2021; natural language processing
determined almost 56,000 ads were political. UW's Miranda Wei said fake poll
ads harvested personal information like email addresses, and attempted to
exploit people's political leanings, "then use that information to send
spam, malware, or just general email newsletters." The most popular
political ad was click-bait news that typically mentioned top politicians in
sensationalist headlines, while the actual articles contained little of
substance. The researchers advise Web surfers to be cautious about taking
such content at face value, and to use ad blockers.



Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 12:30:14 -0500 (EST)
From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor () acm org>
Subject: Algorithmic Tracking 'Damaging Mental Health' of UK Workers
 (Dan Milmo)

Dan Milmo, *The Guardian*, 11 Nov 2021
via ACM TechNews, Friday, November 12, 2021

A report by the UK Parliament's All-Party Parliamentary Group (AAPG) calls
for new legislation to control the use of algorithms to monitor workers and
set performance targets for them. The report said pervasive monitoring and
target-setting technologies in particular "are associated with pronounced
negative impacts on mental and physical well-being as workers experience the
extreme pressure of constant, real-time micro-management and automated
assessment." The group is calling for an "accountability for algorithms act"
to ensure performance-driven regimes are evaluated to assess their impact,
and that workers participate in the design and use of algorithm-driven



Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 10:48:02 -0800
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Scammers impersonate guest editors to get sham papers published



Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 16:27:55 -0700
From: Joe Loughry <joe () netoir com>
Subject: Ransomware operators have a compliance department (Matt Levine)

From Matt Levine's *Money Stuff* newsletter on Bloomberg, 8 November 2021:


  In October, the infamous ransomware gang known as Conti released thousands
  of files stolen from the UK jewelry store Graff.

  Now, the hackers would like the world to know that they regret their
  decision, perhaps in part because they released files belonging to very
  powerful people....

    "We found that our sample data was not properly reviewed before being
    uploaded to the blog," the hackers wrote in an announcement published on
    Thursday. "Conti guarantees that any information pertaining to members
    of Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar families will be deleted without any
    exposure and review."

    "Our Team apologizes to His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman
    and any other members of the Royal Families whose names were mentioned
    in the publication for any inconvenience," the hackers added.

  Imagine being a big-time ransomware hacker, thinking that you're pretty
  tough, fancying yourself a master criminal, giving yourself an
  intimidating online alias, maybe even being able, in certain
  circumstances, to call down violence on your enemies, and then realizing
  one day that you'd accidentally hacked a guy who had a journalist
  kidnapped, tortured to death and then dismembered with a bone saw for
  criticizing him.

  They are adding new compliance procedures to make sure this won't happen

    The hackers also said that other than publishing the data on their site,
    they did not sell it or trade, and that from now on they will "implement
    a more rigid data review process for any future operations."

  We have talked before about the compliance function at ransomware
  firms. If you run a legal company, you have a compliance department to
  make sure that you don't do anything illegal, or at least, if your company
  is really big, to keep the illegality within acceptable limits. If you run
  a criminal gang, you have concerns that are different in degree but
  directionally similar: Your whole business is doing illegal things, sure,
  but you don't want to do too many things that are too illegal. You want to
  do crimes that make you money, but not crimes that get you shut down. You
  want to steal information from rich people and extort money from them. But
  not Mohammed bin Salman! Good lord!

Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/newsletters/money-stuff/latest


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 14:44:48 -0800
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Bipartisan bill would force Big Tech to offer algorithm-free feeds,
 search results

  [As nutty a concept as they come.]

As currently proposed, this concept is nuts. A search engine without
prioritization is a massive, useless phone book. We're decades past that
stage on the Net. -L



Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 18:34:42 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Edge and Windows 11 — the return of Microsoft's IE fiasco?

Microsoft, are you really planning to repeat your biggest business blunder?

This is no bug. This is a deliberate move throughout Windows to return
to the past when your only real browser choice was the Microsoft choice.
It backfired on the company then; I hope it backfires now.


  [Lauren Weinstein noted this take on SearchEngineLand)


Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 16:22:09 -0800
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Google 2021 AI Principles Progress Update



Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2021 09:50:35 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Paul Robinson" <paul () paul-robinson us>
Subject: You've Got an Enemy at Chase!

My story is entitled "You've Got an Enemy at Chase!" as while I'm not sure
if JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. has ever used the slogan "You've Got a Friend
at Chase!" they certainly have, not a method to win friends and influence
people, but instead, the abysmal performance I experienced of the type that
can make you believe they hate you and ARE your enemy.

