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Risks Digest 31.82

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 18:38:24 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Wednesday 13 May 2020  Volume 31 : Issue 82

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

All California voters will receive mail-in ballots for November (NYTimes)
Agencies warn states: Internet voting is ``High Risk'' (Politico)
7 New Flaws Affect All Thunderbolt-equipped Computers Sold in the Last 9
  Years (WiReD)
Teen Hacker and Crew of Evil Geniuses Accused of $24 Million Crypto Theft
How a Facebook Bug Took Down Spotify, TikTok, and Other Major iOS Apps
The Year the Internet Thought She Was MacKenzie Bezos (WiReD)
Federal agencies' quiet warning on Internet voting gets a tepid response
  from state officials (Eric Geller)
Beware of these futuristic background checks (vox.com)
Microsoft and Intel Think They Can Identify Malware By Its Looks (Lifewire)
Patch Tuesday (Threatpost)
Neuralink Will Do Human Brain Implants in CLess Than a Year (Elon Musk)
A Portal Between Digital and Physical Worlds? It's Close to Reality
  (Hollywood Reporter)
As we shelter in place in the pandemic, more employers are using
  software to track our work -- and us (NYTimes)
COVID-19 expert- Coronavirus will rage 'until it infects everybody it
  possibly can' (USA Today)
Re: COVID SW model is a steaming  pile ... (Wol)
Re: Coronavirus New York Shock- Two-Thirds Of Recent Patients
  Infected While Staying At Home (geoff goodfellow)
Re: Models (Roderick Rees)
Re: Trading computer can't handle negative numbers (John Levine)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 17:30:24 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: All California voters will receive mail-in ballots for November


Gov. Gavin Newsom of California on Friday ordered ballots to be sent to the
state's 20.6 million voters for the November election, becoming the first
state to alter their voting plans for the general election in response to
the public health concerns wrought by the coronavirus pandemic.


Date: Satd, 9 May 2020 12:11:13 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Agencies warn states: Internet voting is ``High Risk'' (Politico)

A group of federal agencies offered their most blunt warning to date on
Friday about the security risks of Internet voting. CISA, the FBI, the
Election Assistance Commission and NIST combined on the guidance distributed
to states.  ``Electronic ballot return, the digital return of a voted ballot
by the voter, creates significant security risks to the confidentiality of
ballot and voter data (e.g., voter privacy and ballot secrecy), integrity of
the voted ballot, and availability of the system,'' reads the document,
first reported by *The Guardian*.

``We view electronic ballot return as high risk.'' [...]



Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 13:00:12 -1000
From: the keyboard of geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: 7 New Flaws Affect All Thunderbolt-equipped Computers Sold in the
  Last 9 Years (WiReD)


A cybersecurity researcher today uncovers a set of 7 new unpatchable
hardware vulnerabilities that affect all desktops and laptops sold in the
past 9 years with Thunderbolt, or Thunderbolt-compatible USB-C ports.

Collectively dubbed 'ThunderSpy,' the vulnerabilities can be exploited in 9
realistic evil-maid attack scenarios, primarily to steal data or read/write
all of the system memory of a locked or sleeping computer -- even when
drives are protected with full disk encryption.

In a nutshell, if you think someone with a few minutes of physical access to
your computer -- regardless of the location -- can cause any form of
significant harm to you, you're at risk for an evil maid attack.

According to Bj=C3=B6rn Ruytenberg of the Eindhoven University of
Technology, the ThunderSpy attack <https://thunderspy.io/> "may require
opening a target laptop's case with a screwdriver, [but] it leaves no trace
of intrusion and can be pulled off in just a few minutes."

In other words, the flaw is not linked to the network activity or any
related component, and thus can't be exploited remotely. [...]

  [Gabe Goldberg noted
    Thunderbolt Flaws Expose Millions of PCs to Hands-On Hacking (WiReD) The
    so-called Thunderspy attack takes less than five minutes to pull off
    with physical access to a device, and it affects any PC manufactured
    before 2019.

  For earlier work on this subject, see Thunderclap:


Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 11:15:36 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Teen Hacker and Crew of Evil Geniuses Accused of $24 Million Crypto
  Theft (Bloomberg)

A 15-year-old and his crew of `evil computer geniuses' stole $24 million in
cryptocurrency, an adviser accuses.



Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 12:28:15 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: How a Facebook Bug Took Down Spotify, TikTok, and Other Major iOS
  Apps (WiReD)

Thank a tiny change to a software development kit for widespread crashes
Wednesday, including the Spotify and TikTok apps.

