RISKS Forum mailing list archives

Risks Digest 31.64

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2020 5:31:11 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Wednesday 1 April 2020  Volume 31 : Issue 64

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

The Driverless Vehicle Act (Richard Stein, April Fools 2020)
Tokyo firm urges caution against surge in coronavirus-related
  disinformation on April Fools' Day (The Japan Times via Dave Farber)
Risks of Ostrichizing Yourself: Almost everything is interdependent
U.S. Health and Human Services Department suffered a cyber-attack (IFTTT)
U.S. government & tech industry discussing ways to use smartphone
  (WashPost via Jan Wolitzky)
Putin's New Cyberweapons (Zak Doffman)
Classified info on stolen laptop (NYTimes)
Electronic Health Records Need an Ethical Tune-Up (Scientific American)
Speech recognition algorithms may also have racial bias (Ars Technica)
Big Rigs Begin to Trade Diesel for Electric Motors (NYTimes)
RFID Locks and the Lock Picking Lawyer (YouTube via Sheldo)
Siri and Alexa Fails: Frustrations With Voice Search (The Manifest)
Zoom bombing (NYTimes)
Video conferences under attack by "zoombombing" (Lauren Weinstein)
Beware of call-back numbers (Mabry Tyso vi PGN)
Wash Your Hands -- but Beware the Electric Hand Dryer (Rob Slade)
Why Don't We Just Ban Targeted Advertising (WIRED)
Death on Mars (Scientific American)
Her Incredible Sense Of Smell Is Helping Scientists Find New Ways To
  Diagnose Disease (npr.org)
MIT-based Team Works on Rapid Deployment of Open-source Low-cost Ventilator
  (MIT News)
MIT Will Post Free Plans Online for an Emergency Ventilator That Can Be
  Built for $100 (SciTechDaily via Lauren Weinstein)
A computer virus expert looks at CoVID-19 (Rob Slade)
Mathematics of life and death: How disease models shape national shutdowns
  and other pandemic policies (Martin Enserink/Kai Kupferschmidt)
Coronavirus: Robots use light beams to zap hospital viruses (bbc.com)
Risks of extrapolation (Geoff Kuenning)
Coronavirus Reactions Creating Major Internet Security Risks
  (Lauren Weinstein)
Seeking podcast contributors relating to Y2K (Peter de Jager)
Risks of Leap Years, and depending on WWVB (Rob Seaman)
Call for Cyberattack Use Cases (Sami Saydjari)
Re: What happens when Google loses your address? (Wendy M. Grossman)
Re: 911 operators couldn't trace the location of a dying student's
  (John Levine)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2020 10:49:59 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: The Driverless Vehicle Act (April Fools 2020)

Washington, DC -- With a super PAC war chest estimated at US$ 100M to
lubricate Congress, the Driverless Vehicle Consortium's (DVC) eponymously
named Driverless Vehicle Act (DVA) achieved veto-proof House and Senate
majorities. The White House signaled imminent Presidential signature during
a Rose Garden ceremony.

The DVA establishes a taxpayer-funded insurance pool to underwrite
full-scale deployment of driverless passenger vehicles and commercial cargo
transport across American roads and highways.

The Act authorizes the US Treasury to create a US$ 50B fund to offset
potential liabilities arising from DV-initiated accidents and mishaps.
Nearly 7 times larger than The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, the
government-backed bonds kick-start a long-overdue infrastructure renewal
effort led by the Department of Transportation.

The legislation establishes a special master to administer the fund and
adjudicate claims. The National Highway Transportation Safety Agency (NHTSA)
budget gained a 10X increase over the US$ 900M 2018 appropriation to
energize DV safety monitoring and oversight programs.

The legislation funds the creation and operation of NHTSA towers, similar to
those operated by the Federal Aviation Administration for domestic air
traffic. The cloud-hosted towers encompass fleet arbitration oversight
authority, with local and interstate scope, to proactively anticipate and
circumvent DV traffic conflicts.

The NHTSA towers rely on standardized fleet-control capabilities that
continuously apply dynamic scheduling to sustain traffic routing, generative
adversarial network structures, and deep-learning AI techniques that
optimize obstacle avoidance outcomes.

Legislative debate was rancorous in both Congressional houses. Certain
consumer-friendly amendments were defeated by business lobbying during
Senate and House negotiations to reconcile the Bill before final passage.

Wisconsin Senator Floyd Thursby proposed that new or used DVs eligible for
sale be required to prominently display product liability indemnification
clauses on their pricing stickers. The amendment's defeat ensures that
manufacturers and fleet operators who sell, maintain, own, and/or lease the
vehicle platform, including the vital obstacle-avoidance program and
inter-vehicle communication software, retain liability ownership for any
deployment mishaps.

Louisiana Senator Kaspar `Fats' Guttman proposed a "Dog Fooding" amendment
requiring DV manufacturer and fleet operator boards of directors, employees,
and their family members to participate in a 6-month duration,
pre-deployment trial without backup drivers. An unidentified industry
lobbyist exiting the House-Senate conference smirked that the defeated
amendment was, "Potentially too retributive."

Michigan Senator Miles `Sharkey' Archer's "Consumer Vulnerability Exposure"
amendment requiring DVs to render explainable diagnostic information from
mishaps to assist claim adjudication processes was voted down. Passage would
require DV manufacturers and software suppliers to publicly disclose
software test plans, test results, release qualification wall clock, and
defect discovery/repair life cycle metrics to assist DV safety rating

Speaking at a press conference, Senator Guttman said, "This legislation
green-lights our nation's transport infrastructure transformation, a
'moonshot on the ground' for the unforestallable future."

A reporter asked, ``Would he hail a DV to commute to and from Capitol
Hill?'', Senator Guttman stated, "The manufacturers and fleet operators have
full confidence in their product's effectiveness and operational safety; our
regulatory bodies endorse these findings, with acceptable and calculated
risks. Get onboard for a ride that makes history!"

Driverless, interstate cargo transport and city-wide passenger hailing
services will progressively roll-out, without backup drivers, over the next
3 years. Scholastic, municipal, and cross-country bus services are to deploy
initially. The Act also incentivizes state and local emergency services to
replenish their aging fleets with DV versions of ambulances, firetrucks, and
law enforcement prowlers.

The Bland Institute (BI), a non-profit transportation think-tank, excoriated
the DVA as the single largest corporate welfare award in US history. "It
progressively accelerates the demise of the right-to-drive by recklessly
promoting nascent technology. Deployment will displace long-haul cargo
truckers, bus captains, and ride-hailing service drivers. How will these
transportation and logistic workers be retrained and re-employed? The
re-insurance pool twists capitalism like DNA. It 'plays chicken' with our
economic future, public safety, and social fabric. You know it! I know it!
The American people know it!" said BI spokeswoman Ms. Brigid O'Shaughnessy.