I discover (no pun intended, it's a Visa card) that my Chase credit card is
missing. I think I lost it, so I'll just cancel it and have them issue a bew
one.  So I bring up Chase.Com and  there is a big "Welcome" and "please log
in" button. I click the button, a new prompt comes up where it asks for my
username and password. Firefox brings up a drop-down box showing two
options: a username I've used before in all UPPER CASE and the same username
in all lower case. This is, in fact correct behsvior, because some websites
have (the really stupid, in my opinion) "feature" (or maybe it's a bug) of
case-sensitive usernames. I pick the all caps one, Firefox auto-fills the
password field. I try it. Chase doesn't recognize my login, So I try the all
lower case one, which Firefox auto-fills. Nope, that one doesn't work

Okay, I must have the wrong password, so I click on the link "forgot
username/password?" This brings up a new box requesting Social Security
number (quite reasonable, I fill that in) and account number (oh s---!). I
try leaving the account number blank, and hit the "Next" button. I get an
angry red message above the account number box saying "Account, card or
application number", and below the box, saying "Please tell us your account,
card or application number to continue."  I don't know about you, but I'm
not in the habit of writing down my account number in case I lose my card,
and I think most people do not, either.

Well, that means I can't use their website to report my card lost, so I'll
have to call them.  Let's not forget voicemail systems are also software
applications, just running on hardware dedicated to that purpose (and with
the open-source PBX program Asterix, can be a PC running Linux).

So I call the 800 number -- if you type "what is chase bank credit card phone
number" Google will give you, in a nice big font -- 1 (800) 432-3117. So I
dial the number.

It asks me for my credit card number. Then it says that if I don't have the
number, press 1. It asks me to punch in my social security
number. Fine. Then it asks me to punch in the full 16-digit account number.

There is a YouTuber named Undoomed, who critiques other people's
videos. When the other person says something that on its face was stupid, he
responds with, "Hey Moron! F---ing Moron!" This was one of those moments.

I'll make this real simple for the morons at Chase. If your voicemail system
has given someone a path to use when they are missing an authentication,
you're not supposed to ask them for the very same authentication they just
told you that they don't have.


Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 13:14:01 +0100
From: "Peter Houppermans" <peter () houppermans net>
Subject: UK regulator seeks to improve the privacy of video conferencing

In July 2020, six data protection and privacy authorities from Australia,
Canada, Gibraltar, Hong Kong SAR, China, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
jointly signed an open letter to video teleconferencing (VTC) companies. The
letter highlighted concerns about whether privacy safeguards were keeping
pace with the rapid increase in use of VTC services during the global
pandemic, and provided VTC companies with some guiding principles to address
key privacy risks.''


Let's just say I have a fairly jaundiced view of what providers do in
reality with such efforts, but it's not a bad thing they tart paying

In general, video conferencing got a lot easier now WebRTC functionality is
part of most browsers, although not all implementations are great.  Firefox
seems to be the best balance between multi platform functionality and
avoiding Google Chrome.  You can effectively roll your own service with what
the Jitsi team has made available at https://jitsi.org <https://jitsi.org/>,
provided you protect the server component -- that's where all the streams
cross.  iOS users best use their app as it has significantly less lag,
Apple's mandated Webkit as used for Safari and Firefox appears as yet not
quite up to the task.

But I digress -- we're making progress here.


Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 13:23:31 -0700
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Cryptocurrency, NTFs or other such digital assets faces a quantum
 computing problem (CNET)

*Two cutting-edge technologies that promise to revolutionize entire fields
may be on a collision course.*

Cryptocurrencies hold the potential to change finance, eliminating middlemen
and bringing accounts to millions of unbanked people around the
world. *Quantum computers* could upend the way pharmaceuticals and materials
are designed by bringing their extraordinary power to the process.

Here's the problem: The blockchain accounting technology that powers
cryptocurrencies could be vulnerable to sophisticated attacks and forged
transactions if quantum computing matures faster than efforts to
future-proof digital money.

Cryptocurrencies are secured by a technology called public key cryptography.
The system is ubiquitous, protecting your online purchases and scrambling
your communications for anyone other than the intended recipient. The
technology works by combining a public key, one that anyone can see, with a
private key that's for your eyes only.

