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Risks Digest 32.59

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2021 16:43:13 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Sunday 4 April 2021  Volume 32 : Issue 59

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

Safe and affordable electricity supply in danger (German finance watchdog)
Weather Service Internet systems are crumbling as key platforms are taxed
  and failing (WashPost)
533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data have been leaked
  online (Business Insider)
An Accidental Disclosure Exposes a $1 Billion Tax Fight With Bristol Myers
No vehicle inspections in Mass. for second straight day due to malware
  attack on vendor (The Boston Globe)
Feds say hackers are likely exploiting critical Fortinet VPN vulnerabilities
  (Ars Technica)
7% of Americans don't use the Internet.  Who are they? (Pew Research)
5G is not just a radio (Bob Frankston)
Scientists Collected Human DNA From the Air In a Breakthrough
  (Science News for Students)
NFTs built on sand?  (The Atlantic via Bob Frankston)
Google and "pink noise" (Lauren Weinstein)
It’s Easy - and Legal - to Bet on Sports. Do Young Adults Know the Risks?
Another water system hacked (KSNT)
Re: Energy-harvesting card treats 5G networks as wireless power grids
  (Martin Cooper)
Re: Antiscience Movement Is ... Killing Thousands (Henry Baker)
Re: Scientists can implant false memories-and reverse them
  (Stephen E. Bacher)
Re: Volkswagen apparently changing their name in U.S. (John Levine)
Re: New York launches nation's first 'vaccine passports' (John Levine)
Re: Vintage technology: 'It sounds so much cleaner' (Terje Mathisen)
Re: Too much choice is hurting America (John Levine, Andrew Pam)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 21:32:18 +0200
From: Thomas Koenig <tkoenig () netcologne de>
Subject: Safe and affordable electricity supply in danger (German finance

The Bundesrechnungshof, Germany's federal financial watchdog, has stated
that the "safe and affordable supply of electricity is in increasing danger"
due to Germany's "Energiewende" (energy transition).

(there is not yet an English version as I write this).

To quote its president: "Affordability is still not measurably determined;
security of supply is incompletely assessed. Whether citizens and the
economy will be reliably supplied with electricity in the future is subject
to risks that the German government is not fully aware of. I am concerned
about the high electricity prices for private households and small and
medium-sized enterprises. This puts the acceptance of the generation project
at risk."

The risk? To push through policies without looking at risks and potential


Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2021 08:39:41 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Weather Service Internet systems are crumbling as key platforms are
  taxed and failing (WashPost)

[Most of their online systems crashed Tuesday.]


  [That's quite a tax to put on the weather!  PGN]


Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2021 09:31:04 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: 533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data have
  been leaked online (Business Insider)



Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 15:35:45 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: An Accidental Disclosure Exposes a $1 Billion Tax Fight With
  Bristol Myers (NYTimes)

The IRS believes the American drugmaker used an abusive offshore scheme to
avoid federal taxes.

The Botched Redaction

It is not clear when IRS agents first learned about the arrangement.  But by
last spring, the IRS chief counsel's office had determined that it violated
a provision of the tax law that targets abusive profit-shifting

In a 20-page legal analysis, the IRS calculated that the offshore setup was
likely to save Bristol Myers up to $1.38 billion in federal taxes.

After a complex audit, the IRS often circulates its analyses to agents
nationwide in case they encounter similar situations. A redacted version of
the report is also made public on the IRS website, cleansed of basic
information like the name of the company.

But when the IRS posted its Bristol Myers report last April, it was not
properly redacted. With tools available on most laptops, the redacted
portions could be made visible.


Tricky technology. Long ago I saw content on foils (projected via overhead
projector, remember those?) redacted with black magic marker.  Oops -- heat
of projector boiled off marker, so forbidden content slowly appeared for
audience. First/only multimedia presentation using foils.


Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 21:52:34 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: No vehicle inspections in Mass. for second straight day due to
  malware attack on vendor (The Boston Globe)



Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2021 12:30:57 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Feds say hackers are likely exploiting critical Fortinet VPN
  vulnerabilities (Ars Technica)

Exploits allow hackers to log into VPNs and then access other network



Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2021 09:47:13 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: 7% of Americans don't use the Internet.  Who are they?

For many Americans, going online is an important way to connect with friends
and family, shop, get news and search for information. Yet today, 7% of U.S.
adults say they do not use the Internet, according to a Pew Research Center
survey conducted 25 Jan -- 8 Feb 2021.

Internet non-adoption is linked to a number of demographic variables, but is
strongly connected to age -- with older Americans continuing to b= e one of
the least likely groups to use the Internet. Today, 25% of adults ages 65
and older report never going online, compared with much smaller shares of
adults under the age of 65.