Cyber-safety and security analysts questioned DV fleet transport operating
tower readiness. The effectiveness of tower operating procedures that
safeguard end-to-end travel, and cargo delivery service achievement comprise
unknowable metrics which the DVA requires the NHTSA to periodically

DVC spokesperson Henrik T. Ford VIII declined to comment on privately-owned
fleet deployment readiness. He said, "DV simulation results comprise
closely-guarded corporate trade secrets, intellectual property not freely
disclosed. The commuting public will accept certain teething issues given
anticipated DV convenience."

Mobile device-distracted pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists are
advised to be wary when alongside a DV. The transition from a DV-light
commute environment consisting of a hybrid transport environment comprised
of diminishing human motorists and pedestrians side-by-side with rising DV
population, to a DV-supreme environment with carbon-based motorists
effectively banished from the road, is fraught with uncertainty.

As incremental DV-supreme transportation conditions emerge, traffic volume
will quickly outstrip carbon-based NHTSA tower arbitration and oversight
capabilities. ``Traffic flow will be best addressed through autonomous
management techniques. Human intervention will only be necessary for
emergency maintenance and pedestrian incidents,'' said an anonymous NHTSA
employee speaking on background.

Questions regarding the efficacy and safety of dedicated short-range
communications (DSRC) shared spectrum, essential for coordinating and
reporting DV movements, remain unresolved.

"Consumers benefit from DSRC. As dual-use spectrum, it will minimize
rush-hour congestion while accelerating WiFi content access that optimizes
the commuting experience," said Mr. Ford.

Ms. O'Shaughnessy added, "Consumer skepticism of technologically-enhanced
convenience products is justified. Industry self-regulation, galvanized
through years of endemic regulatory capture and diminished federal agency
enforcement, has shown to compromise the viability and safety of aircraft,
cellphones, implanted medical devices, pharmaceuticals -- you name it. Our
government shills public health and safety like a Ponzi scheme. Are DVs
safer than carbon-based drivers? An indication of DV public benefit will be
shown if US traffic death rate declines below the 2016 level of 1.18 per 100
million vehicle miles traveled. The DVA represents a parlous wager of
investor sagacity with public safety."

Mr. Wilmer Cook, CEO of RansomWareNeverMore.com stated, "The cyber-attack
perimeter for DVs is virtually indefensible.  State-sponsored hackers --
advanced persistent threats -- are likely to penetrate DSRC protocol
defenses. Expanding the NHTSA's role is a first step, but DV deployment and
operational viability comprise a mega-risk with limited mitigation."


Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 14:54:37 +0900
From: Dave Farber <farber () gmail com>
Subject: Tokyo firm urges caution against surge in coronavirus-related
  disinformation on April Fools' Day (The Japan Times)

While this is Tokyo centric, the disinformation comments apply everywhere.



Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 16:46:12 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Risks of Ostrichizing Yourself: Almost everything is interdependent

  [This seems particularly relevant after the two items on Covid-19 being
  nature's wake-up call, which ran in RISKS-31.63.  PGN]

With respect to everything being interrelated, one of my favorite quotes is
from Bob Morris (then chief scientist of the National Computer Security

  ``To a first approximation, every computer in the world is connected with
  every other computer.'' (19 September 1988, in a briefing from Bob, K
  Speierman -- then Chief Scientist of the NSA -- me, and Don Good, for the
  National Research Council Computer Science and Technology Board in
  Washington DC)

That bit of wisdom has been borne out by the Internet malware and hacking
attacks.  But the more general form of it might be this:

  To a first approximation, every living creature in the world is ultimately
  potentially dependent on the behavior of every other creature.

It's a very old idea, e.g.,

  ``No man is an island, entire of itself.''  John Donne, 1624

but hugely timely in light of recent events.  [Don't let the proverbial


Date: Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 9:09 AM
From: Twitter via IFTTT <action () ifttt com>
Subject: U.S. Health and Human Services Department suffered a cyber-attack

On 15 Mar 2020, a HHS computer system was attacked during the nation's
response to the coronavirus pandemic, according to three people familiar
with the matter.

https://t.co/6PPO1HEoPp https://t.co/Y5nGyaWAWw


Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 15:06:29 -0400
From: Jan Wolitzky <jan.wolitzky () gmail com>
Subject: U.S. government & tech industry discussing ways to use smartphone



To Track Coronavirus, Israel Moves to Tap Secret Trove of Cellphone Data



Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 10:12:06 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Putin's New Cyberweapons (Zak Doffman)


``Red faces in Red Square, again. Last July, I reported on the hacking of
SyTech, an FSB (Federal Security Service) contractor working on Internet
surveillance tech. Now, reports have emerged from Russia of another shocking
security breach within the FSB ecosystem. This one has exposed a new weapon
ordered by the security service," one that can execute cyber attacks on the
Internet of Things (IoT)--the millions of connected devices now in our homes
and offices.''  [...]


Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 21:08:00 -0400
From: Jan Wolitzky <jan.wolitzky () gmail com>
Subject: Classified info on stolen laptop (NYTimes)



Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 15:48:43 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Electronic Health Records Need an Ethical Tune-Up
  (Scientific American)


The proposed ethical tuneup, a recommendation that EHR engineering and sales
businesses (their employees specifically) obey an equivalent physician oath
"to do no harm," must extend beyond this domain.

Why not require employees and governance for every technology vendor or
person/persons that design, author/manufacture, test, and publish/sell any
product to take an oath?

"Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves
systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong
conduct" per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics. Ethics are mere words
unless solemnly embraced and sincerely enforced without being overly
restrictive of practice.

Employee rights are essential to assert and demonstrate, without fear of
employer reprisal, that a product defect may harm public safety. Defect
disclosure transparency of discovery and repair before product release can
build public trust. Few businesses unfortunately allow sunshine inside their

Suppose a product defect escape injures customers or jeopardizes public
safety, and governance knew in advance, but declined to freely disclose, or
direct resolution, before release. This hypothetical business favors
schedule and cost achievement over deliverable qualification rigor.  Clearly
unethical. A catastrophic product defect escape can generate severe brand
outrage leading to bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, this conduct regularly occurs across the industrial spectrum:
finance, aerospace, medical devices, technology, chemical, mining,
automobiles, etc. "Profit Without Honor" by Pontell, et.al.  testifies to
the jeopardy which industry self-regulation, and a deficit of regulatory
enforcement, enables acts of impunity against public interests.

What to do? Penalize employees -- dock their pay -- for not speaking up
about defect severity or not communicating defect discovery to the customer?
Or penalize employees $10 for every defect escape, perhaps doubling the
imposed amount for every layer of management right up through the board of
directors, and pay a fine to the national treasury that cuts dividends or
curtails stock buy-backs?

A company imposing an exponential organizational penalty structure for
defect escape would quickly alienate employees, but immediately telescope
the adopting a customer-centric corporate attitude.