If current progress continues, quantum computers will be able to crack
public key cryptography, potentially creating a serious threat to the crypto
world, where *some currencies are valued*
at *hundreds of billions of dollars* <https://coinmarketcap.com/>. If
encryption is broken, attackers can impersonate the legitimate owners of
cryptocurrency, *NFT* or other such digital assets.  [...]



Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 11:44:54 -0500 (EST)
From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor () acm org>
Subject: Security Vulnerabilities in Computer Memories (oliver Morsch)

Oliver Morsch, ETH Zurich (Switzerland), 15 Nov 2021
via ACM TechNews, Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A team of researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
(ETH Zurich), the Netherlands' Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and
semiconductor manufacturer Qualcomm Technologies identified major security
flaws in dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) devices. ETH Zurich's Kaveh
Razavi said the Rowhammer vulnerability in DRAMs, exploited by hackers to
induce bit errors and access restricted areas inside the computer, remains
unaddressed. Countermeasures designed to neutralize Rowhammer merely detect
simple attacks. Razavi said the researchers' Blacksmith software, which
systematically applies complex hammering patterns, found a successful
exploit in each of 40 DRAM memories tested. This means current DRAM memories
could remain hackable by Rowhammer attacks for years to come.

  [See the source:  https://comsec.ethz.ch/research/dram/blacksmith/]


Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2021 15:14:03 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: These Parents Built a School App. Then the City Called the Cops

In the weeks that followed, Landgren teamed up with fellow developers
and parents Johan Öbrink and Erik Hellman, and the trio hatched a plan.
They would create an open source version of the Skolplattform and
release it as an app that could be used by frustrated parents across
Stockholm. Building on Landgren’s earlier work, the team opened Chrome’s
developer tools, logged into the Skolplattform, and wrote down all the
URLs and payloads. They took the code, which called the platform’s
private API and built packages so it could run on a phone—essentially
creating a layer on top of the existing, glitchy Skolplattform.

The result was the Öppna Skolplattformen, or Open School Platform. The
app was released on February 12, 2021, and all of its code is published
under an open source license on GitHub. Anyone can take or use the code,
with very few limitations on what they can do with it. If the city
wanted to use any of the code, it could. But rather than welcome it with
open arms, city officials reacted with indignation. Even before the app
was released, the City of Stockholm warned Landgren that it might be
illegal.  [...]

The police report, shared with WIRED by Landgren, references the Certezza
security review, which was commissioned by the city and completed on
February 17, 2021. The review concluded that the open source app wasn’t
sending any sensitive information to third parties and didn’t pose a threat
to users. The police report went further in clearing the Öppna
Skolplattformen developers. “All information that Öppna Skolplattformen has
used is public information that the City of Stockholm voluntarily
distributed,” it said.


The risk? Providing better U/I and making official IT look silly, so
they call cops...


Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2021 15:18:22 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Cars Are Going Electric. What Happens to the Used Batteries? (WiReD)

Used electric vehicle batteries could be the Achilles' heel of the
transportation revolution—or the gold mine that makes it real.

When batteries can’t be fixed or reused, the company recycles some at its
onsite facility. It also stores batteries. Lots of them. SNT’s main
warehouse in Oklahoma City holds hundreds of electric car batteries, stacked
on shelves that jut 30 feet into the air. With the Bolt recall, GM will send
SNT many more.

Those batteries, and millions more like them that will eventually come off
the road, are a challenge for the world’s electrified future.  Automakers
are pouring billions into electrification with the promise that this
generation of cars will be cleaner than their gas-powered predecessors. By
the end of the decade, the International Energy Agency estimates there will
be between 148 million and 230 million battery-powered vehicles on the road
worldwide, accounting for up to 12 percent of the global automotive fleet.

The last thing anyone wants is for those batteries to become waste.
Lithium-ion batteries, like other electronics, are toxic, and can cause
destructive fires that spread quickly—a danger that runs especially high
when they are stored together. A recent EPA report found that lithium-ion
batteries caused at least 65 fires at municiple waste facilities last year,
though most were ignited by smaller batteries, like those made for cell
phones and laptops. In SNT’s warehouse, bright red emergency water lines
snake across the ceilings, a safeguard against calamity.


A challenge for solid waste transfer stations; this is SOLID Waste.


Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2021 21:45:41 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Open Source Doesn't Mean More Software Is Better Software (WiReD)

Last month, Eugen Rochko learned that the software project he started
building during his university days, called Mastodon, is running Donald
Trump’s new Truth Social network. This was an uncomfortable discovery,
since, as Rochko told Vice, “If you want my personal opinion on Trump, I
cannot stand the guy.”