Educational attainment and household income are also indicators of a
person's likelihood to be offline. Some 14% of adults with a high-school
education or less do not use the Internet, but that share falls as the level
of educational attainment increases. Adults living in households earning
less than $30,000 a year are far more likely than those whose annual
household income is $75,000 or more to report not using the Internet (14%
vs. 1%).  [...]


  [There are many facilities that now are enabled with relatively easy
  online Internet access, but without other convenient routes -- e.g.,
  certain vaccine appointments, food services that take only online orders,
  remote voter registration even in states where it is part of automobile
  registration (which usually requires in-presence appearance), and lots
  more.  Even Internet voting (which we know opens up serious security
  vulnerabilities) would still be inaccessible to many people who might need
  other alternatives.  If diversity and equal opportunity are to be achieved
  in reality, then more alternative paths that are widely available need to
  exist.  PGN]


Date: 1 Apr 2021 19:32:41 -0400
From: "Bob Frankston"  <bob2021a () bob ma>
Subject: 5G is not just a radio

5G continues to generate headlines. All the talk about 5G radios is
interesting, but those radios are only part of the 5G story. As I dig
deeper, the story becomes stranger and stranger, with the radios distracting
us from the issues of 5G networking protocols and policies. I'm concerned
about the risks of accepting the idea that we need a 1970s style
telecommunications network. It's the triumph of marketecture over
architecture. Why isn't that story being covered?

There is a risk in treating the Internet as just another telecommunications
service (relegated to the slow lane). It's just the opposite -- or should
be. A phone call is just an app and not a network service. What happened to
all we've learned about best-efforts packet connectivity? Why is our policy
at odds with reality? The consequence is to limit our ability to communicate
and innovate.

Another risk is expertise creep. I respect the expertise of radio engineers.
But that doesn't mean that they are experts in the software and business
protocols for connected devices and applications. Remember that telecom
engineers told us we needed a special network for voice until VoIP
happened. Today we're again being told that we need a special network for
applications such as video and connected devices even though we're doing
just fine without one. More to the point, we're doing just fine because we
can innovate outside of the network, and that's a problem for the legacy
business model. Requiring a SIM cheap creates unnecessary dependencies and
opportunities for failure.

I could go on, but there is so much weirdness that I wrote a whole column
asking why the IEEE has fixated on 5G as the one future. For the deep dive
into 5G https://rmf.vc/IEEE5GPast.


Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 11:13:04 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Scientists Collected Human DNA From the Air In a Breakthrough
  (Science News for Students)

*The first reported collection of human and animal DNA from ambient air is a
boon for researchers in forensic archeology, ecology, and population

In a first, scientists have revealed that animal and human DNA can be
plucked straight out of thin air. The development heralds a promising new
scientific technique with possible applications for ecology, forensics, and
medicine, according to a new study.

Because animals shed cells into their environments, researchers can use
water or soil samples to hunt for environmental DNA (eDNA), which provides a
novel source of information about the lifeforms that inhabit any given area
even if they are not present for DNA collection. The collection of eDNA has
been pioneered in aquatic and underground environments, offering a data-rich
and non-invasive way to examine species and their habitats.

Now, a team led by Elizabeth Clare, senior lecturer at Queen Mary University
of London (QMUL), has provided the ``first proof of concept demonstration
that air samples are a viable source of DNA for the identification of
species in the environment,'' according to a study published on Wednesday
<https://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.11030> in the journal *PeerJ*.

Plant and fungal eDNA has been snatched from the air before, but Clare was
surprised to find that there were no analogous studies for animals in the
scientific literature. She noted, though, that a pair of high school
students from Japan presented a bird-focused eDNA concept at a science fair.


Date: 4 Apr 2021 14:50:20 -0400
From: Bob Frankston <bob2021a () bob ma>
Subject: NFTs built on sand? (The Atlantic)


"... the NFT prototype we created in a one-night hackathon had some
shortcomings. You couldn't store the actual digital artwork in a blockchain;
because of technical limits, records in most blockchains are too small to
hold an entire image. Many people suggested that rather than trying to
shoehorn the whole artwork into the blockchain, one could just include the
web address of an image, or perhaps a mathematical compression of the work,
and use it to reference the artwork elsewhere."

"We took that shortcut because we were running out of time. Seven years
later, all of today's popular NFT platforms still use the same shortcut.
This means that when someone buys an NFT,..."