One might boost funding for hiring and training regulatory inspectors,
perform more frequent inspection, and introduce heavier enforcement actions
for violating regulations. But political oversight "blows with wind," and
seldom persists beyond one election cycle.

Systematizing ethics is historically challenging, defending ethics is like
"shattered glass in an acid bath," and recommending ethics to redress
organizational behavior is moot unless corporate governance is held
accountable regulatory action.

Caveat emptor.


Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 10:33:22 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Speech recognition algorithms may also have racial bias
  (Ars Technica)



Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 07:45:05 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Big Rigs Begin to Trade Diesel for Electric Motors (NYTimes)

After reading the NYT essay, my memory sparked a comp.risks archive search
yielding this submission from 2010: "Quiet electric & hybrid cars endanger
blind pedestrians" in http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/26/11#subj7.1.

In http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/26/13#subj10.2, Jonathan Kamens said, "I
believe I first heard about the problem of electric cars being so quiet that
they would pose a danger to pedestrians (blind and otherwise) and bicyclists
from a kids' science program on TV *27 years ago*."

established "FMVSS 141 (Minimum Sound Requirements for Hybrid and Electric
Vehicles)," a regulation that applies to hybrids and electric vehicles
weighing less than 10,000 lbs (~4.5 metric tons).

The regulation establishes a "crossover" speed value where audible alert
emission starts/stops as vehicle tire/wind noise drops below a specified
sound pressure level threshold. The regulation is very long and complex,
with certain enforcement deferments given manufacturer implementation
schedules, etc. If I read it correctly, the regulation establishes vehicle
artificial audible alarm emission at and below 30 mph (~48 kph).

Regarding the 'Big Rig' family of long-haul electric trucks, I found
"Daimler Unveils Electric Freightliner Cascadia," retrieved on 23MAR2020

The article states, "The company unveiled a nearly silent, electric version
of its flagship Freightliner Cascadia heavy-duty truck at the Portland
International Raceway during a meeting with Wall Street analysts and

The essay does not mention any audible warning from the cab when in forward
motion, though a backup warning (beep...beep...beep) is likely standard.

I reached out to the daimler.com contact listed in the essay to inquire
about audible alert noise emission. Their response was, "Although the FMVSS
141 (Minimum Sound Requirements for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles) applies to
vehicle < 10, 000 lbs., we will apply the same standard to our series
production electric Freightliner medium- and heavy-duty commercial
vehicles. Thus, they will emit a low-speed audible sound in addition to
wind/tire noise."

The Freightliner Cascadia cab weight (batteries included) is estimated @
26,000 lbs (~11.8 metric tons). That's ~7.4X the weight a 2020 Honda CRV
(~1.6 metrics tons). With a typical maximum TEU (twenty-foot equivalent
unit) payload of ~24 metric tons, that's 35 metric tons whispering down the
road @ ~100 km/h (~60 miles/hour)!


Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 23:52:27 -0400
From: Sheldon <sheldon10101 () gmail com>
Subject: RFID Locks and the Lock Picking Lawyer

It is amazing how bad various security products are.

You can see that if you subscribe to the Lock picking lawyer on youtube

Gun safes often can be opened in seconds using a screwdriver. The standard
the lockpicking lawyer uses for gun safes is that they have to be able to
stop a teenager for a few minutes.

Some RFID door locks do the encryption checking on the outside of the door
and just send an unlock signal to the magnetic lock on the inside of the
door. So just send the electrical signal to the lock and you are in. Others
allow you to capture the encrypted signal so that you can reprogram a card.

Bluetooth padlocks have the problem that they may be produced by companies
that don't know how to design locks so that they aren't hard to bypass.

And that's just the beginning. People have expensive and effective locks on
doors only to have a lock box for keys that can be opened in seconds.

Go take a look.

And yes, he's a lawyer.


Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:59:28 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Siri and Alexa Fails: Frustrations With Voice Search (The Manifest)

Voice Search Assistants Are Often Summoned Unintentionally

Joshua Liljenquist is a senior at Minnesota State University in Mankato,
Minn. His professor walked into his class sophomore year and began to review
the syllabus. He forbade the students from taking photos for note-taking
purposes during the lecture, threatening expulsion.

Liljenquist was shocked and whispered to the person next to him, ``This guy
is kind of an a------.''

The lecture hall was silent when, suddenly, Liljenquist's Siri, trying to be
helpful, said, "I found no results for `This guy is kind of an a------.' "

``A wrinkle in my jeans must have set off Siri -- My face turned bright red
as I wanted to grab my things and sprint out of the classroom.  I don't
think the timing could be any worse.''

Liljenquist is not alone -- 64% of voice search users have accidentally
accessed a voice assistant in the last month.



Date: 21 Mar 2020 18:19:02 -0400
From: "John R. Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Zoom bombing

A lot of informal online gatherings have moved into online Zoom conferences.
Unfortunately, since this is the Internet, trolls join and screen share
hardcore porn.  Since Zoom was designed as a business conference system
where the users are all known to the organizers and can be expected to
behave (sort of like the early Internet), it's hard to prevent.


Keeping in mind that the primary blame falls on cretins who think that sort
of thing is funny, this is also a usability issue.  There are Zoom features
to deter this, e.g., lock the room to keep anyone from re-entering after
being ejected, but it's not well documented for new users.


Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2020 10:42:04 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Video conferences under attack by "zoombombing"

  [In addition to John Levine's *Times* item:]

Beware of "ZoomBombing" - screensharing filth to video calls


Troll Terrifies Public Zoom Meeting By Sharing Highly Disturbing Video



Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 8:46:13 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Beware of call-back numbers

From Mabry Tyson:

Just before 6PM, I got a text on my phone this evening allegedly from
1-860-360-xxxx (I believe this is forgeable) saying

  MSG: We have accepted your request.
  If you did not make this request for an ADDITIONAL LINE
  please call VZ Customer Support at 1-855-955-0926

This is not someone adding a line as claimed. This is an identity theft

The victim is expected to call up and be worried about a fraud attempt. �
They will then ask all kinds of questions, getting whatever identity
information they can pull from you.

That 855-955 number is not listed at the VerizonWireless site as a customer
support number.  The text came through an hour after the customer support
closed for the weekend (COVID-19 fallout)

I recently got a postal service mail allegedly from a bank that made a
similar claim.  I actually checked that it was their customer service
number.  The bank had no record of the claim.



Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 18:10:40 -0700
From: Rob Slade <rmslade () shaw ca>
Subject: Wash Your Hands -- but Beware the Electric Hand Dryer

Some years back a high-school student (in Alberta?) did a study on the
various ways to dry your hands in public washrooms, swabbing her hands and
culturing the results.  As a control, she wiped her hands dry on her jeans.

Wiping her hands dry on her jeans was cleaner than using air dryers ...


Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2020 22:47:48 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Why Don't We Just Ban Targeted Advertising (WIRED)

From protecting privacy to saving the free press, it may be the single best
way to fix the Internet.

The solution to our privacy problems, suggested Hansson, was actually quite
simple. If companies couldn't use our data to target ads, they would have no
reason to gobble it up in the first place, and no opportunity to do mischief
with it later. From that fact flowed a straightforward fix: ``Ban the right
of companies to use personal data for advertising targeting.''


Excruciatingly overlong, makes the point in headline and never stops...


Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 09:49:50 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Death on Mars (Scientific American)

https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/life-unbounded/death-on-mars1/ by Caleb
A. Scharf (20JAN2020).

"The martian radiation environment is a problem for human explorers that
cannot be overstated."

Astronauts traveling to Mars from Earth will experience ~1 sievert of solar
radiation (~10000 chest x-rays). "It would increase the odds of you getting
fatal cancer by some 5% over your lifetime."

Without an Earth-like atmosphere and magnetic shield against ionizing
radiation, Martian surface colonists will experience an estimated 18
sieverts over a ~20-30 year mission timeline. Digging into the regolith a
few meters affords a shield.

Instantaneous exposure to eighteen (18) sieverts will kill a human within a
few days. If spread over 20-30 years, one might survive.  Although, "there
is evidence that neurological function is particularly sensitive to
radiation exposure, and there is the question of our essential microbiome
and how it copes with long-term, persistent radiation damage."

As Scharf states, "To put all of this another way: in the worst case
scenario (which may or may not be a realistic extrapolation) there's a
chance you'd end up dead or stupid on Mars. Or both."


Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 11:33:52 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Her Incredible Sense Of Smell Is Helping Scientists Find New Ways
  To Diagnose Disease (npr.org)


The NPR piece discusses Parkinson's Disease detection using a hyperosomic
individual -- a person with super-sensitive smell.

The "volatilome" is a neologism that characterizes human body odors
outgassed from the volatile organic compounds contained by our skin's
sebaceous fluid. See https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscentsci.8b00879,
"Discovery of Volatile Biomarkers of Parkinson�s Disease from Sebum" for
technical details.

Risk: Inexpensive volatilome detectors enlarge individual biometric profile
metadata for surveillance economy exploitation.

Will an IoT-enabled volatilome detector eventually replace doorbell camera
facial recognition?

IoT devices that embed an open-source, web-enabled 'smellorithm'? The
'Smellogram,' a wireless peripheral proven to reconstruct and spritz any
smellorithm-captured volatilome, a must-have 'ugh-mented' reality gizmo.


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 9:22:31 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: MIT-based Team Works on Rapid Deployment of Open-source Low-cost
  Ventilator (MIT News)

David L. Chandler, MIT News, 26 Mar 2020

MIT-based team works on rapid deployment of open-source low-cost ventilator

Clinical and design considerations will be published online; goal is to
support rapid scale-up of device production to alleviate hospital shortages.

The new device fits around an Ambu bag (blue), which hospitals already have
in abundance. Designed to be squeezed by hand, they are squeezed by
mechanical paddles (center) driven by a small motor. This directs air
through a tube to the patient's airway, MIT E-Vent Unit.

One of the most pressing shortages facing hospitals during the Covid-19
emergency is a lack of ventilators. These machines can keep patients
breathing when they no longer can on their own, and they can cost around
$30,000 each. Now, a rapidly assembled volunteer team of engineers,
physicians, computer scientists, and others, centered at MIT, is working to
implement a safe, inexpensive alternative for emergency use, which could be
built quickly around the world.

The team, called MIT E-Vent [https://e-vent.mit.edu/] (for emergency
ventilator), was formed on 12 March 2020 in response to the rapid spread of
the Covid-19 pandemic. Its members were brought together by the exhortations
of doctors, friends, and a sudden flood of mail referencing a project done a
decade ago in the MIT class 2.75 (Medical Device Design). Students working
in consultation with local physicians designed a simple ventilator device
that could be built with about $100 worth of parts. They published a paper
detailing their design and testing, but the work ended at that point. Now,
with a significant global need looming, a new team, linked to that course,
has resumed the project at a highly accelerated pace.

MIT E-Vent Unit 000 Setup, Image by JC

The key to the simple, inexpensive ventilator alternative is a hand-operated
plastic pouch called a bag-valve resuscitator, or Ambu bag, which hospitals
already have on hand in large quantities. These are designed to be operated
by hand, by a medical professional or emergency technician, to provide
breaths to a patient in situations like cardiac arrest, until an
intervention such as a ventilator becomes available. A tube is inserted into
the patient's airway, as with a hospital ventilator, but then the pumping of
air into the lungs is done by squeezing and releasing the flexible
pouch. This is a task for skilled personnel, trained in how to evaluate the
patient and adjust the timing and pressure of the pumping accordingly.

The innovation begun by the earlier MIT class, and now being rapidly
refined and tested by the new team, was to devise a mechanical system
to do the squeezing and releasing of the Ambu bag, since this is not
something that a person could be expected to do for any extended
period. But it is crucial for such a system to not damage the bag and
to be controllable, so that the amount of air and pressures being
delivered can be tailored to the particular patient. The device must
be very reliable, since an unexpected failure of the device could be
fatal, but as designed by the MIT team, the bag can be immediately
operated manually.

MIT E-Vent Unit 002 Undergoing Testing, Image by MD

The team is particularly concerned about the potential for well-meaning but
inexperienced do-it-yourselfers to try to reproduce such a system without
the necessary clinical knowledge or expertise with hardware that can operate
for days; around 1 million cycles would be required to support a ventilated
patient over a two-week period.  Furthermore, it requires code that is
fault-tolerant, since ventilators are precision devices that perform a
life-critical function. To help curtail the spread of misinformation or
poorly-thought-out advice, the team has added to their website verified
information resources on the clinical use of ventilators and the
requirements for training and monitoring in using such systems.  All of this
information is freely available at e-vent.mit.edu/.

``We are releasing design guidance (clinical, mechanical,
electrical/controls, testing) on a rolling basis as it is developed and
documented,'' one team member says.  ``We encourage capable
clinical-engineering teams to work with their local resources, while
following the main specs and safety information, and we welcome any input
other teams may have.''

The researchers emphasize that this is not a project for typical
do-it-yourselfers to undertake, since it requires specialized understanding
of the clinical-technical interface, and the ability to work in
consideration of strict U.S. Food and Drug Administration specifications and

Such devices ``have to be manufactured according to FDA requirements, and
should be utilized [only] under the supervision of a clinician.  The
Department of Health and Human Services released a notice stating that all
medical interventions related to Covid-19 are no longer subject to
liability, but that does not change our burden of care.  At present, we are
awaiting FDA feedback about the project.  Ultimately, our intent is to seek
FDA approval. That process takes time, however,'' a team member said.