Rochko’s first instinct might have been to order Trump to leave
immediately—but Rochko doesn’t control Mastodon in that sort of way. It was
created as free, open source software with a “copy-left” license, which
means anyone can download it, run it, and change it, on the condition that
they continue to work under the same license and freely share the altered
version they are operating. Not only is Trump permitted to use the software
for his own peculiar purposes, but the free software saves a startup like
Truth Social millions of dollars in programming expenses. All Mastodon asks
in return is that Truth Social then pay it forward.

But it turns out Trump isn’t a pay-it-forward kind of guy. On the Truth
Social site there is currently no acknowledgment of Mastodon, and no way
for someone to download the altered source code. Discovering this
noncompliance gave Rochko his opening, and last week he announced that
Mastodon had “sent a formal letter to Truth Social’s chief legal officer,
requesting the source code to be made publicly available in compliance with
the license,” which is known as AGPLv3. If Truth Social doesn’t comply
within 30 days, the letter reads, the license may be permanently revoked,
presumably by getting a court to make such an order.


The risks? Believing in good-faith licenses and promises...


Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 17:17:07 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: The Era Of D.C.’s New (771) Area Code Has Begun (DCist)

The area code is what’s known as an overlay — it will co-exist with (202)
throughout D.C., unlike old-school “splits,” in which area codes were
assigned to specific geographic areas. What limited criticism or concern
there was around the introduction of the (771) area code was largely based
on sentimental attachments to the original (202), though the Anti-Digit
Dialing League — “the premiere sensible dialing association organization” —
argued against an overlay since splits allow people to still call each other
using only the seven digits of their phone number, instead of having to also
dial the area code.

“Overlays continue to remain a public nuisance,” said the niche


ADDL -- Anti-Digit Dialing Luddites. As a kid, I tried to convince my
parents that our Brooklyn phone number -- TE6-0176 -- should be given out as
all digits. I was decades ahead of NANPA.


Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 17:35:56 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Hackers Targeted Apple Devices in Hong Kong for Widespread Attack

Visitors to pro-democracy and media sites in the region were infected with
malware that could download files, steal data, and more.

Since at least late August, sophisticated hackers used flaws in macOS and
iOS to install malware on Apple devices that visited Hong Kong–based media
and pro-democracy websites. The so-called watering hole attacks cast a wide
net, indiscriminately placing a backdoor on any iPhone or Mac unfortunate
enough to visit one of the affected pages.

Apple has patched the various bugs that allowed the campaign to unfold.
But a report Thursday from Google's Threat Analysis Group shows how
aggressive the hackers were and how broadly their reach extended. It's
yet another case of previously undisclosed vulnerabilities, or
zero-days, being exploited in the wild by attackers. Rather than a
targeted attack that focuses on high-value targets like journalists and
dissidents, though, the suspected state-backed group went for scale.


...so always good advice, apply updates -- don't wait to long after release.


Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 17:45:42 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: This Company Tapped AI for Its Website—and Landed in Court (WiReD)

Under pressure to make their sites accessible to visually impaired
users, firms turn to software. But advocates say the tech isn't always
up to the task.

Last year, Anthony Murphy, a visually impaired man who lives in Erie,
Pennsylvania, visited the website of eyewear retailer Eyebobs using screen
reader software. Its synthesized voice attempted to read out the page’s
content, as well as navigation buttons and menus. Eyebobs used artificial
intelligence software from Israeli startup AccessiBe that promised to make
its site easier for people with disabilities to use.  But Murphy found it
made it harder.

AccessiBe says it can simplify the work of making websites accessible to
people with impaired vision or other challenges by “replacing a costly,
manual process with an automated, state-of-the-art AI technology.” In a
lawsuit filed against Eyebobs in January, Murphy alleged that the
retailer failed to provide people using screen readers equal access to
its services and that the technology from AccessiBe—not party to the
suit—doesn’t work as advertised.   [...]

In his report on AccessiBe, Groves cited an image of a model wearing a white
dress for sale on an ecommerce site. The alternative text provided,
apparently generated by AccessiBe’s technology, was “Grass nature and
summer.” In other cases, he reported, AccessiBe failed to properly add
labels to forms and buttons.

On the homepage of its website, AccessiBe promises “automated web
accessibility.” But support documents warn customers that its machine
learning technology may not accurately interpret webpage features if it
“hasn’t encountered these elements enough before.”