Given that the DNS entries expire every year, there is a real problem. We
must remove the semantics from the DNS though this approach is still
dependent upon ephemeral websites.


Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2021 22:02:49 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Google and "pink noise"

While running an experiment here today, I told Google Assistant/Google Home
to "Play pink noise" -- and without a word it seemed to comply. I also told
it to "play white noise" -- and it also complied without a word.

But -- hmmm -- I couldn't seem to hear a difference between the two.  Well,
hell, my hearing can't be what it used to be, let's pull out the spectrum
analyzer. And ... uh ... the spectrums for both look identical.  And it's
the spectrum for white noise. And in fact, someone with a Hub (which I don't
have) checking my results says, yes, Google is playing white noise when you
ask it for either white noise or pink noise.

Does this matter? Well, yeah, it does. You can find articles around the Net
saying that "play pink noise" actually does play pink noise through these
Google devices, and there are generally believed to be physiological
differences in our reactions to pink noise vis-a-vis white noise. In
general, pink noise is viewed as being easier on the ears and more useful
for sound masking and relaxation purposes than white noise.

There are some alternate ways to get genuine pink noise from these devices,
but they require calling up third party apps, videos, or sound files.

And really, this shouldn't be necessary. If you tell Google to play pink
noise, it should either play pink noise or admit that it can't ...  OK
Google? Thanks.


Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 17:31:40 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: It’s Easy - and Legal - to Bet on Sports. Do Young Adults Know the
  Risks? (NYTimes)


Risks? Yeah, who knew. What could go wrong?


Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 13:36:08 PDT
From: Peter G Neumann <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Another Water system hacked (KSNT)

Yet another one.   No surprise to RISKSers.



Date: Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 6:50 PM
From: Martin Cooper <mcooper () dynallc com>
Subject: Re: Energy-harvesting card treats 5G networks as wireless power grids

  [via geoff goodfellow]

The second paragraph is a description of a perpetual-motion process. If you
harvest 30% of the output power, that harvested power is not transmitted.
Now imagine that you use that 30% to replace input electrical power. You are
now producing the original power output with only about 85% of the original
power (assuming a reasonable 50% efficiency of the transmitter).  Now do
that again, and again and again, and pretty soon the transmitted power
remains the same, but the input power is equal to the output power.  100%
efficiency. Wow! Now, do it again and you are actually (or should I say,
virtually), creating new power. Very exciting! Forget about wind and solar
power. Let's do an IPO!

Of course, this logic is flawed, but so is the idea that millimeter wave
frequencies can radiate at higher densities and farther than lower

  [This was in response to another message in response to the original one:

  > Date: Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 7:36 AM
  > From: *Andy Poggio* <poggio () csl sri com>

  They are talking about single digit microwatts -- truly tiny amounts of
  power.  This won't be charging up your electric car with this.  There are
  some types of very low power sensors that can use this and avoid batteries
  -- but this is a very limited use.  Andy Poggio


Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2021 14:38:11 -0700
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Re: Antiscience Movement Is ... Killing Thousands (RISKS-32.58)

"Antiscience has emerged as a ... force ... that threatens global security"

IMHO, 'antiscience', per se, isn't the issue, but 'anti-elite' is.
Anti-elite is the equal and opposite reaction to the condescension dripping
from the collegiate classes.

Ever since ~1960, when JFK started preferring 'the best and brightest' to
run everything, the underlying assumption has been that higher IQ's and
higher degrees would lead to the greatest good for the greatest number.
Indeed, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has taken this theory to the
reductio ad absurdum, with its technocratic wet dream that "All animals are
equal, but some animals [with higher IQ's and better breeding] are more
equal than others".

This theory was never itself based upon 'science', nor was it ever subjected
to a double-blind test. Indeed, the only real research tests of this theory
came in the form of the 'Milgram Experiments' which proved that elite
university students were capable of the most Nazi-like behavior given the
slightest provocation.

Embarrassingly, very public counterexamples to this thesis started showing
up almost immediately, with the disastrous Vietnam War being only the
largest and most obvious, and certainly the most expensive.

Nevertheless, most in the U.S. were willing to continue tolerating this new
"trickle down from the PhD's" theory (National Lampoon cover, December,
1975), so long as a few drops made it all the way down to the proles.

However, the elites forgot their noblesse oblige, and in their noble search
for economic efficiency, they decided to offshore as many prole jobs as
possible, as quickly as possible.

More education was advised for the proles, and 'retraining' for out-of-work
coal miners to become web designers became fashionable. Student loan debts
became nondischargeable in bankruptcy, and student loan interest rates
soared from less than the Fed rate to far more than the Fed rate. Oops, no
jobs after graduation. Gotcha!