The all-volunteer team is working without funding and operating anonymously
for now because many of them have already been swamped by inquiries from
people wanting more information, and are concerned about being overwhelmed
by calls that would interfere with their work on the project. ``We
would really, really like to just stay focused,'' says one team
member. ``And that's one of the reasons why the website is
so essential, so that we can communicate with anyone who wants to read about
what we are doing, and also so that others across the world can communicate
with us.''

``The primary consideration is patient safety. So we had to establish what
we're calling minimum clinical functional requirements,'' that is, the
minimum set of functions that the device would need to perform to be both
safe and useful, says one of the team members, who is both an engineer and
an MD. He says one of his jobs is to translate between the specialized
languages used by the engineers and the medical professionals on the team.

That determination of minimum requirements was made by a team of physicians
with broad clinical backgrounds, including anesthesia and critical care, he
says. In parallel, the group set to work on designing, building, and testing
an updated prototype. Initial tests revealed the high loads that actual use
incurs, and some weaknesses that have already been addressed so that, in the
words of team co-leads, ``Even the professor can kick it across the room.''
In other words, early attempts focused on super ``makeability'' were too

New versions have already been fabricated and are being prepared for
additional functional tests. Already, the team says there is enough
detailed information on their website to allow other teams to work in
parallel with them, and they have also included links to other teams
that are working on similar design efforts.

In under a week the team has gone from empty benches to their first
realistic tests of a prototype. One team member says that in the less
than a week full they have been working, motivated by reports of
doctors already having to ration ventilators, and the intense focus
the diverse group has brought to this project, they have already
generated ``multiple theses worth'' of research.

The cross-disciplinary nature of the group has been crucial, one team member
says. ``The most exciting times and when the team is really moving fast are
when we have an a design engineer, sitting next to a controls engineer,
sitting next to the fabrication expert, with an anesthesiologist on WebEx,
all solid modeling, coding, and spreadsheeting in parallel. We are
discussing the details of everything from ways to track patients' vital
signs data to the best sources for small electric motors.''

The intensity of the work, with people putting in very long hours every day,
has been tiring but hasn't dulled their enthusiasm. ``We all work together,
and ultimately the goal is to help people, because people's lives
understandably hang in the balance,'' he said.

The team can be contacted via their website [https://e-vent.mit.edu/].

David L. Chandler writes about energy, engineering, and materials
science for the MIT News Office.

  [Contribution info omitted for RISKS.  PGN]


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 08:29:02 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: MIT Will Post Free Plans Online for an Emergency Ventilator That
  Can Be Built for $100


I've been arguing for weeks that there's no good reason that ventilators
have to be so expensive and complex as the ones routinely used today, when
not having any kind of ventilator means DEATH for so many patients.


Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 11:05:01 -0700
From: Rob Slade <rmslade () shaw ca>
Subject: A computer virus expert looks at CoVID-19

First off, let me say that, while "virus" was and is a reasonably good
choice as a term for replicating malware, it doesn't do to push the analogy
too far.  A computer; any computer, even a supercomputer; is a fairly simple
entity in comparison with the complexity of the human body.  And it's easy
to say whether or not a computer is infected with a computer virus.  It's
pretty quantum.  Either the computer is infected or not.  Either a computer
virus is running in memory or it's not.

When I worked in the isolation ward and in industrial first aid, I learned a
lot of things that later pointed out just how different biological and
computer viruses were.  And, when you study the various fields of science,
which I did, it's easy to analyze some of the factors that determine how
viruses work.

In comparison to a computer, any body is more akin to, well, the Internet
itself.  A network of billions of computers (all the cells in your body),
any one of which may or may not be infected.

A computer virus is just code.  I have several thousand computer viruses in
the office with me.  Hundreds of them are on each of the computers I have.
They are of almost no risk to anyone, since they are all on either floppy
disks (those are of no risk to anyone who doesn't *have* a floppy disk drive
anymore) or in "zoo" directories.  They aren't going to execute.  They won't
replicate unless I copy them somewhere.  (No, don't ask.  We old malware
researchers are funny that way.)

A biological virus is alive.  Actually, get a few microbiologists in a room
together, and making that statement is a good way to start an argument.
There are a large number of factors that we generally consider necessary for
life that viruses don't have.  But we *can* say that viruses are, at some
point, viable and will replicate (under the right conditions), and, at
another point, are not viable, and won't replicate.

It's rather difficult to say that a person (a body) is infected or not.  I
probably have some rhinovirus in me somewhere, but I don't (at the moment)
have a cold (that I know of).  I probably have some flu virus (viruses?) in
me somewhere, but I don't have the flu.  There is a progression in most
virus infections.  You get a virus on or in you.  (Actually, it's probably
more than one "copy" of the same virus.  Infectious disease people talk
about viral "load," in reference to the number of viruses that you need to
infect, or that you have, or that you shed when/while you are infectious.)
Your body has defences that are running all the time to fight off viruses,
bacteria, parasites, and other things that shouldn't be in your body.  But
if there are enough copies of the virus, they may either get past or
overwhelm your defences and start to replicate.

At that point, you probably can be said to be infected, but you probably
don't know it yet.  The virus is attacking and spreading in your body, but
not to the point of causing symptoms yet.  That is why you can be infected,
and infectious, before you realize it.

The virus replicates by inserting it's own genetic material into one of your
cells, and getting the cell to reproduce it (generally destroying your cell
in the process).  (CoVID-19's genetic material is RNA rather than DNA, but
since we use RNA in the process of recreating our own DNA this is not a
problem.  For CoVID-19.  It *is* kind of a problem for us.)  Viruses tend to
have certain types of cells that they prefer.  CoVID-19 prefers lung tissue
(among other types).  Once a virus has started to reproduce on a large scale
in your body, the fact that you are losing some of your cells, and the fight
that your defences are making against the virus, starts to produce symptoms.
At this point you are infected, and infectious, and probably know something
is wrong.

Your defences have some generic ways to identify and fight off intruders.
(These are akin to the change detection or activity monitoring types of
computer antivirus programs.)  But, when an infection actually takes hold,
your defences start to learn how to recognize and target the specific
infection.  This process often involves antigens.  (This is similar to
computer virus signature scanning types of antiviral programs.)  (We'll come
back to antigens.)  These defences may, initially, create additional
symptoms, or make the existing symptoms worse, but, eventually, they will
build up and overwhelm the specific virus, drive it--well, not away
completely, but to a very low level--and cure you.  If the infection doesn't
kill you first.  As your defences are getting the better of the virus, you
are still somewhat infected, and still shedding copies of the virus, and
therefore are still infectious, but your symptoms are disappearing and you
are feeling better.