"Automated" doesn't necessarily mean AI. And AI isn't necessarily I.


Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:20:01 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Contract lawyers face a growing invasion of surveillance programs
 that monitor their work (WashPost)

Attorneys say the constant workday face scans, mandated by their bosses, are
fueling fears of over-surveillance: “I will not subject myself to this
indignity and the invasion of my privacy in my own home."

The attorneys worry that if law firms, traditionally the defenders of
workers’ rights, are turning to the programs, why wouldn’t every other

Camille Anidi, an attorney on Long Island, quickly understood the flaws
of the facial recognition software her employers demanded she use when
working from home. The system often failed to recognize her face or
mistook the Bantu knots in her hair as unauthorized recording devices,
forcing her to log back in sometimes more than 25 times a day.

When she complained, she said, her bosses brushed it off as a minor
technical issue, though some of her lighter-skinned colleagues told her they
didn’t have the same problem — a common failing for some facial recognition
systems, which have been shown to perform worse for people of color.

So after each logout, Anidi gritted her teeth and did what she had to do:
Re-scan her face from three angles so she could get back to a job where she
was often expected to review 70 documents an hour.

“I want to be able to do the work and would love the money, but it’s
just that strain: I can’t look left for too long, I can’t look down, my
dog can’t walk by, or I get logged out,” she said. “Then the company is
looking at me like I’m the one delaying!”

Facial recognition systems have become an increasingly common element of the
rapid rise in work-from-home surveillance during the coronavirus
pandemic. Employers argue that they offer a simple and secure way to monitor
a scattered workforce.

But for Anidi and other lawyers, they serve as a dehumanizing reminder that
every second of their workday is rigorously probed and analyzed: After
verifying their identity, the software judges their level of attention or
distraction and kicks them out of their work networks if the system thinks
they’re not focused enough.  [...]

Lawyers said they had been booted out of their work if they shifted slightly
in their chairs, looked away for a moment or adjusted their glasses or
hair. The systems, they said, also chastised them for harmless behaviors:
holding a coffee mug mistaken for an unauthorized camera or listening to a
podcast or the TV.

The constant interruptions have become a major annoyance in a job requiring
long-term concentration and attention to detail, some lawyers said. But the
errors also undercut how much work they could do, leaving some fearful it
could affect their pay or their ability to secure work from the same firms
later on.


Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2021 14:26:17 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: The next normal: Algorithms will take over college, from admissions
 to advising (WashPost)

Imagine being rejected from a university or advised out of your major
because you’re Black, or a woman, or a first-generation college student.
Imagine learning that these decisions were made by predictive analytics
software that you can’t object to or opt out of. Just over a decade ago,
this seemed unlikely. Now it seems difficult to stop.

That may sound futuristic, but St. George’s Hospital Medical School in
London deployed this technology as early as the 1980s. Administrators
trained a predictive model using historical admissions data to determine
who was accepted to the medical program. It was supposed to eliminate
the biases of admissions officers; unsurprisingly, it reproduced a
pattern of discrimination. The demographics of incoming students skewed
heavily toward White men, forcing the school to stop the practice.

Today, this is the reality faced by millions of students. This year, the
Markup reported that more than 500 universities use a single company’s
predictive analytics product, which assigns students an academic “risk
score” based on variables that are supposedly associated with people’s
ability to succeed in college — including, at many schools, race. Black
and Latino students were consistently rated as higher risk than their
White or Asian peers.


And of course, no "forensic audits" of results.


Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2021 14:30:14 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Google loses appeal against $2.7 billion antitrust fine over its
 comparison-shopping practices in Europe (Fortune)

Google has lost its appeal against the $2.7 billion antitrust fine that was
levied against it four years ago by the European Commission.

The fine was for Google’s promotion of its own comparison-shopping
service in prominent boxes at the top of its search results—a practice
that left competing comparison-shopping services at an unfair
disadvantage, given Google’s near-total domination of search in Europe.
(In Europe, unlike in the U.S., an antitrust violation can take place
even if consumers are not demonstrably harmed, if a company’s actions
severely harm competition.) Google was subsequently fined billions of
euros twice more over other antitrust violations, and it launched an
appeal in each case.