A little after 6pm ET on 6 May, the system started blinking red for iOS
developer Clay Jones. Like many devs, Jones uses a Google product called
Crashlytics to keep tabs on when his app stops working. Out of nowhere, it
registered tens of thousands of crashes. It also pointed to the cause: a
chunk of code that Jones's app incorporates to let people log in with their
Facebook accounts.

By 6:30 pm, Jones had filed a bug report about the flaw in Facebook's
software development kit on GitHub, the code repository. He provided
succinct answers to a standardized form:

What do you want to achieve? We are using FBSDK in our app as an
authentication option.

What do you expect to happen? I would like FBSDK to not crash.


Who can argue with that?


Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 00:33:49 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: The Year the Internet Thought She Was MacKenzie Bezos (WiReD)

After the billionaire announced she would give away her fortune, Google's
algorithm decided the best way to reach her was by contacting the author.



Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 11:49:24 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Federal agencies' quiet warning on Internet voting gets a tepid
  response from state officials (Eric Geller)

Eric Geller, Politico, 11 May 2020

A warning from federal agencies about the ``significant security risks'' of
online voting is getting only a muted reaction from national groups
representing election officials, while frustrating lawmakers who want to see
even stronger admonitions about a technology that some states are already

The advisory [attached], which four federal agencies quietly sent to state
and local governments last week, warns that casting ballots over the
Internet ``creates significant security risks ... should be limited to
voters who have no other means to return their ballot and have it counted.''
``Securing the return of voted ballots via the Internet while ensuring
ballot integrity and maintaining voter privacy is difficult, if not
impossible, at this time,'' said the document from CISA, the FBI, the
Election Assistance Commission and the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. The Wall Street Journal first
the issuance of the eight-page memo Friday, after The Guardian published a
story on an earlier draft that had explicitly advised against purchasing the
technology.  But while election integrity advocates praised the warning, the
message's intended recipients reacted more tepidly.

``The states will ultimately do their own risk assessments and decide how to
manage risk, while also ensuring access for their voters,'' Maria Benson,
communications director for the National Association of Secretaries of
State, told POLITICO.

A spokesperson for the National Association of State Election Directors
declined to comment, saying the organization ``doesn't have a position on
this issue.''

At the same time, lawmakers who welcomed the advisory also called for the
Trump administration to release it publicly to raise awareness of the
dangers surrounding Internet voting.

``While I appreciate that DHS is warning election officials about the
dangerous security risks posed by online voting, it absolutely should
release its guidance to the public as well,'' Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a
leading proponent of increased election security, told POLITICO. ``Americans
have a right to know whether their election systems are safe, or if their
votes could depend on companies peddling digital snake oil.''

CISA and its partners began working on the memo in early April, according to
a staffer at one of the agencies involved.

``It was quite an impressive effort to get federal agencies to sign off on a
document like this in a relatively short period of time,'' said the person,
who requested anonymity to discuss a private document.

  [We still need computer systems that are massively more trustworthy,
  with forensics-worthy monitory and oversight, respectful of privacy and
  integrity throughout the entire election cycle.  PGN]


Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 09:58:08 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Beware of these futuristic background checks (vox.com)


"Checkr is one of many companies automating aspects of the hiring process
and cutting down on costs. Some of these companies are using artificial
intelligence to scan through resumes, analyze facial expressions during
video job interviews, compare criminal records, and even judge applicants'
social media behavior. And in a pandemic, where the companies still hiring
are likely already seeing a surge in applications and eager to find ways to
streamline the recruiting process, technology that makes hiring quicker and
easier sounds appealing.

"But experts have expressed skepticism about the role that AI can actually
play in hiring. The technology doesn't always work and can exacerbate bias
and privacy problems. Inevitably, it also raises bigger questions of how
powerful AI should become."

A person's name and date of birth comprise two profiling attributes.
Correlating these attributes and correctly attributing innocence or
criminality, let alone go/no-go to hire, using globally distributed
information sources is fraught with misalignment potential.

"Checkr has become a favorite of gig economy firms, including Uber,
Instacart, Shipt, Postmates, and Lyft. On its website, Checkr argues that AI
can ultimately drive down the cost of bringing on a new hire by helping
process background-checks in two ways. First, the technology helps verify
that a given criminal record belongs to the person whose background is being
checked. Second, the AI assists in comparing the names of criminal charges
that have different names in different places.  What might be reported as
'petty theft' in one locale could be reported as 'petit larceny' somewhere

The dictionary to align and correlate terminology, and correctly associate
names with crimes or innocence, must be challenging to maintain especially
across jurisdictions (nations, states, counties, etc.).