I've mentioned the issue of viruses being alive versus being viable.
CoVID-19 seems to need to be wet to be viable.  It travels between people in
drops of water or mucus.  (Very small drops, so we call them droplets.)  The
virus itself can't exist (or, at least, isn't viable) as a single virus with
no water that can be breathed out and hang in the air for some time,
bouncing between air molecules.  Some viruses can; we call them aerosols
(and there are other types of small particles that hang in the air that we
call aerosols); but CoVID-19 doesn't seem to be able to do this.  (Sometimes
people say that coughing aerosolizes your saliva, but the droplets with
water are much bigger than true aerosols.)  The droplets have to be big
enough to contain water for the CoVID-19 virus to be viable, in order to be
infectious, so that means that the droplets are heavy, and therefore fall
out of the air fairly quickly and can't travel very far from the person who
produced them.  (This is where the "six feet"/"two metres"/"fingertip to
fingertip" rules come from, and why we now talk about social distancing,
which sounds cute but isn't accurate, or physical distancing, which is more
accurate but isn't as catchy as a phrase.)

This is why masks *aren't* very effective at preventing people from
*getting* the virus (although they do help in some specific and dangerous
situations where you are encountering a number of people with a high viral
load who are coughing up droplets a lot).  Masks *are* somewhat more
effective at preventing people who *are* sick from spreading infections,
since the masks, even just dust masks, catch the droplets.  If you get the
virus, you probably won't breath it in.  You will probably touch a surface
(any surface, even the surface of yourself or another person) where a
droplet has landed, and then touch the mucus membranes of your eyes, nose,
or mouth, which are nice and moist and CoVID-19 really likes.  And remains
viable.  And infects.  (Are your eyes getting itchy just thinking about
this?  When was the last time you touched your eyes because they felt itchy?
You touch your face a lot more than you realize.  This is why constant
hand-washing, with soap, or hand sanitizing, is important. The outer
envelope of a coronavirus is mostly a layer of fat, and, if you know
chemistry, it easy to see why coronaviruses *really* don't like soap or

You may have heard that CoVID-19 can be detected in air hours after an
infected person has been there.  You may have heard that CoVID-19 can be
detected on surfaces up to three days after an infected person has been
there (depending on the type of surface).  There is a difference between
"can be detected" and "is viable."  Remember that our current tests for
CoVID-19 are checking for strings of the RNA of the virus, in the same way
that computer antivirus programs check for strings of code that are unique
to the computer virus.  The virus, or fragments of the virus (even if not
wet or viable), can hang in the air, or be on surfaces, and be detected by
RNA tests, long after it has ceased to be viable and infectious.

(There is another type of test, one form of which is currently under trial,
involving the antigens we spoke of earlier.  This type of test will not
detect the virus directly, but detects whether someone has been sufficiently
exposed to the virus to develop specific defences to it.  This would
indicate that a person has had the virus, and then recovered (or is
recovering), whether or not they demonstrated any symptoms.  This test will
tell us other, different, things about the virus and how it spreads,
particularly about how many people in a given population get infected.)

We are security professionals.  We deal with risk.  We know that risk
*always* involves probability.  A biological infection situation is not
quantum.  It is not "if you leave the house you will get infected."  It is
"if you leave the house there is a higher likelihood you will become
infected."  Biological virus infection involves proximity to an infected
person, time of exposure, that person's viral load, number of proximal
contacts, and a number of other factors.  And all of the various factors
involve probabilities.

The probabilities can add up.  If you pass someone on the street or in a
store, there is maybe a one in a million chance you will get infected.
(Don't quote me on the "million."  It's just for this example.)  That isn't
big.  If you own a pool there is twice that chance that you will die by
drowning, but many people *accept* that risk.  We could *avoid* the risk of
infection by not going out, but then there is a risk we could starve to
death, so we have to calculate and balance those risks.  But if we encounter
ten people at that store, those risks add up, so now we are at one in a
hundred thousand.  And if we go to ten stores, then we go to one in ten
thousand.  And if we keep that up for ten days then we go to one in a
thousand, and if we keep it up for three months we are at one percent.
Which starts to sound like it might be a bit dangerous when the *impact* is
that we might die.

So we have rules.  But the rules are based on probabilities.  It's not that
at six feet you are safe but at five foot six inches you will be infected,
but that it is unlikely that droplets will easily jump six feet.  They will
more easily jump three feet, although it's still not guaranteed.  Rinsing
your hands with water will get rid of 80% of germs on your hands.  Washing
with soap and water for 20 seconds and the proper process will get rid of
99.9% of germs.  But, if you are pretty sure that you've touched something
that might be dangerous, but you can't right now, wash thoroughly but you
can, right now, rinse your hands, then rinsing your hands right now is
better than doing nothing.  (Although you should make sure you wash your
hands thoroughly, as soon as you can.)  All of our "six feet," "wash hands,"
"don't congregate" rules are risk *mitigation*.

(No, for those students of risk management, there is no risk *transfer* in
this scenario.)

And remember the tests that can't tell the difference between viable and
dead viruses, and the studies that say the virus can live on surfaces for
three days (if metal or plastic) or four hours (if copper or cardboard or
steel but in direct sunlight)?  It's not that all the virus copies stay
alive for seventy two hours and then die on the seventy third.  Copies of
the virus are dying all the time, and after a certain number of hours half
of them are dead, and after that same number of hours half of the remaining
ones are dead, and all that time the viral load is going down and the
probability that there will be enough copies of the virus to actually infect
you is reducing.

So, you calculate the risks, and assess them, the same way that you
calculate that it is unlikely that you will be stabbed to death if you go to
a party.

(Wait.  You were at a *party*?  During the CoVID-19 crisis?  What kind of risk
management decision is that?)


Date: March 27, 2020 22:09:12 JST
From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Subject: Mathematics of life and death: How disease models shape national
  shutdowns and other pandemic policies (Martin Enserink/Kai Kupferschmidt)

Science, 25 Mar 2020

Jacco Wallinga's computer simulations are about to face a
high-stakes reality check. Wallinga is a mathematician and the chief
epidemic modeler at the National Institute for Public Health and the
Environment (RIVM), which is advising the Dutch government on what actions,
such as closing schools and businesses, will help control the spread of the
novel coronavirus in the country.

The Netherlands has so far chosen a softer set of measures than most Western
European countries; it was late to close its schools and restaurants and
hasn't ordered a full lockdown. In a 16 March speech,

Prime Minister Mark Rutte rejected *working endlessly to contain the virus*
and *shutting down the country completely*.  Instead, he opted for
*controlled spread* of the virus among the groups least at risk of severe
illness while making sure the health system isn't swamped with COVID-19
patients. He called on the public to respect RIVM's expertise on how to
thread that needle. Wallinga's models predict that the number of infected
people needing hospitalization, his most important metric, will taper off by
the end of the week. But if the models are wrong, the demand for intensive
care beds could outstrip supply, as it has, tragically, in Italy and Spain.