On Wednesday, the European Union’s General Court—the court that hears
appeals against decisions made by the European Commission—upheld the Google
Shopping fine. It mostly dismissed the company’s appeal, though it did say
the Commission had not backed up its claim that Google’s conduct had
anticompetitive effects on the general-search market (a factor that had no
bearing on the amount of the fine). Google has not yet said whether it will
further appeal this decision to the Court of Justice of the EU, its last

The ruling is a huge boost to the reputation and likely future plans of
Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s competition commissioner. Last year, the
General Court annulled her mammoth $14.8 billion back-tax bill for Apple
in Ireland, which was a serious blow. This time, she has prevailed,
which could encourage her to keep hitting Google over other alleged

“Today’s judgment delivers the clear message that Google’s conduct was
unlawful, and it provides the necessary legal clarity for the market,” the
Commission said in a statement. “Comparison shopping delivers an important
service to consumers, at a time when e-commerce has become more and more
important for retailers and consumers. As digital services have become
omnipresent in our society nowadays, consumers should be able to rely on
them in order to make informed and unbiased choices.”


Competition, what a concept.


Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 00:02:42 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Caller ID fun (Comcast)

Comcast Rolls Out Nation’s Largest Landline Voice Verified Caller ID
Solution to Combat Robocalls

These customers will now display a Verified [V] label in the caller ID
when a call is authenticated as not spoofed, meaning we have been able
to confirm the call is coming from the telephone number displayed.



Phone Call Mystery: A “V” Shows on my Caller ID -- The mysteries of the
universe – from black holes to galaxies beyond – we’re just not sure what’s
really out there. And, when a call arrives on our phone with the caller ID
starting with a V + a long string of digits, we wonder what it might be.

A V in your caller ID refers to a number from a telemarketing company.  It
is likely this call is Spam.


...so, to [V or not to V?

Couple calls today had [V] and were legitimate. Is the difference just [ ]?
That'll sure confuse people.


Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 00:05:14 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Debris From Test of Russian Antisatellite Weapon Forces Astronauts
 to Shelter (NYTimes)

The State Department said the cloud of debris from the missile strike added
more than 1,500 pieces of sizable space junk to Earth’s orbit.


Target practice...


Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 12:34:30 -0500
From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Apple announces-Self Service Repair (Apple)


Interesting -- I guess it's only a "risk" if some repairs are "Kids,
don't try this at home".

But old devices might be useful for practice, if parts/tools aren't too


Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2021 15:28:26 +0000
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Re: Trojan Source Bug Threatens the Security of All Code

What could possibly go wrong?
Let's see: putting snippets of trojan code on stackoverflow, whole trojan applications on github.
How many people use cut&paste of cli code from web pages to get stuff done ?
And where does 'AI' learn how to program ?


Date: Sun,  7 Nov 2021 18:09:43 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Brader <msb () Vex Net>
Subject: Re: SpaceX Under Fire After Autonomous Rocket Hits Pedestrian
 (The Onion)

One April 1 in the year is bad enough; why do we have to have two now?


Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 09:38:18 -0500 (EST)
From: kludge () panix com (Scott Dorsey)
Subject: Re: SpaceX Under Fire After Autonomous Rocket Hits Pedestrian
 (The Onion)

How could anyone predict or plan for that?

It turns out, and this may be a surprise to many, that some people have
actually been launching spacecraft from Florida since 1950, and as a
consequence there is a large body of published work on the subject.  In
addition, NASA maintains a corrosion technology laboratory at Kennedy which
provides data and assistance on request.

"Natural Environment Corrosion Testing at the Kennedy Space Center Beachside
Atmosphere Corrosion Testing Site," presented by Luz Calle at the 2017 DOD-
Allied Nations Technical Corrosion Conference is a good introduction to the
work being done in that environment.


Date: 7 Nov 2021 21:50:15 -0500
From: "John Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: spider bites, or Using Google search to deliver customers or

It appears the website has found a way to recognize the Google spider and
allow it to index their site but then lock out those using the search link
from Google.

Every web request includes a user-agent string, and web spiders, at least
the ones for legitimate search engines, have easy to recognize names like
googlebot, bingbot, and applebot, along with a bunch I never heard of or
didn't realize do web spidering like coccocbot, LinkedInBot, PetalBot,
SeznamBot, and YandexBot.

Web sites have been returning different results to spiders about as long as
there have been spiders.  One reason is the one you saw, to index stuff that
is behind paywalls, or more often freemium pages where you get a few free
views and then it asks you to subscribe.  On web sites that use lots of
javascript and dynamic content, the spiders don't run the javascript so if
the site wants to be indexed, it needs to return a static version of its

Often this is annoying, but rarely malicious.  If I come to a page that asks
for money and it's not a service I already subscribe to, I don't pay.