How can any client customer be confident of candidate employee's
investigation findings? Disclosure of false-negative, false-positive and
data drop-out statistics should be mandatory, part of an SLA, for
high-volume uses. Without this information, reliability of investigatory
findings appears problematic.

An AI-based background investigation service, without sufficient human
oversight and audit, appears to be a convenient employer due diligence
shirk. The 'terms of service' probably requires the client company to
indemnify against hiring and employee outcomes based on the background
investigation findings. GIGO.

See https://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/31/60#subj35.1 on algorithmic
adjudication of marijuana case backlogs.

https://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/31/16#subj1.1 by Henry Baker cautions about
AI applied by the DoD to continuously monitor individuals entrusted with
restricted information access clearance.


Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 13:36:10 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Microsoft and Intel Think They Can Identify Malware By Its Looks

Using deep learning to spot viruses

Detecting malware, especially zero-day attacks (viruses security software
has never encountered before) is difficult. Using, essentially, visual
pattern matching could stop these attacks dead in their tracks.


Promises, promises...


Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 10:52:43 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Patch Tuesday (Threatpost)

  [TNX to Steve Cheung for this one.  PGN]

Guess how many vulnerabilities does MS patch tuesday fix this month







happy patch tuesday!



Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 13:10:29 -1000
From: the keyboard of geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Neuralink Will Do Human Brain Implants in CLess Than a Year
  (Elon Musk)

*"We are already a cyborg to some degree."*


For the second time in two years, entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk sat
down with podcaster Joe Rogan to chat about the future of AI and its role in
the symbiosis of man and machine.

In their conversation, Musk revealed that the secretive brain stimulation
link startup Neuralink, which he co-founded, is close to starting testing in
actual humans.

``We're not testing people yet, but I think it won't be too long,'' Musk
told Rogan.  ``We may be able to implant a neural link in less than a year
in a person I think.''

The news comes after Musk teased in February that the brain-computer
interface startup was working on an *awesome* new version. [...]



Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 13:12:05 -1000
From: the keyboard of geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: A Portal Between Digital and Physical Worlds? It's Close to Reality
  (Hollywood Reporter)

Development of mirror worlds is accelerating during COVID-19 as Hollywood
increases its virtual production, says Magnopus co-founder and CEO Ben
Grossmann, one of THR's Top Hollywood Innovators.


Ben Grossmann wants to marry the physical and the digital, exploring what he
describes as a mirror world -- a "connection between a physical place and a
digital copy of that place, so that it becomes accessible to anyone,

The VFX vet is one of three Oscar winners who founded L.A.-based Magnopus,
which has been innovating in areas like VR, AR and AI. Combining these opens
up the potential to create what he calls a "new kind of movie theater" or
other immersive environments: "We've been working on creating a digital twin
of a very large site that's a few square kilometers, so that it will exist
both in a physical world that people can go to and in a digital copy of that
world that people can go to," he says of the site whose location is still
under wraps. "Then we've been connecting those two worlds, so people in the
physical world can look through a lens and see the digital world around
them. People in the digital world will also have portals to see what the
physical world looks like.

``It's almost like a telepresence for physical people and digital people.
We've had hundreds of people working on it for years and we still have a
ways to go before it just works.''

He believes such development will only accelerate during COVID-19.
``Instead of just looking through a camera's lens and having a video
conference, you can feel like you're in the same place with another person.
This has to become a reality because right now people realize they can't
travel, they can't spend time with other people in physical places. Even
when they do come back, people are gonna have to behave differently.''



Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 08:35:43 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: As we shelter in place in the pandemic, more employers are using
  software to track our work -- and us (NYTimes)



Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 17:38:49 -1000
From: the keyboard of geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: COVID-19 expert- Coronavirus will rage 'until it infects everybody
  it possibly can' (USA Today)


A high-profile infectious disease researcher warns COVID-19 is in the early
stages of attacking the world, which makes it difficult to relax
stay-at-home orders without putting most Americans at risk.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease
Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said the initial wave
of outbreaks in cities such as New York City, where one in five people have
been infected, represent a fraction of the illness and death yet to come.

"This damn virus is going to keep going until it infects everybody it
possibly can," Osterholm said Monday during a meeting with the USA TODAY
Editorial Board. "It surely won't slow down until it hits 60 to 70%" of the
population, the number that would create *herd immunity* and halt the spread
of the virus.