COVID-19 isn't the first infectious disease scientists have modeled -- Ebola
and Zika are recent examples -- but never has so much depended on their
work. Entire cities and countries have been locked down based on hastily
done forecasts that often haven't been peer reviewed. ``It has suddenly
become very visible how much the response to infectious diseases is based on
models,'' Wallinga says. For the modelers, ``it's a huge responsibility,''
says epidemiologist Caitlin Rivers of the Johns Hopkins University Center
for Health Security, who co-authored a report about the future of outbreak
modeling in the United States that her center released yesterday.

Just how influential those models are became apparent over the past 2 weeks
in the United Kingdom. Based partly on modeling work by a group at Imperial
College London, the U.K. government at first implemented fewer measures than
many other countries -- not unlike the strategy the Netherlands is
pursuing. Citywide lockdowns and school closures, as China initially
mandated, ``would result in a large second epidemic once measures were
lifted,'' a group of modelers that advises the government concluded in a
statement. Less severe controls would still reduce the epidemic's peak and
make any rebound less severe, they predicted.

But on 16 March, the Imperial College group published a dramatically revised
model that concluded -- based on fresh data from the United Kingdom and
Italy -- that even a reduced peak would fill twice as many intensive care
beds as estimated previously, overwhelming capacity.  The only choice, they
concluded, was to go all out on control measures. At best, strict measures
might be periodically eased for short periods, the group said (see graphic,
below). The U.K.  government shifted course within days and announced a
strict lockdown.

Epidemic modelers are the first to admit their projections can be off.
``All models are wrong, but some are useful,'' statistician George Box
supposedly once said -- a phrase that has become a cliche in the

Textbook mathematics

It's not that the science behind modeling is controversial. Wallinga uses a
well-established epidemic model that divides the Dutch population into four
groups, or compartments in the field's lingo: healthy, sick, recovered, or
dead. Equations determine how many people move between compartments as weeks
and months pass. ``The mathematical side is pretty textbook,'' he says. But
model outcomes vary widely depending on the characteristics of a pathogen
and the affected population.

Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is new, modelers need estimates for
key model parameters. These estimates, particularly in the early days of an
outbreak, also come from the work of modelers. For instance, by late January
several groups had published roughly similar estimates of the number of new
infections caused by each infected person when no control measures are taken
-- a parameter epidemiologists call R0. ``This approximate consensus so
early in the pandemic gave modelers a chance to warn of this new pathogen's
epidemic and pandemic potential less than 3 weeks after the first Disease
Outbreak News report was released by the WHO [World Health Organization]
about the outbreak,'' says Maia Majumder, a computational epidemiologist at
Harvard Medical School whose group produced one of those early estimates.

Wallinga says his team also spent a lot of time estimating R0 for
SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and feels sure it's just over
two. He is also confident about his estimate that 3 to 6 days elapse between
the moment someone is infected and the time they start to infect
others. From a 2017 survey of the Dutch population, the RIVM team also has
good estimates of how many contacts people of different ages have at home,
school, work, and during leisure. Wallinga says he's least confident about
the susceptibility of each age group to infection and the rate at which
people of various ages transmit the virus. The best estimates come from a
study done in Shenzhen, a city in southern China, he says.

Compartment models assume the population is homogeneously mixed, a
reasonable assumption for a small country like the Netherlands. Other
modeling groups don't use compartments but simulate the day-to-day
interactions of millions of individuals. Such models are better able to
depict heterogeneous countries, such as the United States, or all of
Europe. WHO organizes regular calls for COVID-19 modelers to compare
strategies and outcomes, Wallinga says: ``That's a huge help in reducing
discrepancies between the models that policymakers find difficult to

Still, models can produce vastly different pictures. A widely publicized,
controversial modeling study published yesterday by a group at the
University of Oxford argues that the deaths observed in the United Kingdom
could be explained by a very different scenario from the currently accepted
one. Rather than SARS-CoV-2 spreading in recent weeks and causing severe
disease in a significant percentage of people, as most models suggest, the
virus might have been spreading in the United Kingdom since January and
could have already infected up to half of the population, causing severe
disease only in a tiny fraction. Both scenarios are equally plausible, says
Sunetra Gupta, the theoretical epidemiologist who led the Oxford work. ``I
do think it is missing from the thinking that there is an equally big
possibility that a lot of us are immune,'' she says. The model itself cannot
answer the question, she says; only widespread testing for antibodies can,
and that needs to be done urgently.


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:10:47 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Coronavirus: Robots use light beams to zap hospital viruses (bbc.com)


"Glowing like light sabres, eight bulbs emit concentrated UV-C ultraviolet
light. This destroys bacteria, viruses and other harmful microbes by
damaging their DNA and RNA, so they can't multiply.

"It's also hazardous to humans, so we wait outside. The job is done in 10-20
minutes. Afterwards there's a smell, much like burned hair."

This disinfection bot is not "Bad to the Bone," but is bad to the skin.

Risk: Melanoma from UV-C albedo.


Date: Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 8:55 AM
From: Geoff Kuenning <geoff () cs hmc edu>
Subject: Risks of extrapolation

Professor Ioannidis criticizes working with a lack of data, and then proceeds
to extrapolate (apparently entirely from a single population of 700 people)
without even attempting to examine the extensive data we already have.  In
particular, Mark Handley of University College London has shown that when
unchecked, infections grow at a rate of about 35% per day, which translates
to doubling every three days.  That's completely unlike the seasonal flu,
which infects only a small proportion of the population each year.

The data we have is consistent with that growth pattern.  We don't run out
of ICU beds with the seasonal flu.  But multiple localities are running out
of beds.

There is also evidence that people who suffer severe COVID-19 symptoms
survive with significantly reduced lung capacity.  Again, that's different
from the seasonal flu.

But perhaps the most bizarre argument in his article is his apparent claim
in the statnews.com article that the best thing to do is to let everybody
who contracts the virus die quickly so that there will be ICU beds left over
for heart patients six months from now.  (Search the article for "heart
attack" and read the paragraph containing that phrase.)

I am reminded of James Watson's statement that "One could not be a
successful scientist without realizing that, in contrast to the popular
conception supported by newspapers and mothers of scientists, a goodly
number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull, but also just

 *Like an elephant being attacked by a house cat'*


``If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked
individuals with PCR [virus] tests, the number of total deaths due to
`influenza-like illness' would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might
have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than

This was not written by some right-wing crank claiming coronavirus is a
conspiracy to deny President Trump a second term, or an excuse to bring down


It's from a sobering and illuminating essay by Stanford University
epidemiologist John Ioannidis, co-director of its Meta-Research Innovation
Center, published in the life sciences news site STAT.


The coronavirus-driven crackdowns on public life by state and local
political leaders are being made in a data vacuum, Ioannidis warns, and
extreme government measures to prevent infections may actually lead to more

``The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a
once-in-a-century pandemic,'' he says. ``But it may also be a
once-in-a-century evidence fiasco,'' with policymakers relying on
``meaningless'' statistics based on unreliable samples. [...]