Keep in mind that web sites can change at any time, so even if the spider
sees the same content as regular users, there is no promise that the version
the spider saw is the same as what you will see if you visit later.


Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2021 00:38:58 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Paul Robinson" <paul () paul-robinson us>
Subject: Facebook 3rd party single-sign-on failure

There was a website that one of the items covers a really contentious,
extremely controversial, topical issue. It had a place to post a comment. At
the bottom, below the text box, is a button labeled "Login to Post". Okay,
so after I entered my comment, I clicked on the button. A new window opens,
and it's Facebook Authentication, where a third party has them provide a
login credential. So, Firefox presents the dropdowns of all the usernames
(e-mail addresses). I select paul () paul-robinson us, and the password is
autofilled. (This also means it is Facebook's authenticator and not
somewhere else, like a credential stealer.)

Facebook tells me I need to authenticate, and it has sent an e-mail to my
account, I need to enter the six-digit number. Now, e-mail sent to that
address is auto-forwarded to my Yahoo Mail account. I open Yahoo Mail in a
new tab, and interestingly enough, I've gotten a message that contains the
six-digit number right in the subject, so I don't even have to open the
message. I tab back, put in the number, click on the submit button,
and... Firefox informs me redirection doesn't work. Try again won't. So, I
decide to go direct to www.facebook.com, and login there.

I can't even go to Facebook's home page! I get the same redirect
error. Dammit, I don't even use Facebook! The only reason I even have a damn
Facebook account is for just this reason, when 3rd-party websites use
Facebook for Single-Sign-On!

I decide maybe Firefox has a problem, so I decide to use Edge (Microsoft's
replacement for Internet Exploiter). I try www.facebook.com Same error,
can't redirect.

Well, I've never had a problem with it before, but I think I know what it

To defeat ad servers, in addition to using ad-block, I use the "Enhanced
HOSTS file." There is a text file which is located at
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts. (no extension). There is a guy who
posted on his website a very comprehensive hosts file of 141K, consisting of
every advertising domain (like googleadservices.com) and reroutes them to
localhost (, which, since I'm not running a web server, times out
and the advertisement isn't served. The default Windows HOSTS file is about
1K and has maybe a dozen items. The enhanced HOSTS file at 141K has
thousands of ad serving hosts that are blocked.

So I pull the HOSTS file (renaming it) and I still get the same problem.
Then I realize I read the message wrong, it says if I try clearing cookies
that may fix the problem. I look up how and try it. It works! I can get to
Facebook, so I go back to the message and try a repost. I get the
authentication page but now, after I had authenticated as requested, it says
I have to contact one of my "friends" on Facebook -- some of whom are
members of this board -- and have them give me the authentication token they
would give me.

The hell with it, I'll just use create another Facebook Account under a
different e-mail address. I'll use my Gmail account. So I do that, and I am
logged on, so I figure I am actually logged on, the message post request
should authenticate. Nope, it keeps asking me for my old account and the
access code. I ask it to resend the e-mail, and I go back to Yahoo, and I
notice this e-mail: [quote="Facebook"]

  Subject: you log into Facebook from somewhere new?
  From: Facebook <security () facebookmail com>
  To: Paul Robinson

  Hi Paul   It looks like someone tried to log into your account on November
  6 at 5:51 PM using Firefox for Windows 10. We blocked the login and just
  want to make sure it was you, logging in from somewhere new.    If you
  don't think this was you, please log into Facebook so we can walk you
  through a few steps to keep your account safe.
  Thanks, The Facebook team.

So, let me get this straight: despite the fact I answered their damned
challenge, I'm not allowed to log in, but if I want to correct the problem,
I should log in to the account that it won't allow me to log in to?

So I cleared cookies again, tried to post, and this time I get the Facebook
Authentication and since I am logged in on the Gmail account, it succeeds
and goes back to the original website I was trying to post on. The posting
box is removed, which, I figure it was accepted, the way YouTube comments
are subsumed into the comment block.

It's not there. Usually the message shows up, or a notice that the message
has been held pending moderation (a typical practice for extremely
controversial topics) but that isn't there either.

After everything I had to do and all the hoops I had to jump through, it's
all for naught.


Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 11:06:20 -0800
From: "Rob Slade, the doting GREATgrandpa" <rmslade () shaw ca>
Subject: After a pandemic, fire season, and now floods, are you ready to get
 trained for emergencies and disasters?