The best and brightest physicians decided that prole pain was being
'undertreated', so a generation of medicine created more *legal* drug
addiction than any Columbian druglord could ever dream of.  Houston, we have
an opioid crisis.

Not content with allowing the proles to own their own modest lead-poisoned
homes, the elites invented 'derivatives' in which prole pensions were
invested, so that when the derivatives exploded, both the prole homes *and*
their pensions were gone, while the elite billionaire funds bought these
homes out of bankruptcy, re-renting them to those same proles at higher
rents than they had previously paid in mortgages.

The proles and rubes have recently been found guilty of using the wrong
forks; they have violated the 'norms' of civilized (aka collegiate) society
by questioning everything their betters have been advocating for the past 60
years; they have forgotten 'their place'. Tut-tut.

Peter Hotez is right; this story will probably not end well.  But IMHO it is
highly unlikely that readers of Scientific American will be able to solve
this problem, becuz...

  [*Animal Farm* and *1984* are both more relevant today than ever.  But the
  absence of an "Orwell's AllsWell That EndsWell" for balance should be a
  strong indication of the pervasive depth of the problems worldwide.  PGN]


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 09:27:12 -0700
From: "Stephen E. Bacher" <sebmb1 () verizon net>
Subject: Re: Scientists can implant false memories-and reverse them


But the article neglects to address the question of whether true memories
could be reversed using the same approach.


Date: 1 Apr 2021 18:08:54 -0400
From: "John Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: Volkswagen apparently changing their name in U.S. (RISKS-32.58)

They later admitted it was a lame April Fool's joke.  Uh, haha.

  [Indeed.  A few days later Volkswagen said they were "just kidding" and
  that it was an early April's fool joke.  Indeed Re-Volting!  However,
  I am not unhappy that I somehow missed Lauren's following post
  to that effect -- because VW actually thought it was worthy of being their
  own April Fool's post.  Lauren later shared this with me:


Date: 1 Apr 2021 20:44:01 -0400
From: "John Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: New York launches nation's first 'vaccine passports'

Others are working on similar ideas, but many details must be worked out.

I have one.

You log into the state's web site and give them your name, DOB, and zip code
to show who you are, and the date and county where you got the shot and what
kind it was. It gives you a barcode which appears to include a cryptographic
signature that you can load into the app.

They also have a pass scanner app which looks at the barcode and says whether
it's valid and unexpired.

You don't even need a phone.  If you have access to any computer with a web
browser you can log into the site and print out a wallet card with the bar


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 14:59:43 +0200
From: Terje Mathisen <terje.mathisen () tmsw no>
Subject: Re: Vintage technology: 'It sounds so much cleaner' (Ward,

Re: Porting Kermit

Back around 1983 I started to write my own PC Kermit (in Turbo Pascal of
course). After I had implemented the full "SuperKermit" set of extensions,
with sliding windows, selective packet retransmission, larger packet sizes
(with improved integrity checking), I made a version for the company IBM

IBM already had a baseline Kermit, written in Pascal, so it was relatively
easy to add those SuperKermit extensions, the result was file transfers that
worked across 3270 protocol emulators with the same effective speed as we
got from an IBM 3270 PC (or PC/AT), but at a small fraction of the cost.

At the time I wondered if the abysmally slow performance of IBM's Kermit was
due to their perceived need to not compete with "proper IBM end points
running SNA".


Date: 1 Apr 2021 18:23:47 -0400
From: "John Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: Too much choice is hurting America (Steingold, RISKS-32.58)

It must be fun to attribute stupid condescending motives to people you don't
know and, in this case, whose writing you apparently have never read.

What Paul said in that column was that too much choice can be a problem for
*everyone* since it generally means that what claims to be "choice" is in
fact shifting risk onto the unwary. (See my note in a recent Risks.) He
doesn't want a thousand Medigap plans with secret loopholes or power
suppliers whose prices can suddenly jump from 4c to $9.00/kwh for himself
any more than he wants them for anyone else.


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 18:10:11 +1100
From: Andrew Pam <andrew () sericyb com au>
Subject: Re: Too much choice is hurting America (Recent RISKS)

I for one am finding the ongoing reporting of people's personal dislike and
willful misunderstanding of Paul Krugman below the usual standards of the
RISKS journal.

  [Me too.  However, the positive items in response show that there are some
  very careful RISKS readers.  And that is an important aspect of RISKS.
  The truth should always out.  I cannot be the sole arbiter.  PGN]


Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2020 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

 The ACM RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest.  Its Usenet manifestation is
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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 32.59

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