The "M" in XML stands for *markup*.  If you don't have anything outside the
angle brackets, you probably shouldn't be using XML.


Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 10:30:04 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Coronavirus Reactions Creating Major Internet Security Risks



Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 12:29:31 -0400
From: Peter de Jager <pdejager () technobility com>
Subject: Seeking podcast contributors relating to Y2K (Peter de Jager)

Peter de Jager, once prominent in the Y2K issue, who wrote the now infamous
'Doomsday 2000' article in Computerworld in Sept1993, and operated the now
defunct Year2000,com website, has decided to take a look back at Y2K and is
producing a podcast: Y2K an Autobiography.  [Only if it writes itself!  PGN]

You can google it, or find it here:

Free Content:

Premium Content:
[You're welcome to use, and share this 70% off discount code for the premium
content: risksdigest]

John Koskinen, once the Y2K Czar for Clinton's Task force has supported
this effort by doing an interview with him - you can find this interview
and others in the Premium content.

I have a request. If you worked on Y2K in any capacity? He'd like to
interview you for the show, so that you can tell your side of the so called
'hoax' we were a part of --- and set the record straight. If you're
interested in more details on how he's doing the interviews? Please contact
him at: pdejager () technobility com

Here's his promise - you have final say on whether or not your interview is
released - unlike the typical media interview where you have no control
over how you're represented? Peter wants your story to represent your full
perspective of your involvement and not just a few cherry picked quotes to
meet the media's agenda.


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 10:00:03 -0700
From: Rob Seaman <seaman () hanksville org>
Subject: Risks of Leap Years, and depending on WWVB

If a WWVB watch misses a Daylight Saving time adjustment it is not the fault
of WWVB, which distributes Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), not local time
and not DST. The rabbit hole starts with https://www.iana.org/time-zones

Also, leap day technically occurs on February 24, not February 29. Search on
`bissextile' for historical context. Perhaps only of interest to historians,
but on the other hand little about the fundamental pinnings of calendars or
timekeeping is coherently fixed in current international law.

For that matter, ``Old Style'' New Year's Day
was Lady Day, March 25. George Washington was born on February 11, 1731
O.S., which is February 22, 1732 N.S.

In short, any attempt to simplify analysis of dates and times will fail, certainly historically and likely into the 

Rob Seaman, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona


Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 11:49:18 -0400
From: Sami Saydjari <ssaydjari () gmail com>
Subject: Call for Cyberattack Use Cases

Peter and RISKS friends and colleagues:

  * Request: Cyberattack use cases that include both technical detail on
    how the attack succeeded, damages and impacts, and mitigations
  * Constraint: Openly accessible on the Internet, non-proprietary, not
    behind any paywall or sign-up wall
  * Purpose: Collect and categorize for the purpose of sharing them back
    to the community on an openly accessible website
    SecuritySystemEngineering.Org, which I am now creating as a
    professional community service.
  * Examples: Wired's
  * Contributions: Anyone with a good citation can send them to me
    directly at ssaydjari () gmail com
  * When: Now, and anytime in the future as you come across them
  * Form: A link and a sentence about why you think it is a good
    analysis to share with the community
  * Background: Every expert I have asked has said about such a
    repository has said, "Yeah, wow, there is no such repository. 
    Someone should create one."

Of course, I will cross-link to important related websites, cite RISKS,
etc. � So, those sorts of pointers are welcome as well. In case anyone is
interested, other sections I plan for the website include:

  * Cybersecurity teaching modules that professors want to contribute to
    "open content" that can be re-used by others
  * Security System Engineering Standards, particularly as they related
    to other system engineering standards
  * Cybersecurity Design Patterns and Architectures for Reuse
  * News feed on articles related security system engineering
  * Worked Examples and Lessons Learned that can be shared
  * Security System Engineering Conferences and Workshops
  * Related Resources: books, websites, blogs

  [I suggested to Sami the paper by Phil Porras, Hassen Saidi, and Vinod
  Yegneswaran, An Analysis of Conficker, USENIX, which was carried out
  through several iterations of Conficker, with excellent reverse
  engineering.  Perhaps you can suggest others to him directly.  PGN]


Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2020 22:43:29 +0000
From: "Wendy M. Grossman" <wendyg () cix co uk>
Subject: Re: What happens when Google loses your address? (RISKS-31.62)

For some years, one of London's major route maps, used by mini cab drivers
and lots of others (even black cabs, since where I live is not within the
confines of The Knowledge), had my tiny street placed wrong.  Cab drivers
could never find it, and despatchers typically did not pass on my
instructions (I guess they thought they knew better).

There is a much larger street nearby with a similar name (Road instead of
Avenue), and cab drivers often went there, fruitlessly looking for my
number. I'm not sure what house he went to, but one 6am cabbie showed up at
my door. "I went to Xxxxx Road," he said. Then he handed over a pile of
paper. "They had your mail."


Date: 21 Mar 2020 18:26:20 -0400
From: John Levine <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: 911 operators couldn't trace the location of a dying student's
  phone. (Stein, RISKS-31.60)

 [Roger that, John. Wonder if there should be a standardized 'soft'
 GSM/CDMA emulation of h/w location discovery? If there was, it'd probably
 be full of holes. Nothing like a keyed and registered GPS locater to
 enable surveillance, I guess.  RS]

They knew where he was from cell site data, but it is a big apartment block
and they couldn't find which apartment it was.


Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

 The ACM RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest.  Its Usenet manifestation is
 comp.risks, the feed for which is donated by panix.com as of June 2011.
=> SUBSCRIPTIONS: The mailman Web interface can be used directly to
 subscribe and unsubscribe:

=> SUBMISSIONS: to risks () CSL sri com with meaningful SUBJECT: line that
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 *** This attention-string has never changed, but might if spammers use it.
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 copyright policy, etc.) is online.
 *** Contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines!

=> OFFICIAL ARCHIVES:  http://www.risks.org takes you to Lindsay Marshall's
    searchable html archive at newcastle:
  http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/VL.IS --> VoLume, ISsue.
  Also,  ftp://ftp.sri.com/risks for the current volume
     or ftp://ftp.sri.com/VL/risks-VL.IS for previous VoLume
  If none of those work for you, the most recent issue is always at
     http://www.csl.sri.com/users/risko/risks.txt, and index at /risks-31.00
  Lindsay has also added to the Newcastle catless site a palmtop version
  of the most recent RISKS issue and a WAP version that works for many but
  not all telephones: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/w/r
  ALTERNATIVE ARCHIVES: http://seclists.org/risks/ (only since mid-2001)
 *** NOTE: If a cited URL fails, we do not try to update them.  Try
  browsing on the keywords in the subject line or cited article leads.
  Apologies for what Office365 and SafeLinks may have done to URLs.
==> Special Offer to Join ACM for readers of the ACM RISKS Forum:


End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 31.64

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