As I write this, I am huddled in social isolation, while armed bands are
roving the countryside, desperately searching for the last hoards of toilet
paper.  We are stacking the dead bodies of the victims in the forests,
waiting for wildfire season, which now starts earlier every year, to deal
with them, and then flood season to wash them away.  This is what disaster
recovery has become: an attempt to use one crisis to deal with the outcomes
of another.  I am writing this in the hopes that future generations may
learn the folly of placing shredded or crumbled cheese into plastic bags for
convenience, and Make Civilization Grate Again.

One of the tools that we security mavens, surprisingly, in my view, don't
put into the toolbox is that of emergency management.  We don't think about
emergencies in advance, which is when we should think of them.  Two years
ago we were watching the continent of Australia burn.  Then we got a global
pandemic.  Then we, in BC, had a heat dome and a huge fire season and a town
burned down.  Now we've got floods and mudslides and a whole town evacuated.
Are you ready to think about disasters now?

Those of us in the security communities are always interested in disasters.
We are forever dealing with crises, both large and small, assessing risks,
planning and comparing mitigation strategies, and looking at the management
of it all.  When we hear of the latest disaster on the news, someone always
challenges us to make contributions to charity.  I up the stakes.  I
challenge everyone to get trained for disasters.

Unfortunately for the point I'm trying to make, I am speaking from a
position of privilege.  Canada has the best emergency structure in the
world.  British Columbia has the best emergency response management system
in Canada.  And the North Shore, where I live, has the best disaster
training regime in BC.

Emergency response, in a major disaster, is not simply a matter of having
water, generators, blankets, and rescue dogs.  It has to do with
organization, co-ordination, management, and, particularly, trained people.
Most of them volunteers, since nobody can afford to pay for a full-time
staff of all those you need to have ready in an emergency.

That's where you come in.

Get trained.

There is some emergency-measures organization that covers your area,
regardless of where you live.  Your local municipality probably has an
office.  They need volunteers.  And they provide training.  If you're not
lucky enough to live in BC, you probably have to seek out the Red Cross or
Salvation Army.  If you *are* lucky enough to live in BC, you just need to
go to your municipla offices and ask for the emergency management office.
One stop volunteering.

If you volunteer, you will probably get trained.  For free.  (You may also
get additional perks.  I get my flu shots paid for every year, since I'm an
emergency worker.)  (OK, this year that's not such a big deal ...)

First of all, you'll probably get trained on what you need for you and your
family.  What do you need to survive the first 72 hours (or seven days, or
two weeks) following a disaster?  Do you know how much water, what type of
food, etc, you need, in the event of a total failure of utilities and other
factors we rely on?

Then there are the skills you need to help other people.  Sometimes this
might relate to first aid, or structural assessment of buildings after an
earthquake, etc.  However, there are many necessary skills that are not
quite so dramatic.  Most emergency response, believe it or not, has to do
with paperwork.  Who is safe?  Who needs care?  Do families need to be
reunited?  Documentation of all of this is a huge effort, which goes on long
after the bottles of water and hot meals have been distributed.

Then there are management skills, to co-ordinate all of the other skills.
An awful lot of *charity* gets wasted because some people get too much help,
and others don't get enough.  Someone needs to oversee the efforts.

Some of the training might seem to be a bit of a waste.  You will be trained
 in registration and referral, which is just admin.  But it also teaches you
 that, in a major emergency, long-line rope rescues are not the major worry.
 It's the huge amounts of admin that *must* be done.

Training in all of this is available.  And, in an emergency, having trained
people is probably more important than having stockpiles of tents.  Trained
people can make or improvise shelter.

(For those who have security related certifications, like the CISSP, ongoing
professional education is a requirement.  A constant complaint is that
training is expensive, and getting the credits costs too much.  I get all
kinds of training related to business continuity and disaster recovery.  I
get almost all of it free.)

Get trained.  Volunteer.  You'll get a wealth of experience that will help
you plan for all kinds of events, not just for major disasters, but for the
minor incidents that plague us and our companies every day.  You'll be ready
for the big stuff, too.  You'll be able to keep yourself and those near to
you safe.  You'll be able to make a difference to others, certainly reducing
suffering, and possibly saving lives.  If and when something major happens,
you will be a part of the infrastructure necessary for the response to be
effective.  You'll be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.

Now [...] call your local emergency management agency and volunteer.


Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2020 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

 The ACM RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest.  Its Usenet manifestation is
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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 32.93

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