Start the day smarter:Get USA TODAY's Daily Briefing in your inbox

Even if new cases begin to fade this summer, it might be an indicator that
the new coronavirus is following a seasonal pattern similar to the flu.

During the 1918 flu pandemic that sickened one-third of the world's
population, New York City and Chicago were hit hard in the first wave of
illness that largely bypassed other cities such as Boston, Detroit,
Minneapolis and Philadelphia. The second wave of illness was much more
severe nationwide. [...]



Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 09:58:22 +0100
From: Wols Lists <antlists () youngman org uk>
Subject: Re: COVID SW model is a steaming  pile ... (Baker, RISKS-31.81)

This problem makes the code unusable for scientific purposes, given that a
key part of the scientific method is the ability to replicate results.

Are you saying that Astronomy is not a science? We can't reproduce results

And actually, who cares if the PRNG is actually a true RNG. THE KEY part of
the scientific method is the ability to accurately predict the result of
future experiments (or to predict what we will find when we dig in to the

The difficulty we have at the moment, is that we don't have enough past to
accurately predict what we will find if we look. and we really don't want to
run the expected future because we don't like what it is likely to be!

To my mind, the correct approach here is, given a TRUE RNG, are the results
pretty much the same from run to run (which validates the model as
MATHEMATICALLY correct), and do the model results closely match what we
observe (which validates the SCIENTIFIC part). The problem is, as noted
above, the lack of past observation and fear of future observation.


Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 11:51:52 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Re: Coronavirus New York Shock- Two-Thirds Of Recent Patients
  Infected While Staying At Home (goodfellow in RISKS-31.81)

  [PGN replied to geoff's earlier message:
    Perhaps living in an appartment complex with other folks coming and
    going? PGN (and meant to suggest central air conditioning, as in the
    Legionaire's Disease cases)]

Unlike, say, in Europe where heating and cooling is effectuated by
"individual" apparatuses in each room, say, by a radiator (for heat) and a
wall or window mounted AC unit (for coolth), here in the US we
generally/most have/use ducting/ventilating from a "central" HVAC

ERGO, it would seem that the NY "spreading" of stayed at home (multi-floored
apartment'd) folks is most likely done by the centralized HVAC systems that
a given building or floor has that suck up the "contaminant" from
neighboring/other units "intake" then combine them at the central HVAC
"plant" and then redistribute them back all all... :(


Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 10:43:37 -0700
From: Roderick Rees <jp3vampire () gmail com>
Subject: Re: Models (RISKS-31.81)

The nonsense of the imperial model as described by "Sue Denim" is just what
should have been expected.  All logic, including computed logic, works by
applying a set of procedural rules to a set of inputs which include
descriptions, definitions and assumptions, all of which are incomplete and
in some ways wrong; they may be useful but should always be doubted.  The
only way to get a result that can sensibly be trusted is to Analyse the
Requirements and other inputs before you start the calculation.  It is
evident that such analysis was not run by Imperial (and is not common
elsewhere, especially in commercial programs that are in competition with
other commercial programs).


Date: 8 May 2020 20:59:49 -0400
From: "John Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: Trading computer can't handle negative numbers (Baker,

It serves them right, because Interactive Brokers were incredibly

It is no secret that futures trading is very risky, and trading oil futures
is particularly risky as they approach the date at which the contract
matures.  None of IB's customers are actually in the oil business, so they
all have to close out their trades before that date since they have no way
to take physical possession of the oil.  Futures trading is heavily
leveraged, i.e., the customer borrows most of the money, so every futures
broker has complex systems to ensure that customers don't borrow more than
they'll be able to pay back.

The exchange told IB a week ahead that prices might go negative.  IB decided
that a week wasn't enough time to write and test changes to their software,
which is reasonable, so they ignored the warning, which was not.  What they
should have done is to close out their customers' oil futures and not trade
them until they could update their software to handle it.  They didn't, they
let their customers trade based on false prices and broken debt limits, so
IB ended up holding the bag for $100M.  Bad move, totally self-inflicted

Later in the article there are some whiny quotes from IB's owner like:

  [ most people had traded out of May contracts in favor of June, so there
  were few May buyers left ] ``That's how it’s possible for these contracts
  to go absolutely crazy and close at a price that has no economic
  justification,'' Peterffy said.  ``The issue is whose responsibility is

When its your customers on your platform, It's your responsibility, dude.



Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 31.82

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